Growing Indoors No Lights

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While doing research I found out Diluted piss is just as good, if not better than the store stuff.. I cant totally disagree since this is my first plant and its never looked sickly..

I thought you said your friend in africa told you about the piss?
Personally I don't see why people have a problem with using urine. It doesn't matter what techonology your using or how advanced it is but if you want to use organic fertilizers I think urine is a great way forward. Thanks KinkKahuna for sharing that info with us. I really find the squeemish 'eewwww' response to be quite pathetic to this matter :)
Thorn said:
some of the best advice I was given was that you plants produce THC to protect themselves from the sunlight.
Ahh, I didn't know that! Thanks for passing that advice onto the rest of us, Thorn.

I don't have a powerful light yet. I want to get one, but for my first grow I almost feel like I should earn the right to buy fancy equipment for growing. Like, I'll kind of feel stupid buying a bunch of stuff when I've never even harvested before. Plus, I think it might help the learning process to do one grow on the most basic level so that when you get into the bigger stuff you fully understand WHY you're using them. I mean, it's one thing to take advice from someone, and it's another to really see it for yourself on your own plant. For instance, about a week ago I went to a gardening store and bought nearly every Fox Farm nutrient (didn't get Open Sesame). And after I went home I felt kind of poserish. My plant was almost two weeks into flowering with not much on her, and after I gave her a good dose of flowering nutes I noticed almost overnight the amount of bud sites on her double. So then I was like, "Okay, now I see why this stuff is better than just molasses and whatever else I've got lying around."

So, I really think for a new grower maybe the best thing is to start out using next to nothing. Do the labor of just getting a plant to survive on little, so that when you start using high quality equipment you have a more substantial understanding of what makes the difference.

That being said, I totally think it's a good thing when experienced growers burst their bubbles a little bit and inform them that they will not be holding pop cans up against their kolas unless they want to get laughed at!
Yes he did.. But I wasnt just about to put piss inside my little plant that was growing hahaha... So I got online.. Did some reading... Then I decided to do it...
poopsie said:
So, I really think for a new grower maybe the best thing is to start out using next to nothing. Do the labor of just getting a plant to survive on little, so that when you start using high quality equipment you have a more substantial understanding of what makes the difference.

I guess it depends on how serious you are about this growing thing. I did just the opposite and am glad that I did. I read and took notes for months. I set aside money for my project. I made 2 small closets into one larger one. I chose a strain. I made a "shopping list" and started looking for good deals. When I had everything I needed, I put my closet together. My closet has changed very little from the original design. Not to say that I haven't made mistakes along the way, I've made many, but I continue to learn.

My feeling was that I was trying to grow a product that I was paying $300-400 an oz for--to me it was worth learning all I could and going about this in the best way possible, using materials, methods, and techniques that were tried and true. I guess that I wanted my first crop to be more than an experiment, I wanted it to be a success.
......been gone for awhile, doing wood chores........thought I'd check out the new posts........been reading some of these to my wife and cracking her up.....but.....urine does smell more in the about after you have had your coffee?.........I also have only ONE female and she is now inside the house, moved from the fiberglass greenhouse because of light questions.......she is now in front of a window, full southern exposure, getting organic black strap molasses and bat guano tea........tried to look at the buds with a jewelers loop but my hands shake so bad I can't focus......dang.....she is a 'bubblegumer' and I'm planning on harvesting in early November.....she showed hairs in early September but I am not going to 'pee' on her.....
Of course it is, Do you really have to ask.. I'm sure its a proper way to do it... Ya dont just cop a squat over your plant.. Whats wrong with you??? And dont give me the first answer you think of... Whats REALLY wrong with you........ Go Deeper..
Chips Deluxe said:
Alot of hate in you Dubba... Lotta hate..
Not so much as you think my friend its really more anger, of a battle between good and bad days for me, its a bi-polar problem steming form abusive and neglectful upbringing yadda yadda. And i can see how you may have taken an honest post that was ment to be more on the jestfull side than as any type of advice driven statement. As i said it is mo and how i would have gone about it. but to each his own.

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