Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Grandpa best wishes Cuz !--

I know what U mean RE !-- I pretty much keep to myself because I'm a pot farmer in a prohibition state !--
People can't know what I do so I keep them at a distance !-- It's not like I'm selling cause they would have already hunted me down !-- It's still a toss of a coin whether I can make it to the end of prohibition without going to jail !-- If I do get caught they will make an example outta me for daring to come out from under my rock and to be so bold as to start this thread !-- I have no doubt I have a target on my back !
I'm having my 1st. Taste of some almost dry AK48 -- Ain't nobody told me the AK was floral dominate on the terepene tip ! -- Different !-- Got me pretty high too !-- Dis might be O.K. ?-- D.D. will like it but I'm not a fan of floral terps !
I gots a question !-- Waldo he got on lots of girls !-- Instead of alphabet soup I been trying to give them names -- Just ask the dam question Keef !-- Seed from BlackBerry Snow Lotus on a Master Kush mom -- Black Kush is already taken -- Might not be the most popular variety in da south but U know I gotta call it "The Black Masta " -- Hey if they can name something "Appalachian Thunderf**k ?-- I just don't see how this would be offensive !--I know some people always offended about something ? -- Would that be wrong ?
Before Harvey I was looking real close at some property close to the next town over from where that shooting happened !-- Zeroing in on the Stoner Ranch !-- I don't know the real estate market still rising maybe 6 month or a year ? -- I'm still gonna need someone to drive the U-Haul up that smuggling route when I move the pharm !--
I guess setting up one those -Go Fund Me -- sites for a Stoner Ranch wouldn't be such a good idea this being Texas and all ?
Yes, that would be wrong.

And if there is an Appalachian TF, they must have some alaska TF in it or they are big copy cats.

Nice pic's you guys in the botm. Thanks for posting.

2RE, please keep participating. It is a very hard time in our world right now, but we need the good ones around please.
Probably the same thing Rose !--- but I have got lit and confused more than one time!--
I don't think it would be wrong Rose !-- Ain't got but the one seed so far anyway !-- Black Night = Nightshade -x- BBSL -- Black Snow = Snow Desiel -x- BBSL-- Black Nurse ( maybe?) = Nurse Larry -x- BBSL---Black Mazar -- and such !-- Why avoid it ? -- Don't bother me none !-- As a matter of fact the thought of a white racist asking for The Black Masta just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside !
Good evening all! Hope everyone is doing well.

Can't believe we are in November, year has flown by. Keepin' my nose to the grindstone and trying to navigate this legalization business.
End of the day, we are still just growing the herb we love!

Here is a pic I just took of a Purple Punch pheno I found. Enjoy!

View attachment IMG_2009.jpg
Nuttin' like the 1st buzz of the day, even at 4 am. (I been up for a while)
Keef, I seen what you did wit' yer BOM entry. Thats purty funny right there!. Purple weed sure is pretty. Its a good thing Hal didn't enter the contest with his shiny shiny. My oh My.
Morning O.F.C. !-- It's dark !-- I don't know what time it is !-- Coffee and a pipe in me !-- Need more !-- I try to understand what U meant later Nick !-- My brain cell ain't awake yet !-- I don't remember doing anything !
It's still dark but I don't even care anymore who really knows what time it is anyway ? -- 76 at the beach now and headed for 90 + -- I feel them caps in my belly we gonna be O.K. ! -- What we gonna do today ?--I'm thinking I'm going O.T.B. ( Over The Bridge ) today and get some supplies !-- Christmas coming so I needs to put up a case or 2 of my fruit brandy !-- Gonna pick me up another 5 gallon bucket and make me another fermenter and get some more apples !-- Gonna be an Apple Jack Christmas !-- That'll jingle your bells !
Morning OFC...30*.outside.... dam winter came fast
Wake and bake my friends....:48:.....
D.D. better keep the pups close by....
Too cold for me Cane !--
80 something already here sun is too bright !-- I went back to bed -- My face say the weather is changing --It ain't liking it !-- Not sure I'm get much done today !-- I ain't ready for another round of face pain I ain't recovered from the last one yet !-- Dam !
Yer pic looks upside down. Since mine wuz sideways.............
Good morning ofc...
I Should probably not be allowed to grow weed...In my 1st attempt at hydro, I mixed my nutes about 6 Times hotter than I was supposed to. At first it looked like a cal/mag issue with the leaves getting yellow between the veins so I added some cal/mag and waited. The burn continued, so I’m wracking my peebrain and looked at my recipe and realized that I had incorrectly converted from grams to teaspoons instead of just getting out my scale and weighing in grams...anyway, I dumped everything, scrubbed out the tank and mixed a fresh batch at the correct level. I don’t know if these girls will recover but we’ll see.
I get high sometimes Nick no telling what I did !-- I didn't feel real good about it anyway but I been promising Rose for months I would post an entry -- Wish I woulda had more at a good time in bloom !-- My plants fall over sometimes -- That might be just the way it lays ? -- I should look I suppose see what I did ? -- I been trying to participate but my heart is really not into a weed growing competition -- I'm just tickled pink that I can grow enough for D.D. and I -- I got some great genetics but I'm a student of the plant !-- There's more I don't know than I know !-- I got no business even entering BOTM !-- If I was gonna give myself a grade for my grow skills I'd say I'm a solid C minus !-- Sometimes a "D" just barely passable ! -- Growing fine weed in the belly of the beast where the Po-Po hunt growers for sport and staying outta jail so far is a win for me in my book !
Dam wind howling out there !
RE that's how we learn !-- I've done stuff like that !-- Been growing a constant grow for 4-5 years now this time and I'm getting better but I still mess up sometimes !-- Just stay at it !--
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