Has Bigfoot Been Found?

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And how do you find traces of human DNA? It is either human DNA or it isn't. Opossum DNA?????? I'm ROTFLMFAO.
bombbudpuffa said:
We're 98-99% the same as chimps...DNA wise.

From 2007:

Members of Penn State faculty collaborated with researchers nationwide to analyze and develop the genome sequence -- a map of DNA structure that identifies functions of certain genes -- of the rhesus macaque monkey, said Webb Miller, researcher and professor of biology and computer science and engineering at Penn State.
Analysis of the sequence determined that the monkey's genome is about 93 percent similar to the human genome, Miller said.

If you have more recent data that disproves this, I'd love to see it. Please provide a cite of the source.


POTUS, thanks for the laugh......
chowing on possum....YUCK!
with his teeth he looked strictly herbivore to me...
tcbud said:
POTUS, thanks for the laugh......
chowing on possum....YUCK!
with his teeth he looked strictly herbivore to me...

Actually, I think it looks just like the bigfoot costume that is sold and has a set of human false teeth in it's mouth.

What a laugh!

Of course the pictures are blurry. If they were sharp, the fake would be instantly obvious.

B S cons ALWAYS take blurry pics.

Anyone who has ever seen a dead body knows that the eyes are wrong in the pic too.

What Bull.
potus your killin me, thought i was gonna pass out readin that.. crazy.

what ever that thing was, it wasn't a mountain man from georgia.. did you see its teeth. ain't no mountain man in georgia got teeth that nice, or that many.
growdammit said:

waiting in anticipation!
hxxp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNicxcZKMaQ here it is proof lol

here's a link to video of entire 45 minute press conference on it

ok i was just thinkin bout all this and doin the math oneverythin,well not number math but... and i was thinkin. in the press conf that dude befor the trackers talkin wit the beard said they literally stumbled upon it. well wat if a group of haters say other bigfoor trackers put together wit say human cadavers(sp?) bear hide possum guts lots of glue etc basically building a fake bigfot out of real actual biological flesh parts kind of a frankenstein make up bigfoot. who's to say that someone didnt just do that an leave it where they knoew these guys would find it and handle it the wway it goin. i mean nationwide circulation now on all this. the attention good an bad, the media all the hype here in this thread even etc.. only to find in the end that this is and the guys who found it actually dont know this and by the time its deemed a fake frankenstein of bigfoot planted in the woods the attention round the world will be so mass of this bigfoot finding and to only find out it was a fake basically ruining these bigfoot trackers name defame them and humiliate them. if u ask me by the way they were expressing themselves bout the other hunters/trackers out there stalkin and harrassing them etc.. this sounds far fetch but doable and elaborate enough to work if that bein someones intent on it, to crush these guy's character.
just my conspiracy theory and i'm stikin wit it this is wat i truly have a feelin it really is.
POTUS said:
From 2007:

Members of Penn State faculty collaborated with researchers nationwide to analyze and develop the genome sequence -- a map of DNA structure that identifies functions of certain genes -- of the rhesus macaque monkey, said Webb Miller, researcher and professor of biology and computer science and engineering at Penn State.
Analysis of the sequence determined that the monkey's genome is about 93 percent similar to the human genome, Miller said.

If you have more recent data that disproves this, I'd love to see it. Please provide a cite of the source.


By comparison, humans and chimpanzees share about 98 to 99 percent of their DNA.
Monkeys and chimps are different.
Btw, I bet we're looking at the same site for our info:D.
bombbudpuffa said:
Monkeys and chimps are different. "By comparison, humans and chimpanzees share about 98 to 99 percent of their DNA."

National Academy of Sciences said:
A new report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that the common value of >98% similarity of DNA between chimp and humans is incorrect. Roy Britten, author of the study, puts the figure at about 95% when insertions and deletions are included. Importantly, there is much more to these studies than people realize.

In fact, now they're thinking it could be less than 90% for chimps, who are the closest. Much more has been learned about DNA in the last couple of years.

The guys admitted it to be a fake. An inspector thawed the thing out and it was indeed nothing more than a costume.

Meanwhile, the two guys took off with the money they were given.....

Who'd figure?
How'd they end up w/ cash??? Who in their right mind would just hand over cash due to some unknown person's word of their discovery of a mythical creature.!.?
Tuesday, August 19 2008

In a long statement on SearchingforBigfoot.com, Kulls reveals what he found early Sunday morning Eastern time as the body thawed out.

"I extracted some [hair] from the alleged corpse and examined it and had some concerns," Kulls writes. "We burned said sample and said hair sample melted into a ball uncharacteristic of hair."

Kulls called Biscardi in California, who told him to heat the body to speed up thawing.

"Within one hour we were able to see the partially exposed head,"
Kulls continues. "I was able to feel that it seemed mostly firm, but unusually hollow in one small section. This was yet another ominous sign."

Then came the clincher.

"Within the next hour of thaw, a break appeared up near the feet area. ... I observed the foot which looked unnatural, reached in and confirmed it was a rubber foot."

That jibes with what Jerry Parrino, owner of Internet Halloween- costume retailer TheHorrorDome.com, told FOXNews.com last week.

"It definitely looks like our [Sasquatch] costume," Parrino said after viewing photos of the body.

The Biscardi team immediately went into crisis mode. Biscardi called Whitton and Dyer at their California hotel. They admitted it was a hoax and agreed to sign a promissory note at a meeting set for 8 a.m. PDT at the hotel.

But when Biscardi got there, he "found that they had left."

"At this time action is being instigated against the perpetrators of this fraud," Kulls writes on Biscardi's Web site. "On behalf of myself I can say with certainty Matthew Whitton and Ricky Dyer [are] not the best Bigfoot trackers in the world!"

Although there are those in the Bigfoot community that believe Tom Biscardi is an innocent victim, I do not agree at all. It was Biscardi who was behind the media hype and I believe that he was well aware of the hoax.

This is not the first time Tom Biscardi has been involved with a Bigfoot hoax.

It also is very apparent that Tom Biscardi is also responsible for the perpetration of this hoax and should also be party to any and all actions being instituted against parties in this event.

The damage that has been done to the reputation and credibility of not only Bigfoot researchers but other researchers and investigators in the world of the paranormal and science of parapsychology is severe.

Tom Biscardi was a guest on The ‘X’ Zone in January 2006 but was not asked to come back since his credibility and motives were obviously not reputable.

I have no doubt whatsoever that The Bigfoot Georgia Side Show, Tom Biscardi, Tom Whitton and Rick Dyer will prove to be the Achilles heel of the Bigfoot Community.

Rob McConnell
Host & Executive Producer,
The ‘X’ Zone Radio & TV Show,
Offices: (905) 575-5916
Studios: 1-877-528-8255

* With files from internet news sources.

The ‘X’ Zone Radio & TV Shows are Divisions of REL-MAR McConnell Media Company
tn_toker420 said:
How'd they end up w/ cash??? Who in their right mind would just hand over cash due to some unknown person's word of their discovery of a mythical creature.!.?
hehe, some fool paid them for photos.....first they said they would pay it back and then they boogied out of town, (with the bucks).

What a laugh!

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