Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Is this company I should know about Umbra? lol

good morning, i am well. that is a good thing. So my friend THG sent me a package yesterday with satori in it. OMG it tastes devine and seems to be a speedy little girl. What a treat, she also sent a bit of a purple cross that was accidentally pollinated by here neighbors male plants. The female was buckeye purple and the accident made a very nice indica. I love it when that happens.

It is nice to read up on all of you. Nice to have Pot nerds to talk with, thank you.
They still got bout 9-10 days to finish !-- They bout to get frosty WI just started putting on trichs earlier than S-x-OL !
The last time you mentioned those bad boys I went on a educational research safari! Crazy how LED tech is changing and the different ways companies are trying to maximize the bang for the buck for the end user. The COB tech was looking good but don't work for closet growers because they can't maintain the distance they need. The new trend, like yours are using the Samsung LEDS that were developed to provide a wide spectrum of light while still running at a minimal power for longevity. Individual chips use milliwatts rather then watts which allows them to run coolet of all the current chips while still being incredibly bright.

Just wait until the light guys start asking the led guys to develop specific spectrum wide dispersion LEDs instead of settling for what the led guys think the:vap-Bong_smoker:y need.
My lights can be adjusted in power and spectrum but to be effective you have to run them pretty hard and with 5 watt chips ( I have 2 with 10 watt chips as well), if they get within 14-16" of the canopy they will cook something.
One day I get some good lights !-- Probably not today !-- When I get high enough weed make me put on the blues !-- Been listening to Gary Clark Jr. and Joe Bonamassa -- It may be a little early to be this high but I'm kinda digging it !-- Where my pipe ? -- Where my lighter ? --Dam !
I pulled up Joe performing at Albert Hall on youtube I think !--Packed a pipe and chilling !-- Joe be da man !
keef, that is a pretty plant up there. I see no nurse larry in her, she is beautiful and darker green that the nurse, what is the bblh?
Rose --BBSL ? -- Black Berry Snow Lotus! -- They said the BBSL male "Bring the fire" -- So I turned him loose on some fire I already had like your Nurse !-- I was only gonna breed him to a couple girls but it didn't work out like that !-- He got to lots of girls !-- Waldo U bastid !-- So I got girls fathered by him from the Nurse and White Indica and AK48 -- Wednesday after next I should start sexing the 4 Purple Haze babies he fathered too !-- Got to find " The Purple Rose " -- It'll be there ! --I got enough seed to be sure !-- I only want the one plant !
I kept a male Mazar-i-Shariff -x-BBSL !-- He will probably be replaced before I even breed him but he my back up !-- Got 2 Snow Desiel - x- BBSL to sex and more seed !- Black Snow ! -- I want a boy from that breeding !
I know that's right !-- Why not ? -- That's where I got the momma and there will be a purple pheno with blackberry undertones !-- I just got to find it and I got enough seed !-- (plus I still got a pollen bag)-- I didn't breed it for a new variety !-- Just for the one girl ! --
Nurse Larry -x- Black Berry Snow Lotus --The one plant -- Has a name !
Rose this is first run plant from seed NL-BBSL !-- BBSL did make the leaves darker and shortened up internode space and brought the frost on even earlier and heavier than the Nurse and Nurse Larry is a prize alone !-- She at about day 50 ?

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First run is just to get my cuttings and see how the plant do !-- I put one in bloom and it has 5" internodes spaces it's not gonna work for me !-- This one will work !-- Next time I run her I'll have me a mess of clones !
I see the president spoke at the opening of the new Civil Rights Museum and all the living civil rights legends stayed away !-- Makes me wonder --- Just who thought that this speaking engagement would be a good idea ? -- Seems kinda profane to me ?
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