Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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I have been enjoying the sun today and getting some garden fun in too. Pulled a bunch of weeds, turned over the compost bin, cleaned up a bit and added soma that compost to one of my beds. Oh and had a homebrew and a bowl... Worm casting tea in the bucket, gonna give my cabbage and brussel sprouts a shot...
I can’t wait till spring is really here...This sunny weather is just tryin to trick me...

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Looking good RE !-- We all know I don't do that dirt stuff so I was surprised that I got Roma and Cherry Tomatos up and peppers planted !

-O.K.--Don't be looking at me like that !--Just because I'm a water farmer don't mean I can't do dirt !--Tomatos--sweet peppers - onions --garlic--celery --oragano--and basil !---and some dill !--but that's all !--For now !---Don't tell no body U heard I was playing in the dirt !--I'll just deny it !-- I don't know nothing bout dirt farming !
Watching me some Olympics tonight !-- Them women sliding down them ice hills like they do weaving trying to hit all them poles with they shoulder on the way down !-- I would probably be good at that !-- Bumping into stuff is one of my specialties !-- Now they going real fast into a steep curved ramp and going real high while doing tricks and stuff !-- I tell U right now I go that high in the air off a ski jump ?--Tricks or not I probably be picked up off that ice on a stretcher !-- Be like a bug getting hit with a Fly Swatter !--Or a yard dart ?-- We already know I don't do a good yard dart !

The spirit is willing but the flesh be broke already but they find the cure to aging I'd do it !--That going fast down hill hitting them poles and stuff !-- Not that ice yard dart stuff !-- Make me break bones and stuff !--I hate it when that happens !
I need to go back and find that post # !
-- Don't do it Other Keef !--
U a dam trouble maker !-- U better take some caps or something ?---Try to get me in trouble again !-- Just call me Sgt. Shultz !-- I zee nothing !--I ain't saying nothing either !-- We gonna just higher and just watch the Olympics and mind our own business !
I honestly don't know whether its hype or the real deal. I have sour punch, mimosa, and C banana. I did taste some of the banana punch and it is fire, but so are the other purple punch crosses and C banana is fire all by itself.

I would do almost anything except for eat a tide pod to get some of those symbolic genetics Around here if you can find the seeds everyone wants double for them
Morning OFC !-- 5:45 --65 and dark at the beach !-- Working on glorious Wake and Bake !-- Kicked the jams off this morning with Neil Young !-- "Southern Man "!--Got Lynyrd Skynyrd lineup behind it !-- The Ballad of Curtis Lowe !-- I am a non denominational bluesman !-- Might be a day for some Gov't Mule and BlackBerry Smoke ?-- The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down !--
What da hell ? -- Let's just throw "The Battle of New Orleans " in there !--Be a patriotic morning !
The Ballad of John Henry ?-- The Cherokee Nation ? --Still trying to figure out the theme for the day !
It's a little early to be this high ?
morning ofc,,,today is lego land day ,,,I'm taking my son and one of his friends to LEGOLAND for his 5 birthday ,,,
What up Zig ? -- Legoland ? --I never been there !--Is it close to Miami ?-- Legoland ? --I never heard of the place !

I had to get a certified copy of my birth certificate for the Social Security application !-- That name ain't on none of my 3 honorable discharges from the army !--They got them other 2 names !--I think the SS people gonna have some more questions I better start ordering up certified copies of stuff they don't even know they'll need !--Ain't nothing easy !--Just who da hell am I anyway ?--I get so confused !-- I think I just stick with Keef !--Easy enough to remember !-- Who ever filled out my birth certificate couldn't spell for sheet !--How U misspell your last name anyway ?--Don't matter !--I ain't used that name since I was 21 and took a new name !--It's complicated but legal !
I would do almost anything except for eat a tide pod to get some of those symbolic genetics Around here if you can find the seeds everyone wants double for them
I'm doing a seed run with sour punch, mimosa, and a few others and the Oregon lemon male I still have.
What up Umbra !--
I got "Lemmy" on hold in veg for when I need him !--Your Squish-x-Oregon Lemon!-- Fine looking young male ! -- I also got his sister !-- The Lemon is there but I bet there is a better lemon in there so I probably F-2 them just to find the fine lemon I know is there !-- I didn't have Lemmy when I bloomed his sister and I had a little BBSL pollen left and I wanted a good tasty lemon so I hit a bottom limb with the pollen !-- I got 6 babies in veg !-- I'll have a fine lemon one way or another !
The Dank part is a given !
Might have some accident seeds. Looks like the lemon louie got hit with some apricot head pollen. Double purple doja F3 got some too.
I'm jealous !--Like U said --I don't need anymore Indicas!--U right too !--but --I got a disease U know !-- Can't help it !--- Still don't mean I ain't bird dogging some Deep Chunk and The Definitive Domina !-- Double Purple Dojo ? --Purples ?--I hate U dude !
It's the LEDs !--I don't understand it and I don't need to ! --They bring out the frost !
Umbra the LEDs are all I have ever known !-- Must be them cause it sure as hell ain't my grow skills !
Hey Rose I know U keep up with the news---I been real good haven't I ?--U must know how bad I want to say something but I'm not !--Just glad I already started gearing up !--
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