Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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I too will join in iffn I'm not to late. I flipped the 2 nurse plants this morning, finally got my grow area rebuilt. Its much nicer now and hopefully a little more stealthy.
I will join you guys.. Tickled you are growing 2 nurse larry, st nick. I have a couple of girls in my seed project, they have big indica leaves.

2RE, glad the hemp goddess is giving you some help on Dwc. She has lots of good experience. The sun is shining here and that makes me happy. sodoes this pot i am smoking, Hit this:48:
Thanks Rose, I believe I will. Shoot. My arms not long enuff. Guess I'll just hit the bong here at hand!:vap-Bong_smoker:
I managing but I ain't moving too well !-- Going from sitting to standing is a chore !-- Feeling my age today !
I been trimming this morning --Got sticky fingers !-- Maybe half way done ? -- Just put it down and bout to climb into scissor hash !-- I need a break !--
80 degrees and bright out there !-- Winter for the rest of America but we just hitting the winter growing season in the Rio Grande Valley !-- Think of it as smaller version of that central California Valley ! -- Too dam hot down here to grow much more than cotton and some grain in the summer !-- We do got some fine citrus !

Everytime ya'll almost have me convinced to veg a little longer for bigger plants I have to trim and I don't want to trim big plants !-- I'm good for now !
Green Santa seed run made it to Illinois !-- Still waiting to hear from Giggy see if he got his !-- I sent him enough to share with them other boys if he wants !-- He wants more I got'm !-- I got a pollen bag and another round of girls !-- If I could make feminized seed I would make my big seed run !--
Think I got a boy Nightshade -x- BlackBerry Snow Lotus but he not da one !-- I got one more shot at a lemon boy and I keep him or /and a Snow Desiel -x-- BBSL boy !-- Somebody need to walk Keef through the dam process to make feminized seed! -- I know to use an aqueous silver solution but my Google is broke !
I need to do this feminized seed run so I can start shedding some these girls !
Weatherman say because of El Nina this year Texas gonna have a warm dry winter !-- Gonna suck for the PNW !
I got 2 baby Snow Desiel - x- Black Berry Snow Lotus plants !-- I got'm marked B-S for Black Snow ?-- or BlackBerry Snow ?-- D.D. say NO !-- Dude U already put the name on the label !-- Bull Sheet ? -- Is that wrong ?-- What's in a name anyway ? -- I do knows what I expect it to do !-- BBSL post to make everything better ? -- Good Luck with that !-- I smoke the momma and she don't need no help !- but be my guest !-- Show me what U got !
Just finished nice big salad and a little piece of meat..tend to the girls and smoke a fatty..
Keef P.H..sure be Purdy...:)
La Niña no bueno....
No Bueno for U Cane !-- I had a TV dinner !-- I even like the CKN if the sauce is not too blue !-- Had like 3 doses of caps today !-- Moving real slow and still making grandpa noises !-- I need to move some tommorrow! --
I got 2 baby Snow Desiel - x- Black Berry Snow Lotus plants !-- I got'm marked B-S for Black Snow ?-- or BlackBerry Snow ?-- D.D. say NO !-- Dude U already put the name on the label !-- Bull Sheet ? -- Is that wrong ?-- What's in a name anyway ? -- I do knows what I expect it to do !-- BBSL post to make everything better ? -- Good Luck with that !-- I smoke the momma and she don't need no help !- but be my guest !-- Show me what U got !

If the strain is Bull Sheet, you could name it political name, lol oops did I say that out loud
Morning O.F.C. ! -- Ugh !-- I might live !--
Umbra I still like Black Snow !-- It's not like there's gonna be a variety with stable genetics !-- Just the one plant Cuz !-- Thinking about just start with "A" and give girls-- girl names ?
Wake and Bake -- Weed won't smoke itself !-- Do your duty !

He ain't had nothing to say about 'Bama !-- Wonder why ?
Morning OFC....where am I ...O....wake and bake
If the strain is Bull Sheet, you could name it political name, lol oops did I say that out loud

If you want to give 'em girls names, You could start with Trumps wives :vap-Bong_smoker:

Morning stoners
Hey Keef, don't you live on one of them barrier islands? Name it Barrier Bomb or sumptin neat like that.
Good morning all, time to roll a joint, light a bong, a pipe, a blunt, you get it.
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