cloning question?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
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New to cloning soooo... when placing the new cutting in the cube do I press the clone end into the cube or let it sit gently on the bottom of the hole in the cube:confused:
im as newbtastic as you are, but from what ive gathered using the search function ( hint hint j/k) you want to place it in very carefully as to not disturb your rooting compound on the bottom of the clone, hope this helps!
I push mine down just a little as JBonez said you dont want to disturn the rooting compound on the bottom. If you think its not secure in the rockwool then what I like to do is push in the sides to pinch up against the stem.
Killertea08 said:
I push mine down just a little as JBonez said you dont want to disturn the rooting compound on the bottom. If you think its not secure in the rockwool then what I like to do is push in the sides to pinch up against the stem.
thanks K and JB I am a mere 1 hr from trying my first clone off a nice hot mamma plant. :holysheep:
What i do is turn the cube upside down and make a new hole smaller than the one on top, so the cutting is tighter in the hole. use a paper clip or something thin like that.
lillift said:
thanks K and JB I am a mere 1 hr from trying my first clone off a nice hot mamma plant. :holysheep:

so you have already sexed the plant i assume?
yep done, she is a clone from a harvested plant:cool:
I've been reading, and from what I understand is that you want to put it in the hole gently so you don't rub the compound off, but you also want to pinch the soil or whatever medium up tight against the stem without crushing it. You want full surface area coverage, the stem contacting the soil or whatever.
The hole is an option, you can do alot of methods and all work just I have even sliced the entire rockwool cube half way and opended up the cube like a book and slipped the clone into it like a book mark then snuggley (no gaps) slipped it into the tray , the roots grew threw and held everything together.. I can tell you what you don't want to do if you like..Do not bend the stem when its a clone , it will die..You can bend the stem all you want on a bigger plant and it will just repair itself but not a bay, dead! and don't poke the clone stem out the bottom of the Cube. Or have your medium to wet you want it moist, not wet...put them under the covers and under neons make sure it is no higher temperture than 83 degrees 70 to 90 % humidity under the dome is fine but any higher number for those two things and they will cook and rot..dont ever give them fertilizer just ph adjusted water between 5.6 & 6.3 is the range.. I like it bang on 6.0ph can make a new hole with a piece of something plastic and clean and if you like pinch the wool gently in, like someone mentioned..after 7 days of you not touching them at all cause they don't need any more help from you other than what I have outlined you might have to give the rockwwol a light moistining until they have hopefully rooted succefully , between 5 to 14 days depending on genetics and conditions..I hope this helps..

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