Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Top of the Morning to everybody. I hope the world and your weed is treating you right.

Who has a King Charles? Those are awesome dogs.
That was my daughter. She spent 12 years trying to get her husband to let her have a dog and he finally relented.

Umbra, brother, I hope you got some sleep. Tough to work with no sleep. :vap-Bong_smoker:
Well, the King Charles was an excellent choice. They call them the "Big dog in a small dog body". LOL They are generally more mellow like larger dogs and they don't have that "jumpy, bouncy, little dog" attitude. LOL

I have trained dogs for over 10 years and I would most definitely recommend taking him/her to a short 5 week obedience training class (preferably not Petsmart or any big pet store). Check the web for private trainers near you.

A, it will be some of the most fun you'll ever have with your dog and B. it will make for a better dog for the rest of your lives.

Simple things like 'come when called' and 'wait' are amazingly useful their entire lives.

It is well worth the 5 weeks (once a week) and about $150 that you'll ever spend.

/sales pitch. LOL

I didn't see a pic?
Good morning All,

Umbra, good luck today working on no sleep. Those Valentines look beautiful.

Cane, it isn't our dog, it is a friends dog that I made the medicine for. A 10-year-old chihuahua.

Good points Hackerman.
Morning O.F.C. !-- Made it with 5 minutes left in the morning !-- Weather is changing ! --My face is swollen and my left arm won't do what I say good !-- It's wearing me down and I'm in a fowl mood and like Umbra I had a long night !
Hack my dogs are like me !-- U want to control them U better put them on a leash !-- They don't do tricks either !-- No Jet or Jet No ( your choice he answers to both he won't do what U want but he knows U talking to him ) -- is a heathen dog !-- He do what he want !-- He's fast too !-- He once jumped on my lap when I was making caps and they flew up into the air !-- Little Bastid did like one those mid air spiral and snagged a cap mid air like a cat -Then ran to his defensive hole !-- There he stand his ground and fight for his buzz !-- The others 3 dogs if U tell them to do something they just look at U like U stupid and walk away !-- A harness with a leash is best !--My boy dogs are ex-cons !-- Tee shirt Jake --AKA - Joliet Jake !--served time in a cage and on the chain gang !-- Jet was thrown out a car window as the story goes they don't need to do tricks anymore !

I'll catch up later guys this too shall pass !
Umbra be an empath !-- The big earthquake in Mexico disturbed the force !-- So I'm high ? -- Still not up to doing much !-- 105 heat index out there !-- No today I'm not doing nothing that don't have to be done !-- Mexico getting shaken apart and the hurricanes tearing up the islands and the South! -- I think it is the end of the world !-- I mean this did all start after the election !-- They own that 666 place ? -- Yep it's the end of the world !-- May as well go out high !
Government promised help in the post Harvey rebuilding !-- Where is that help !-- They seem to have set up a nice cyclic system to give no help at all !-- Talk to Red Cross --They say talk FEMA -- FEMA say talk to your insurance company -- Insurance companies say talk to the Red Cross !-- Yeah we strong !-- What choice do we have ? -- It's a Failure of Leadership !-- What is that word that means a leader took power in a questionable way ? -- Usurper ? -- I think that's the word ? --- We could use a little help America and I know Florida does too !-- Screw your budget !-- Porto Rico too they a part of America !-- A time when we need a strong leader and we got Ku Klux Ken ? -- Come on fate a little help here !
Anyone else getting a bunch of pages that are not there...seems the thread has numbered pages all the way to 142....oh well just wondering if anyone else see's this ? Rose is there any way to fix the extra pages in the thread? maybe I can delete a cookie or something so that it resets the pages correctly, or is it a tech issue with the site ?
long day, long drive, Hit 4 accidents on my route home. 3+ hours. This is why Californians smoke so much weed. Drinking a beer and a bowl of sour dubb with some sprinkles of hash on top. Sprinkles are for winners, so a double on the sprinkles of hash.
Good morning peeps, this pot isn't gonna smoke itself, as someone often says.

Umbra, breakfast for champions, you are a winner. I have a doc appointment at 8 am, wth? why did I do that? So i have had green crack, can you tell?

My nephew is coming to visit today...yay.. Ok, you guys, lets do this.
Morning OFC. Posted pix of Valentine on IG and stax. List arm deep of folks looking for solid cbd strains. Breeders from Spain have opened their seed bank to me because of this plant.
Yeah well I got pollen. LOL I am ready for a cutting. The Amazing Doctor Zymes is really amazing. I am over the moon at how it works.
the clones that I took of V are slow to root. I took 5 cuts to see how they would do. 2 damped off, the other 3 are making it, but slowly.
Good to know. I am in no hurry. V#2 is back in Veg, and V1 is trying to make balls under 18 hour light.. V3 is a good boy, just doing what he was told. He was the last to sex.. he is slow at everything.. hmm Did you scope your clones for bugs?
If U haven't noticed I'm having some issues !-- I be around when I remember how to be civilized again !
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