Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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1st chance I get I'm sign my neighbor up as a grower !-- That would make my day !-- They's some others I wanna sign up too !-- Let them get looked at under a microscope !-- Plus a bible thumper like me will tell on your as* !---Whether it's true or not ! -- I know some people need to get accused of something !-- Mane ya'll making me miss the Rally in Pensacola for the Grand Old Predator !-- Or is that Pedophile ?--No that's right the rally is for the child molester !- I get so confused !--
Yeah well, it’s only legal on the local level so I ain’t adding my name to nutin! We all know they lie... I did just one long weekend in jail due to pot when I was just a young pup but twas enough that I don’t want more. So I do my thang and I keep somewhat quite about it. I can talk about it to my good friends and those friends in the ether, ya’ll...
Looks frosty enough !-- Some varieties will produce more frost than others !-- This Nightshade I got was very disappointing to the eye !-- Then I got it in the pipe and she became a keeper !-- She ain't pretty but she'll wreck U !-- Gonna be sexing some of her children soon !-- If Waldo did to her like he did the others then it is gonna be some mind raping weed !
Nick closer U get to indica less reason there is for a SCROG !-- I'm not even sure how that would work on an indica anyway ? -- They don't stretch that much in bloom !-- Looks like it works great on Nurse Larry !
This BBSL took a lot of stretch out of her and I would say she only got a moderate stretch anyway!
I like the stuff that don't make me cough. Lotsa crystal is a good thing though even if it makes ya lose a lung.
The little bud below is an autoflower and it didn’t spend much time vegging so it didn’t get very big and during the bloom stage it doubled in size which is why I had to tie her down. They are not really good candidates for a scrog so I’ll do those outside in the spring. I did a Scrog on my second indoor grow and it may have been my best yield. I’m gonna re-arrange my space a little bigger than what I have now but only a single grow space. I’ve decided I don’t need a separate veg/flower, especially if I’m gonna Scrog... But the biggest thing I need is better lighting. I got that little mars-hydro light but it made these skinny buds so I might use it for sprouts and such. I gotta get a a$$ kickin new light for growing and flowering, same light, same space.
Umbra bought a light recently that is probably one of the best designs out there now. The good news is you can build one just like it for about 1/3 the cost and design the color spectrum to suit your desires. Imagine something which looks like an old tv antenna with each arm of the antenna being a strip light. Low power too so you can get them right down on the plants which solves the height thing. I priced the lights out at roughly $37.50 per meter plus frame and driver. Anyway, if you are handy About $300 will give you a custom light tailored to your grow space:vap-Bong_smoker:
Nick closer U get to indica less reason there is for a SCROG !-- I'm not even sure how that would work on an indica anyway ? -- They don't stretch that much in bloom !-- Looks like it works great on Nurse Larry !
This BBSL took a lot of stretch out of her and I would say she only got a moderate stretch anyway!

I top my Indicas about 4 or 5 times during the first month and then let em go. I have tomato cages for the ones I don't scrog.:vap-Bong_smoker:
Giggy building some similar but I think he using COBB chips and fewer of them !-- He told me about some kind of "socket" -thing that allows U to change out the chips and add different colors !-- I smoke a little weed so don't rely on me for the details !-- All I know is Giggy building some lights !
Good Morning all you awesome weed nerds. I did thee wake-n-bake early, around 5:30 with some Purple Kush in the pipe. May not have been the best choice but I needed more sleep anyways:48:
Morning O.F.C. !-- Nick it's good to have some weed like that !-- I been up early many days when I woke up hurting !-- Take some caps and a few tokes to take the edge off and go back to bed !-- Gotta get my timers reset -- Power goes off it Jacks my style !-- Veg -- 6 am till midnight --Bloom 8am-8pm !--
Soon as these caps kick in I'm be real !
What up Umbra? -- U got to quit making such long post !-- I'm not reading all that !-- Whatever it is Cuz -- This too shall pass !-- Best wishes !
Well that's different !-- Stay away from here and concentrate on your guest !-- We still be here when your company leaves !
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