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Aug 27, 2007
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Hello Everybody, I am a first time grower who is growing indoors w/ a 400 watt MH lamp in a 4X4 closet. I am growing from good bagseed and am about
2-3 weeks away from harvest. I was recently given some good strains (seed) to cultivate and will germinate some as soon as I have finished harvest and clones of current grow have moved out of their respective areas.
I also plan to have a 600 Watt HPS set up by next month.
I have been around on Planet Ganja and cannaworld.com as well as a few other sites. Planet ganja has been going in and out lately and I haven't been able to access cannaworld for about a week or so now. Since these sites seem to get crashed or something I like to post on several and usually find fellow members on other sites.
Well I just wanted to say hello and I'll see you all in the threads. Will post grow logs on next grow and will upload photos of current crop.
Hey shadowlord and welcome to MP. :) Sounds like you've come to the right place, and I look forward to seeing your grows.
Here we go. Here a few Pics of what I have going on right now and will update as things progress.

NewFlowPic (16).jpg

NewFlowPic (20).jpg

Flowering 001.jpg

NewFlowPic (7).jpg

NewFlowPic (21).jpg

NewFlowPic (18).jpg

shadowlord said:
Here we go. Here a few Pics of what I have going on right now and will update as things progress.

Those are some beautiful plants, Shadow!! Look forward to seeing more as you go along.
Welcome to MP. Man your ladies look great. Looking foward to more pics. Anyway glad to have ya here and hope to see ya around. Enjoy the site! ;)
Holy sheep ****!!!! Beautiful plants, man. I, TOO, am a first time grower. Only two plants, though. A very impressive little crop you have there. Keep it green, and check out my journal........
I will post photos of the 3 seedlings and the transplanted clones, taken a little late into flowering so they have been slow but look to be making it, that I have waiting in the wings. Once I get the first plants harvested I will germinate some of the genetics I have been given and will try to keep a detailed grow journal of them for posterity and for the next newbie like me.
Thanks for the link. I have read through Mel Franks' grow guide and have looked around on several sites and learned quite alot. I have also learned that there is so very much to learn. While I am just growing for self-sufficiency and am very small scale I still wish to become an expert cultivator. The more I talk to others on sites like these, the more images and links etc I come across. I appreciate all the help I have received and look forward to helping someone new in the future when I have some more experience. I am just about through my first grow, my clones have taken and I have acquired some very good strains to try and have already started.

Thanks again, berserker71!!:aok:

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