Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Thank you Gloman, Keef. He will always be in my heart. Got 4 more SR-91 X (MZ X BBSL) planted. Will, see if they differ from the first set, I planted. Only, 2 of those popped. And, all of the first set of seeds came up with skinny stocks. I used a different medium this time around. I hoping for a good out come. It's got to be 420. (bong hit)
Gloman, I forgot to tell you. Nice looking gal you got up there. Looks like a winner to me. I'll snap a picture of what, I got going on later.
Most should germ for U Ness !-- Don't hold any back I got more !-- I know U gonna wanna fertilize but don't for a month or 2 !-- Those Indicas need to be starved compared to a sativa !--
I know what that one will do !-- Mazar-i-Shariff-- Sangarara Reserve -x 91 Dragons and the Black Berry Snow Lotus all wrapped up in one plant !--
Going to bed last night, I took our little dog Bucky, out for his pre-bed walk, he went around behind the house for about 30 seconds and when he came back he was different. Very lethargic and unresponsive...usually after doing his duties, he’s all about finding my wife who at that time is usually getting ready for bed as well. Last night he walked into the house and laid down at our bedroom door. That caught my eye and I started checking him out. He was out of it and soon started drooling and I started worrying...the wife held him and after a while he seemed to improve...He Still was not back to normal this morning so we took him in to the vet...blood test shows stage 2 liver disease, he is ~11 years old...they are hydrating him and trying to ease his nausea...probably going to change his diet...my only question is this seemed so sudden, not sure if liver issues work like that. It almost seemed like a poisoning or at least accidental poisoning...he was in my garden during the potty walk but I don’t leave ferts or chemicals lying around and believe me, i checked this morning to make sure... we’ll get him back this afternoon...
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Good afternoon guys.

Ness: Sorry to hear about your dog, I know your sorrow and I feel for you.

I trimmed some more bottom branches off of my plants. I figure I might as well try to clone them. Don't know what I will do with the clones but it seemed like a waste to throw those cutting away. ha ha
I seem to have better luck cloning Indicas for whatever reason. I am sure I will get a few decent clones to grow and share. from these.

Happy gardening!

First of all Ness, i am so sorry for your loss. It is horrible and I am so sad you have to go thru this.
RE, that is so scary. I would give him a little tincture if you have a high cbd. I hope he pulls thru it. What kind of dog is he? I wonder if he ate something poison in those 30 seconds. Oh, i sure hope he pulls thru. We all love our dogs more than most things or people. Hugs to you both.
When it rains it pours !-- So sorry RE !-- We don't wait on the research !-- Listen to Rose and Gloman bout this !--
Hope the pup gets well soon !
Dang 2RE,
That sux about your dog.
My last dog had similar troubles. I had to give him I.V. fluids as he dehydrated. His kidneys and liver failed after 13yrs. He got 2 reprieves. Got better for a while but he was just worn out. He rests next to my goldfish pond now.
I can deal with losing people better than my pets.:(
I think I'm having a brain chemistry imbalance again !---- A tent city POW camp for kids in the heat of the South Texas summer !-- I'm sure there is some rational explantation but my cripple mind ain't finding it ?
I think I'm having a brain chemistry imbalance again !---- A tent city POW camp for kids in the heat of the South Texas summer !-- I'm sure there is some rational explantation but my cripple mind ain't finding it ?
That’s gotta Be hard...
Something U don't see much -- A male pot plant and it's clone !-- I call him Charlie -- full name is Charlie Bravo Delta !-- He is from CBD Crew's Indica -x- Valentine clan !
Let me 'splain how I'll use him -- When that clone is rooted and begins to grow again I'll move it to bloom -- I'll let him form balls and right before they open I'll move him back to veg-- He'll continue to bloom for awhile and open up enough flowers for my needs !-- I'll take him over to the girls and slap them around with him some -- It would be better to collect the pollen and brush it on the desired developing bud!-- Then wait for seed to develop!-- It's not like I need a bunch of seed !-- Few dozen is plenty seed for me !
2Redeyes: I had a cat that had issues like that once. I adopted him from the SPCA as a full grown cat. Not long after I adopted him he seemed very sick one day. I took him to the vet and he had a liver disease that I did not know about. It seemed to me he was ok until the day I took him in. He passed away a day later. It sounds like you caught this in time to get him some help.

Keef: Charlie looks great. Good luck with him.
In Portland on business. At the airport waiting to go home. Didn' get any sleep last night. Makes for a long day. Nestle, my dog that passed, her ashes sit by my bed.
Son #2 turned 24 yesterday. He wanted to go to a concert in Irvine. Very long drive. Next is a concert in Tahoe, tomorrow. I will meet him at another concert Sunday in Oakland. Miss my dogs.
Dang sorry to hear about your animals. I have a history with psychedelics and I had a religious experience one time with my dog Harley. C hanged my life. Not sure what I'll do if he goes before me.
Morning everybody!
Keef. I have a Pennywise x V male. Very small but showing lots of pollen sacks. Gonna keep him in a turkey bag to save his pollen.
Thunder boomers this morn but no rain yet. Wouldn't hurt my feelings none to water in the corn I re-re-replanted yesterday. :)
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Good morning all, I am on my way to the pot doc to reup my license. My trainer had to stop training and I felt very sorry for myself yesterday, so this morning, i worked out at home. I will do that I hope 2-3x a week. I loved her so much, but things change. I really need to not feel sorry for myself. what a loser to whine. lol Love to hear all about your cbd plants. We all love our dogs so much in the ofc. They are our best friends. Be strong peeps.
Good Morning OFC. Yesterday was fun, lol. Gave a speech about the chem spill in Fresno. What we learned, the root cause analysis, the importance of the proper use of PPE, and prevention for the future. The spill was caused by installing a double block and bleed valve system using materials not compatible with the chemicals being used. Seems pretty simple now, but wasn't too pretty when it happened.
Just glad to be home, hanging with the dogs and trying to recuperate from the lack of sleep. It's fryday so … time to hit this joint.
Hello everyone, need some feedback, can’t make my mind up.
I have 5 spots to fill and can’t decide whether to plant Cookies or this new lemon tree x tangie strain. The cookies is a proven bad ass but I’m wildly interested in the lemon tree cross. cracked theses seeds 4 months ago and sexed them. grew the Lemon Tree last year and it was fantastic. What do y’all think?
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