Fish emulsion

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Mar 12, 2015
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Has anyone used fish emulsion as an organic fert and if so what are the results any input would be appreciated
Yes i have used it for years off and on. It is a good thing. It is great to make a tea with along with mycorrhizae and other goodies. It is a nice, not burn nutrient.
I use it in my teas and mix it into my soil when I recycle.

Works very well but it is not a stand alone fertilizer.
Been wanting to try Neptune`s Harvest line of nutes. It`s a fish emulsion one too.
I like fish, I eat fish, I like to fish, I like smoked fish. Sounds like a good thing to me :)
the fish emulsion that i used long ago, was 5-1-1 it was too high in N and tended to burn my plants with not enough P and K. I find myself trying to avoid N rather than adding it, and that's growing not only weed but different veggies. there you go, i give you out the secret of getting great tomatoes, cukes and peppers, as well as MJ, don't overdose N, it is hard to get rid of it after the plants absorb it