FantaSeeds' Australian Blue and Flying Dutchman's Aurora B

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Capt. Skinx

Jun 16, 2007
Reaction score
Let's start with the beans: Pix 1 & 2.
Medium: Fox Farm Ocean Forest Organic Soil
Fox Farm Piece of Mind Fruit and Flower Organic Fertilizer
Fox Farm Tiger Bloom
Earth Juice Grow
Earth Juice Bloom
Blackstrap Molasses (unsulphered)
(Pic 3)
Lights: Veg Cycle - 280 W of T5 Flouro (one top light, two sets of side lighting)
Flowering Cycle - 430 W HPS red-orange on top, 200 W of T5 side
lighting (half full spectrum, half red-orange)
2 x 100 cfm fans in a 30 cu FT growspace.

Beans just pushed through: Pix 4 & 5

STAY TUNED!!!!!:hubba:



growbox 003.JPG

growbox 006.JPG

growbox 007.JPG
UKgirl420 said:
mind if i sit in and :watchplant:

By all means, love! Please do..... Promises to be SUPER!!!:hubba:
Here is some Green Mojo for you and your potential ladies :D :headbang2: :yay: :bong1:
Whats up mang. Everything looks and sounds great. :aok: GREEN MOJO:banana: GREEN MOJO:banana: GREEN MOJO:banana: GREEN MOJO:banana: GREEN MOJO :banana:
cadlakmike1 said:
I have to say, I like the setup!

Thanx, Brother. It is a tricked out Black and Decker outdoor storage unit. A/C-Heater, Digital Humidity Control/Thermometer, Propigation Shelf, the works!! I have tons of pix if anyone is interested....?
Capt. Skinx said:
Thanx, Brother. It is a tricked out Black and Decker outdoor storage unit. A/C-Heater, Digital Humidity Control/Thermometer, Propigation Shelf, the works!! I have tons of pix if anyone is interested....?

Bring em on master grower Skinx :D :hubba:
My camera is on the fritz, and I kinda had a travisty..... let me catch you up. (Pictures later today, I promise!!!)
I lost one of the Aurora B. Still not exactly certain what happened. No sense in hypothosis. Let's move on......
The remaining Aurora B and the two Austrailian Blues are doing wonderful. I recently did a little more research, and turns out one of the plants used to cross the Mother for Aust Bl is a Australian "Boesi", or "Ducksfoot".
IT SHOWS. The leaves are already very round and maple leave-shaped.
I could just be imagining this as a result of the genetical discovery I made, but once pix are up, your feedback will help.....:hubba:
SOOooooooooooo, to replace the lost bean, I started one of the Celtic Hash beans I ordered. Info not included below: the Father for CH is Bjorn by Celtic Seeds, Mother: a select hash plant (???still researching this) with a THC content of 18-20% (encouraging)....

Again, I apologize for not getting pix up sooner, but the camera is fixed, I'm just waiting for charging batteries.
Thanx 4 ur patience.....

:hubba: :hubba: :hubba:
the promised pictures of my tricked out Black and Decker.....

#1: getting cold here @ night. this simple portable electric heater keeps temps above 69F and below 80F. works great!! the moist soil in front of the intake fan and heater keeps the incoming air at about 23-25% humidity.
#2: digital therm and humidity- probe in inside box just below exhaust fan.
#3: intake @ bottom of box- 100 cfm 5"
#4: exhaust and probe for therm. (fan same as intake)
#5: 430W HPS ballast (flower only and seperate from box for temp control), and power supply: please note**: I am a Licensed Electrician- this recept. is a quadplex with TWO seperate Dedicated IG 20A 120V curcuits. One for my HPS, one for everything else. THIS PREVENTS TRIPPING BREAKERS AND HEAT ISSUES (i.e. fires!!!!) **
#6: rigging for lights and electrical cords, etc... Bottom of propigation shelf (presently not in use)
#7: HPS light 430W and some of the T5 flouro sight lighting
#8: lights
#9: Aurora B 5 days old
# 10: " "
#11: Australian Blues 5 days old
#12: " "













Aus B2.JPG
Hey Capt. Skinx,I'm dropping in and taking a chair:watchplant:
Keep the green mojo working:bongin:
UKgirl420 said:
:yeahthat::p i so wish my grow space was bigger ,,so it could look like that :bong2:

Don't be so quick to judge, love. This thing is only 15 inches deep, 36 inches wide, and 7 feet tall (though I only utilize about 5 vertical feet. Remember: this thing is a Black and Decker Storage Cabinet. (Lowe's. 75 bucks.) So, my total utilized grow space is only about 20 cubic feet. That's tiny, really. How big is your space that makes mine look so big?
And, sorry. Here are some external pix with the doors closed. It is in my garage.


Capt. Skinx said:
Don't be so quick to judge, love. This thing is only 15 inches deep, 36 inches wide, and 7 feet tall (though I only utilize about 5 vertical feet. Remember: this thing is a Black and Decker Storage Cabinet. (Lowe's. 75 bucks.) So, my total utilized grow space is only about 20 cubic feet. That's tiny, really. How big is your space that makes mine look so big?

ok my space is roughly 6ft high X 1.5ftdeep X 2ft long not much diffrence really just you made it look bigger :cool: