Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

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Morning bong heads. Lots of rain coming. Feeling pretty good haven't smoked cigs for four months. :-D
Now if I can keep my knees in tact. Good luck rose I can relate to that. Yea I feel ya on the growing part. Lol. I screwed up my last batch and burnt up a few. Grr. Lesson learned for me. Hope everyone has a good day. :bong: :48:
WH, there seems to be a lot of boneheaded going around. Sorry.

Thanks for the luck sawhse. Congrats on the did it... just don't ever think you can have another...ya can't.
Good Sunday morning Peeps. It is over cast and lovely outside. I hope you are all wonderful and perhaps stoned.
Nice to see you Lovb and saw. SM, i still want to know how your son is.
THG.. hope your having a good day. is the bhc after all.
Morning fellow bongers. This should be our last hot day today and then into the 80s for a bit. These temps over 100 are just killing me. The only saving grace is the 15% or so humidity. Seems like about all I do is water--inside and out.

Had a minor disaster in my laundry room--the washing machine water valve did not turn off and the water filled up and ran over the top of the machine and out onto the floor....lots of it. I was in the "big city" shopping and a friend of mine was over here replacing a door handle for me on my Jeep and doing some laundry. He looked up to see water coming out the bottom of the door....then it took a few minutes for him to get his hands into the too small spot to turn off the water at the valve in the wall. So some of the floor itself needs replaced and all of the flooring, I am replacing the exterior door, painting, putting up wallpaper, and reconfiguring the cabinetry (the room is so small) so I have somewhere to hang things as they come out of the dryer, and a space for a couple of hampers.

The clones are looking okay still. I had 1 droop over that may not recover, but I did take way more than I needed. I am also going to be doing some Satori and Pink Z clones late this week or early next week. I will probably put some in rapid rooters and others in bubblers. Kind of like Hackerman--trying some different methods to see what I can get to work. I may also put some in a seed starter.

Sawhse--I am so proud of you! It is hard to quit smoking, but the rewards are lifelong and the longer you go without a cigarette, I think the more you will appreciate what you have gained. We gain far more when we quit smoking than we give up...we just have to remember that.

Rosebud, I am simply marvelous. Meeting a friend for breakfast this morning and then going to his place to replace a 30amp outlet and plug to his RV that somehow got wet and fried (lol--I'll deal with it being on the floor, too). Although it is also overcast here, it is supposed to be 100 with a humidity of 30% :)eek: to those of us that live in high desert, that is humid). Then into the 80s after today. You must be getting the first of that today.

Lovbn, WH, mom, 7, you all have a great day and bong it as needed!
what up everyone been mia for a bit,been super busy lately and my pc crashed,got my old junker workin for a bit,still need to let someone get the virus out.....hope everyone is good....biu bhc....peace
MORNING BONG HEADS!!!!!!!! Well got a very busy week this week. Court, probation and who knows what else for our youngin. I hope we get the right judge so we can put this behind us.

Hope you had a good time THG. And thanks for good thoughts. Yep I will not pick up a cig. The smokers hack is just about gone, and i can work longer without a break. :-D

:ciao: mmf2 hope you get your computer zinging along.

Hope everyone has a great monday and of course. :bong: as needed!!!!!!!
Good monday morning bong hogs. Still miss cheffy who used to call us bong hogs.

Monday morning and overcast, only going to be 99 today... what a break...not.

It is marijuana monday at my house, clones to take, plants to plant outside, plants to go to flower... I think i need more satori and lots more coffee to make any of that happen.

THG, so good to hear from you. I bet your garden is in full production mode.. your veggies i mean.
I have great news, the lady across the street who's house burned his back in her new old house. Took 8 months but she is finally home. I missed her. We have a pot party every friday night.

BIU peeps! Have a good one.
time for some afternoon hits anyone want to join me:vap_bong__emoticon:BIU BHC......peace
Oh, ok, if i have to wake and bake, I will.

Good morning Bongers etc.

It is smoky in my area this morning. The fires are either closer maybe in oregon or the wind has changed..but yuck. WE all need rain, especially California.

That is my weather report, please commence bonging it up!
I hate the rain. LOL It has rained almost every damn day since it stopped snowing. We have had 3 times our normal rainfall so far this year. Humidity is 90%. It's like living in the bottom of a swimming pool. Sinuses are always clogged. Lungs are filled with water. Everything smells like mold and mildew. The entire city smells like a wet dog.

I love dry. LOL

I guess that just goes to show.... you always want what you don't have. LOL

I am hoping to be moving to Santa Barbara this Winter. I love Cali weather.
WOW, Hackerman, that sounds so horrible. Ok, never mind, i will take the smoke and low humidity. you win. That must be hard to grow in... I hate the smell of mold. My daughter kinda smells that way when she comes home from seattle. LOL...

I just want a little rain to put out the fires... Thanks for the reality check.
Morning all. I will join in a bit of wake and bake.

It is overcast here with thunderstorms expected, which is always scary when it is this hot and dry. While I, too think that rain would be nice, this time of year it is always accompanied by lightening. I live in an arid place, like Rosebud and love our low humidity. I have never lived anywhere that it was humid and don't really think I would adjust well. Hackerman, I feel for you--it must be miserable and make it a lot tougher to grow.

I have a little bunny living at my place. One of my neighbors raises rabbits and some of the neighbor kids opened the cage and all the bunnies escaped. They were weaned, but it was so hot and there are a lot of dogs, foxes, raccoons, ect that might think a little bunny was good eating. All but 1 was recovered and they couldn't find the last one anywhere so we had assumed that it had been a meal for wildlife or run into some other peril. To my surprise, I discovered that the bunny is living at my place under a pallet deck that I have in my yard. We set a live trap out, but there is so much "food" in my yard for bunnies that he has shown no interest in the food in the cage. Caught him chomping on broccoli leaves this morning, but he (or she) is just too fast to catch. So, for now, I have a free range bunny living at my house....which is kind of cool.

Hope you all have a great day and remember to BIU as needed.
Hi everyone. :)

I'm on a bit of a hiatus this month until I find a job. I'm doing well so far but it's been less than a week...:p

Smoke for
Good for you SM, that must be hard. I haven't done that in a long time. I hope you find a great job that you like.

My neighbor has a bunny THG, and he eats ALL of her flowers. I love him, he comes over for pets when I visit. She does not like the eating of her flowers but anything for the grandson, you know.

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