helicopters mannn i need help

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Dec 15, 2006
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hey guys new here and just signed up.

ok a few much needed answers for these questions.pls help.

1.how do helicopters spot your plant even though you hide it?

2.do they use a infered ?
do they give off heat?

how do u hide yours?
Hey Doit Dude, I Have The Answer To Your Questions. First Of All I Have Had Choppers Get Some Of My Best Crops, And That Is Indeed A Big Buzzkill!!! The Choppers Do Use Infrared, Such As A Thermal Imaging Device. This Technology Is Effective Because Marijuana Plants Put Of More Heat Then The Surrounding Plant Life. If You Plant In The Wrong Spot Your Crop Will Be Sticking Out Like A Sore Thumb, And Then Hummers Will Come and Carry Your Baby's Of Into The Sunset, And Like I Said That Is A Buzzkill. But Anyway The Most Effecient Method Of Choosing My Spot Is PINETREES, Peferably Sprucepines. They Give Off A Heat Signature That Is Almost The Same As Your Plants. Also Another Method Is How You Space Your Crop Out, I Like To Use A Whole Hillside With About 2 to 3 Plants Per Spot. Also Avoid Growing Around Hillside's Where Eletric Wires Are Ran, Choppers Tend To Follow These Cuthroughs Like Trains On A Track. Another Good Ideal Is Creekbanks If You Can Find One And Not Haft To Worry About Flooding. I Hope This Info Will Help You Defeat The Choppers And Come Off With A Sucessfull Crop.
drambouie said:
what about indoors??

Indoors shouldn't matter.... unless you tell ppl about it...

Just a matter of insulating your room well,
here is how they get you!

reflectivity chart of cannabis, and other plants

Law enforcement agencies often monitor certain wider areas, particularly areas of countryside with a significant history of outdoor cannabis cultivation. In helicopters, they use infrared cameras and other equipment that can detect cannabis by measuring the heat and reflective signature of the vegetation below. Cannabis has higher reflectivity at certain wavelengths than other rural crops, such as corn. Law enforcement agencies have found that the use of this technology has become necessary in their detection efforts because many growers hide cannabis among other plants, making detection with the naked eye difficult even from the air. These techniques are effective and difficult to defeat because a plant's reflective signature is difficult to change or mask.
i would think that indoor temps would be the only thing to raise eyebrows from the air, if you have a small area of your house thats 90 degrees and the rest is 68-70 degrees they might think something. i am working on keeping my temps at a even 70 degrees for just this reason. but i doubt they are searching for small potatos like i am growin, but better safe then sorry.
they cant do much of anything if they see a 90 spot in ur home. tyhat could be anything. and if ur in an area of high (ha ha..) activity then it want matter how many "good plants" you put the bud beside because they will just drop the poison indiscriminitory and view the pines as a noble sacrifice and sad casualty.. your just gonna have to resort to that guerilla planting i hear about.
the helicopters are really to see if people are manufacturing meth cause it gets so hot they have to boil that stuff. i dont think a 90 spot in your house would make a difference, that could be an oven making the kitchen hot or a dryer making a small laundry room hot or even the shower steaming a bathroom cause i know mine gets really hot.
g-13 said:
the helicopters are really to see if people are manufacturing meth cause it gets so hot they have to boil that stuff. i dont think a 90 spot in your house would make a difference, that could be an oven making the kitchen hot or a dryer making a small laundry room hot or even the shower steaming a bathroom cause i know mine gets really hot.

Yeah, 90 degrees is hardly warm for a lot of ppls houses. Hell even in canada it gets up above 110f during the summer.
Man they dont care about people that grow 1,2,3 plant they worry about people that got factorys of our green natural friend :))
i think infared is just a way to scare ppl,from outdoor growing. Think about it,if they really uses infared,dont u think they would find all outdoor grows. Instead of a small %. If infared really worked you wouldnt even be able to grow outside,cause they would be able to sweep a cutover in minutes, instead of a couple of hours. I have watchem them fly were i could see pilot and ppl looking. It took them atleast 2hrs took look at about a 10acre cutover. The most common way they find outdoor grows is trails,trash such as cups,greenhouses,and spaces in ur patch. Like when u go back to pull male and there is a whole. Also if they fly early in year which is the best time,the babies havent got big enough to cover your mound with leaves.:D
Also if you have a spot with more than 7 plants, it is easier for them to spot. The best way for outdoor grow, is to plant close to tall trees along creek. The helecopter wont be able to fly as low because of tall trees,either way they come into cutover,and u still can get sun from 9 to 3.
i think infared is just a way to scare ppl,from outdoor growing. Think about it,if they really uses infared,dont u think they would find all outdoor grows. Instead of a small %. If infared really worked you wouldnt even be able to grow outside,cause they would be able to sweep a cutover in minutes, instead of a couple of hours. I have watchem them fly were i could see pilot and ppl looking. It took them atleast 2hrs took look at about a 10acre cutover. The most common way they find outdoor grows is trails,trash such as cups,greenhouses,and spaces in ur patch. Like when u go back to pull male and there is a whole. Also if they fly early in year which is the best time,the babies havent got big enough to cover your mound with leaves.:D
:bolt: :bolt: :bolt: :bolt: :bolt:
the infareds do probally work. the issue is being practicle. i mean considor this, if your doing this for home growwth why just have one plant? your gonna have a couple to keep the suply going. so that creates a crowd. now if your in an activity area then those trees arnt gonna help since they will be taken down as well. and im sure the mound will either be eliminated then and there or they dont care YET since its no good to you YET. they dont need to look over for 2 hours if they have telescops and etc and i think some technology will let them lock on to suspect growth anyway.

P.S. Brouli i dont get ur sig:confused:
solid guys.
hey i have one plant about 4 feet,do u think that they would even bother with one?
remember it's a small island,and cops get bored.

oh yeah and i have a sprou about 3 1/2 inches,how should i take care of it?
i think infared is just a way to scare ppl,from outdoor growing. Think about it,if they really uses infared,dont u think they would find all outdoor grows. Instead of a small %.

They find a HUGE amount... they just dont advertise it... there was 7 in one day here this fall... plus 4 the next day and several more the rest of the week... but they can't find a couple plants spread out... infrared technology is a dime a dozen nowadays...
If u wanna pack 10+ plants together they might end up missing.
Probably more pot is found by seeing ATV trails than with infra-red. It's amazing the people that drive right to their plants, and it's not hard to see the trails from a chopper.
Old Bud said:
Probably more pot is found by seeing ATV trails than with infra-red. It's amazing the people that drive right to their plants, and it's not hard to see the trails from a chopper.

No way man.... infrared is soo mainstream... leo doesn't care about the private gardener.... of course this is canada I'm talking about... but when I see a military helo flying around and hovering for a minute over my neighbours exotic gardens... then I hear 7 HUGE busts were made the next day.... one from a helicopter landing by a persons house. I know they are using it.

The woman was home too when the chopper landed. One of my friends knows her.. she had them mixed in with her normal garden plants. Her child was like "hey look mommy, a helicopter!" she was like yes yes okay.... then she had a knock on the door! :(
this is crazy....

so thee plant can be seen on a infrared camera?

ok so why when we watch the show "COPS" the are chasing the car and have the infrared camera on, the only thing you can see is the hot things.. but there isnt a difference between the trees and bushes at all that i noticed.. so what are you guys talking about???

and how does a creek and or swamps give off heat??

and an indoor grow isnt any better off then an outdoor grow if they use that cuz the heat from your room would be warmer than other places..