first grow questions

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Mar 17, 2008
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this will be my first grow, a buddy of mine has already sprouted a good little cryp plant of some sort in dirt, outside. he was going to just give me it. i wanned to do a micro grow as space is an issue. i figured it has it's second set of leaves. i wanted (to keep it small) use a 4" in diameter pot and start it immediatly in flowering. i have a lmap with one sixty watt metal halide, would this be good to use?

thanks a lot for your help.
It could be done. I'd add a few fluoros for side lighting.
It depends how much you want to spend and how much room you got but if you bought two cheap lamps($3-$4ea) from goodwill(if you have one where you live) or a garage sale and then buy two light splitters(3.79ea)
they sell them at most department stores that will give you 4 fixtures. then go buy some 2700 luman flourescents4 pack $7.99 that will give you 10,800 lumans plus the light from your MH light i think that will be enough to flower a good little plant. just make a grow box out of cardboard or somthing and paint the inside white.

There you go a grow setup for $22.00 thats about as cheap and small as i can think.

Hope this helps im stoned and bored and rambling but i hope this helps.
hha, i understood exactly what you said. high too so:watchplant:
but yea, so i would need 3 lights to grow one plant? (yeah i realize the odds of it being a male.) i am growing it in a white cabinet. i have to keep it quite small actually,no taller than like a good 15" but i was thinking of lst, and spread the plant out a good bit and keep it as low as possible, then to keep the bushyness away a little just prune it (if i need to).
am i thinking to optimistically or will it work, im only trying to get enough for me and a good smoke of course.
okay, well i have all the mat. that i need, picked up (2) 42 watt cfls which are like i think 2700 lumens a peice i dont know off the top of my head. then i have ne 50 watt metal halide. the cabinet i have has changed. its 3.5' tall. about 2.5' wide and 1-1.5' deep. i have a sprout i am going to transplant and another couple seeds germinating, just in case she decides to be a he.

any critisizm or comment always welcome and appreciated.

ill throw up some pictures later, if i turn this thread into a g.j. will moderators just move it to the g.j. forum or what?
Sounds good bro, you should just super-crop and LST it. That will keep the hight down, also keep your lights on 24-7 while your vegging if you decide to veg for a week or 2.... Also keep the light as close as possible with-out burning them. And if you have any money try and buy some neuts...
deffinetly looking into neuts, i need to figure out what to get and all that stuff.
i know lst and topping keeps the height down, and i would deffinetly do it seeing as how i only have maybe 3.5' of heigth, but see i am more concerned with the bushiness, i have read a million postes on lst&topping and how to keep it low and bushy, but i cant have bushy, how do i keep it from getting real bushy, i know i can prune but i have heard that pruning too much can be realllllly bad for the i need some help with that issue as well.:fid:
Yeah well pretty much whenever you cut something of the plant it stunts it growth a little bit.. I would say if you started at 12/12 from seed you would be just fine...
awsome, the 12/12 works great then with the sprout i started outside, and ill do that with the others as well.
i have heard that MH bulbs are best used for the veg cycle, so should i stick to 2-4 cfls, or 2-3 cfls and the MH?
Its all about lumens. The more lumens yuo have the faster
your plants will grow. GET ALL THE LIGHT YOU CAN FIT.

If i where you i would wait untill the plant is at least 6 inches tall. Since your grow room is limited in space maybe you should try LST (low stress training) Lst is tieing up a plant a certain way so it grows sideways or witchever way you want.
I would also say that you should lst the plant until its about 8 inches tall, then put it into flower. If you keep tying it down for about 3-4 days after you put it into flower, you should be ok on the height. Plants will generally double their height while in flower so be careful. Keep us posted on your progress. Take care and be safe. I wish you the best of luck.
Ok, went out got more lights. much more =]
just splurged, figured i would want about 3000 lumens per sq ft so i got 4 27 watt cfls and 2 42 watt cfls, figured it out to be 12400 lumens or so, plus I have the metal halide i will use a little at the beginning.
I transplated my friends plant, ill figure out pics here soon.
just make a grow box out of cardboard or somthing and paint the inside white.
"cardboard" is a definate fire risk, and should NEVER be used as a grow enclosure. :(
yeah, never had it in mind to use cardboard.
it is a partical board cabinet.
sorry bout the pics..
:eek: alone?

theres no such thing as too much light is there, the more the faster it grows?
If you can fit the light do it bro... Just saying go by lumen's no wattage..
okay, then i should be good.
(4) CFLs at 1750 Lumens
(2) CFLs at 2700 Lumens
(1) MH at 3400 Lumens
=15800 Lumens = 2633 Lumens per sq ft.

(but i can change the sq ft. because my shelfs in the cabinet move up and down. so i can have much less space at the beginning of the grow.)

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