Has Bigfoot Been Found?

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Maybe, Probably, that is a gorilla in the freezer.

However, Martians is real IMHO :aok:

Too many earthbound folks have seen them pesky Martians, not only those who fly the friendly skies on a daily basis. :hubba:

Even here among the MP populations, reports of Martians abound. OK, OK, perhaps 1 or 2 of these reports could be suspected to emminate from the :stoned: minds of someone :confused2: What about official reports of Martians hiding in the snow and disguising their vehicles as childrens toys??

Then again, all those pictures of them Martians at home on Mars, recently in the media, complete with roads and land scaping??

MP Folks, may I suggest you start looking upward into the night sky to catch a glimpse of these pesky critters.

I have even heard a rumor that Martians is responsible for Hermies, nute deficiencies and disasters of all kinds. I just knew it wasnt my fault on April Fools Day ;) {Something about them being jealous because our smoke is better than theirs I'd guess--I never had any Martian weed that was better than mine :rofl: }

:rant: In any event, whether this is really a BigFoot or not :confused: I do believe them dang Martians have infiltrated this planet and I suspect further they may be among us right now, I mean, the evidence is there to be seen for the interested observer. For instance, take my initials out of MarPassion and what have you left??? Mar ssion Need I say more???
maybe bigfoot is acctually a Martian gorilla. and earth is the special habitat. like a nature reserve for martian animals............... what would that make us?
we're aliens too. u ever see the movie mission to mars? not to get all sci fi on ya all but it takes a crack pot theory and puts into a logical prospective. if any u like space type movies watch it its awesome.
That could be it, eh :hubba: BigFoot is a Martian tooo :aok: Makes sense to me too that we all be in some kinda intergalactic zoo ;) Someone tell the keepers I could use some Space Dust :rofl:
Puffin your funny as hell, i wish i was as twisted as you. but really earth is just a big fuel stop on the alien highway thru space. they run their ships on water and we have plenty. they could drop us a few seeds, as long as they don't come from uranius i hear that weed tastes like poo.
maybe thas wat all the hype is wit the bermuda triangle. aliens use that areaa as a fuelin station and our govt has made a peace agreement allowing them to do so hence why so many ships planes etc disappear and u always hear of people usin water and splittin the molecules in it to derive the hydrogen to power things even some hybrid experimental cars i read about. and the reason people on erth go missing is cuz the govt doesnt want the world knowin of this existence or it would lead to world wide spread panic an utter chaos.
It's the men in black yo lol
Zipflip may have something there, intergalactic space fueling station in the bermuda triangle area, using the methane bubbles and all :rofl:
as far as them gov'ment folks being in cahoots, I'd bet on that one too ;)

and as for them NASA folks who named that martian canal SnowWhite, it just shows good taste :hubba: Now if they were to call it something like Puffin's Nest, :eek: that would be BRILLIANT :rofl:
sounds like it could make sense huh? lol just rattled it off my head as i typed it lol...
wat ya talkin about this martian canal they named snowwhite? i like keepin up with the media on all the space mumbo goin on but aint herd nothin bout snow white. maybe they'll find seven mountain peaks or and name em after the seven dwarfs too lol. not makin fun ur post but the names some these people come up wit for new things discovered in space or on other planets etc... sometimes wit the weirdness and the inability to pronounce some the words in the names for space stuff it makes me wonder if they as some two yr old to name it an it come out jibberish lol like i'll name this star "alerkfagarglespictalsnitzcuminkleanus". if i found somethin in space an got to name it i'd name it that lol i mean try soundin it out once... it sounds like some star they named some bilion light years away

i'm gonna get a dog an name him that "alerkfagarglespictalsnitzcuminkleanus". but i'll call him "Al" for short lol

sorry all im a lil weird this mornin. i had a great buzz couple hours ago started wit the coffee but wasnt helpin cottonmouth much any so i just kept drinkin it failing to realize that the bitter crap was wat was causin it and i was on my second pot woo hoo caffein overdose an lingering high in the morning the best lol
That Martian stuff is all over the net. I particularly liked the pic from the rover that showed a Martian looking over a valley :hubba: there is a guy on youtube Mysterious Mars Lectures Tom Van Flandern very good stuff
They are supposedly having the meeting on the DNA test today. Ive seen no new news about this Bigfoot finding. But ill be sure to post anything I find. If you all see anything make sure you post it.
OK OK i thoought they were going to give us the scoop on this thing today.. prob is the real deal and the Gov seized it and replaced it with the origanol Dead George bush and not the Robot one that is being controlled by Chaney who actually runs the Country... any ideas yet?
I wanted to see the Bigfoot body just as much as everybody else, but the two Georgia Bigfoot hunters didn't impress reporters at their news conference today in California where they had promised to reveal the evidence.
It's all very hush-hush: They didn’t produce a body. They said that the body is in a hidden location. They won’t say where they found the creature and saw others. They won’t let anyone but their own hand-picked scientists examine the body, and none were present on Friday. Hmmm, interesting.
A second round of DNA testing on the remains of a 7-foot-7, 500 pound man-ape they allege to have stumbled upon while hiking in North Georgia is still being completed, they said.
Of three samples in a preliminary DNA test, one came back inconclusive, one contained traces of human DNA and one had traces of opossum DNA — probably from something the creature ate, they said.
zipflip said:
yeah me too and if they did then the rest the family that they said they spotted round the area the dead one was found saw them and now probably fears all mankind watsoever and will maybe be violent towards us if they are revealed. it'll be like planet of the apes.. lol they'll all come out the wodwork an retalliate against the human race now... lol.. ok i'm a stop now wit this thread im just overtired an weirdin out as this has been the first 24 plus hours stretch i've gone witout smokin herb in over a year. it's gettin really weird now lol
we have machine guns and tanks...:D
dude their bigfoot not terrorists lol
.. tanks an guns lol good point tho. also didnt u all get the link i posted for the video erlier last night stating they admit it a hoax
human dna oppossum dna? .. maybe they dug up a human like i said from a grave yard a very tall fat guy and superglued hair all over him and shoved like entrails of other animals inside the body to make it look off the wall lol
i heard they found in the stomach contents a couple double sheeseburgers from MC donalds :)
It says traces of human DNA. Monkeys have traces of human DNA correct?

Yo zipflip you no you can edit your post right? Via the edit button. Double and triple post aren't cool. ;)
Hyperbrandon said:
It says traces of human DNA. Monkeys have traces of human DNA correct?


There are similarities between Human and "monkey" DNA, but Human specific DNA portions are not found in monkeys in any amounts, ever. It's that 7 percent difference that makes us unique in the animal world. Any DNA from any monkey or human would be immediately obvious to a scientist as to the species it was from by examining those portions of the genomes.

That's why it's "Human specific".

From 2007:

Members of Penn State faculty collaborated with researchers nationwide to analyze and develop the genome sequence -- a map of DNA structure that identifies functions of certain genes -- of the rhesus macaque monkey, said Webb Miller, researcher and professor of biology and computer science and engineering at Penn State.
Analysis of the sequence determined that the monkey's genome is about 93 percent similar to the human genome, Miller said.
well sorry for the double triple posts brandon. i just pposted one then somethin came to mind after i hit the post button an i guess never dawned on me to go back take more time to edit them . wats the harm in it i guess i dont understand other than takin space but sorry all the more. or is it to do wit the score for # of posts or somethin. i guess this is easier as u go back later an edit rather than repostin another lol

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