Has Bigfoot Been Found?

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tenacious D... lmaor:rofl:
i hope he is and that the rumored sightings in my area are true and i encounter one out campin one night. maybe he's an all natural creature i mean all mother erth an for her an smokes some chiba himself. if not if i ever encounter him i'll be sure to try an coax him into the concept of MJ.lol

sorry a lil fictional but it sounded good. i get a kik out this whole bigfoot thing i really do lol
anyone else see the youtube vid pn these guys today at all? do a serch for bigfootpolice as username or title on youtube . they seem lil back woods to me.
if it is true, and not a hoax.. i really hope they did infact 'find' it dead, and didn't kill it.
yeah...you should'nt kill things unless you know it sucks...lol...jk.but seriously, if they did find one it woulnd have to be intelligent to avoid detection for so long...prolly has it's own underground MJ garden
yeah me too and if they did then the rest the family that they said they spotted round the area the dead one was found saw them and now probably fears all mankind watsoever and will maybe be violent towards us if they are revealed. it'll be like planet of the apes.. lol they'll all come out the wodwork an retalliate against the human race now... lol.. ok i'm a stop now wit this thread im just overtired an weirdin out as this has been the first 24 plus hours stretch i've gone witout smokin herb in over a year. it's gettin really weird now lol
i think that if it were to be a real creature then its smart to hide from us. if i were something like that i wouldn't want are kind finding me.. no way no how. if we ever found one alive no matter how smart it is we would lock it up and at some point cut it open.. we shouldn't even be looking for such things.. let them alone.. jmo
slowmo77 said:
if we ever found one alive no matter how smart it is we would lock it up
Damn man, I thought at first you said "Knock it up".

I figured you knew the guys in my old neighborhood.

Hairy, warm and wiggles a lot.... that's all they need to get interested.

I'm glad I read that again..........

I'm a very sick man.........:hubba: :D
zipflip said:
if i ever encounter him i'll be sure to try an coax him into the concept of MJ.

Gettin HIGH with Bigfoot! Yeah man!!!

I can see it now. He stumbles into an MP party of stoners and before he can get away, he's had 14 shotguns, and 26 hash cookies and he's learning to roll a nice doobie.

Dood would be rollin on the ground laughin.....

Shaking all his hair around.

I'm seein that....:D
POTUS said:
Gettin HIGH with Bigfoot! Yeah man!!!

I can see it now. He stumbles into an MP party of stoners and before he can get away, he's had 14 shotguns, and 26 hash cookies and he's learning to roll a nice doobie.

Dood would be rollin on the ground laughin.....

Shaking all his hair around.

I'm seein that....:D

The National Enquirer would pay BIG BUCKS for that story!
godspeedsuckah said:
That SOB shot my mother in law!!!!!!!!

NOW that is funny stuff! I love the jerky pic too! Priceless!

I hope it is real, but not holding my breath unless i'm smoking bongs.

Those hillside mary jane growin' mexican drug cartels should hire a sasquatch to gaurd their crops! LOL :chuck:
here's that missing link all the humpers have been asking for....

let's not forget about the Yeti...also proven real.
Since he was placed in a freezer would that make him and abominable snow man?
upon recent further more serchin on the net on this and vidz on youtube i came cross this one ina serch it was dated august 7th this thread started the 13th. lol wow just watch the video you'll see the humor in it all they were just doin it as a hoax not to try to get away wit it just to get people wriled up for the weekend due to the fact of many stalkers harrassin them and even death threats sayin they crazy and inhumane for huntin bigfoot down even if he is real. the joke is actually on all us. and that was its intention to get a rise outta people to shut them up was all...
they claim to still have a body but the link to the video i posted erlier for it said that there was a dr lookin at it when it was actually hios bro and that they will release the body when they feel like it..
yeah right attention seekers hxxp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMEsD3_J2DQ
hahahah!!:) well fellas looks like its back to watching harry and the hendersons again! haha- mj growing n smoking with an ape-man thats pretty crazy stuff :D

Nor do i believe in aliens, ghosts or any spirit claiming to be that of the dead-- but that's just me --

I have never seen or witnessed the likes, but there are too many stories to ignore it, so hence i think its the works of evil spirits creating hallucinations to fool the majority of mankind :huh: -- my thoughts are not based on something I myself conjured up.

-- but that's just me :peace: , i doubt anyone else shares that same view on this forum as I but if you do that would be interesting :cool: ---

Either way that was an interesting story, part of me wishes it we're true and that there are still crazy land creatures still roaming about.
twas quite the discussion on a mj grow site lol
Well think about it.. it would take alot for the scientific and religious community to debate this one. thats the same for aliens. Even if we found both sitting in a room drinking tea and talking bout coffee the christian community would deny deny deny.
Being that "GOD"made us in his own image and we have inteligence(some of us) that these others could not exist. It would totally remove that we are the chosen ones with souls and in his Image. IF for say Big F. exist, it would throw doubt. Maybe they are the chosen and live in harmony with god and his creations. we may just be an offshot virus to HIM/Her and thats why we hear nothing.
If aliens existed it would mean that GOD created life elsewere and we are the abandoned..
Not at all.......... i think he left along time ago.
a mixican told me this one..
God was watching a man row his boat across the lake, thinking of how far mankind has come and how smart we have become. and wanted to see what would happen if he made man dumber but not too much
the man rowing the boat was counting his strokes 1,2,3,4,5, ect.
God cut his inteligence in half
the man rowing: 2,4,6,8, ect. God thought. well he's still to smart i think i will cut it inhalf again.
the man rowing the boat Uno, dos ,tres ,quatro.
Please dont be offended. im cool with all people....have a laugh.
todays the 15th time to find out if he is real!!!

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