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Rb is a little dead and mr rb is doing all the work. I am too old for this..

Cane, mine are 50/50 so far. One whimpy Papaya and one green, when it is all done i will take pics Putting 8 in the ground now... holy cow. Tip, take of bottom growing branches before you plant in the ground... ouch.
Looks like I might have 2 Hippies Dawg out of 6...1..hopefully 2.Nurse Larry out of 5..the only GDP X BR that made it might be showing.lady like:) and 4 BPU X BB that no show yet...plus I have six papaya clones...
Nes I have to remind people once in awhile I'm brain damaged so BANG -BANG !---- Reminds me I need to bust a cap on something soon just so they don't forget !--- Stay away from that crazy mofo don't the street !---Did U hear what he did ? ---Works for me !--- U got to find a dark place at night for those plants !-- U will be disappointed if U don't !--- Tell him get your grow room cleaned out !---Does he know prohibition bout to end ad U learning to grow a very valuable crop ? ---- D.D. sitting on ten grand for when they announce the end of prohibition ---Six months before the go legal date --I'm spending some money !--- Right now it's important that I learn everything I can about growing weed !--- When they blow the whistle the time for mistakes is past !--- My goal is about 25 pounds a year !-- That's about a heavy 2 pounds a month year round !--- If I can do that I can double up anytime I want !
Nice ROSE....my papaya is wimpy compared to the other stock....
What's up with all the males ? -- I thought it was just the Hippie's Dawg seed !-- It's everything !--
Rose U ain't old !-- So U have bad knees !--- Some 20 year olds have bad knees !-- U need to slow down some !--- Keef can teach U !---D.D. say I got a masters degree in kicking back !--- I'd tell that trainer where to get off in a New York minute !--- I'm all over stuff if it's something important to me but don't even try to make me do something U just gonna get your feelings hurt !--- This old body can only do so much and I will be the boss of where I spend my pain !
Tj does not smoke anymore. He saw his days with weed when he was younger, but not know more. Yes, keef, I do mean to say, that the grow room is going to be fix faster than I was thinking before. Something will happen. That light is going to be history until I get my grow room.
Lots of us smoked weed to get high when we were younger but the older we get we use cannabis as a medicine more and more !-- The side effect of taking weed for medicine is it gets U high !---I can live with that !--- There's a lot of people who think weed is evil and not good for anything except getting those worthless Stoners high! --- That is changing as people find out what good medicine it really is !---- Two things can be true at the same time !--- Some feel weed is like a holy plant and should be held in reverence !-- Then there are those who see it as a commodity to be bought and sold !--- I'm kinda in the middle !---Both things are true to me !---
Hey Rose are U O.K. ? --- U don't complain much so when U do U must be hurting !--- U Better start resting that knee !--- Don't make me come up there !
Oh my gosh, all plants are in the ground, well except 2 that haven't sexed and three more seedlings of satori and some nurse larry that hasn't been planted yet. I need her. mr rb did an awesome job out there today.

Cane, i find nurse larry takes forever to sex. Orangesunshine got some beautiful coke can size colas off one pheno. He is very happy with her. I am proud. mr rb did an awesome job out there today.

I sent a friend 12 seeds and he has 45 clones of her harvested... amazing. I love it that folks like her.
Is it bed time?

Keef, just saw your question, i am fine, a whole lot better than 3 weeks ago.. it is a pisser though... pain. As you well know. Thank good ness i have great medicine.
Sounds like the hardest is over for now !-- I know what U mean when U say --All the plants !--Except this and that !-- They don't count yet !---
We just got thru moving the little dirt plant back into aero !--- They were root bound anyway !--I didn't want them thriving --space was limited I just was keeping them alive till I had something to do with them !-- Be back to all water pharming for awhile !--- Dam the pharm be looking Good !!

Decided to let Trips go !-- I just don't need him anymore !--
Hello guys and gals. My buddy called me today. I h e been waiting to get a pitbull puppy from him. Momma ran out of milk, so I went and picked up my puppy today, she is four weeks, but is eating puppy chow softened with milk formula. She is big for her age. Here is a picture of her. My wife and wanted to name her Luna. Turns out her momma's name was Luna. Luna it is!
Oh wow YD, she looks so huge in the first pic with huge feet and then so very tiny in the next. The cats are curious. Luna is adorable. I can almost smell the puppy breath. Adorable lovely luna.
I love puppy breath. The cats are probably plotting to get rid of her.
morning ofc, i'm moving slow this morn but i'm moving. let's just say i know i have a back. burning a bowl and having my coffee means it's WAKE AND BAKE time in the ofc.

keef, mine did it under 24/7 cycle and put on pollen pods that had a seed inside each one. i had the plant in a pie tin and if you bumped it you could hear them fall. when i cut it i took it outside and shook it and it looked like sleet falling.

dog nice little pup, that is a cool name.

hello miss rose hope you have been mending well.
morning ofc, i'm moving slow this morn but i'm moving. let's just say i know i have a back. burning a bowl and having my coffee means it's WAKE AND BAKE time in the ofc.

keef, mine did it under 24/7 cycle and put on pollen pods that had a seed inside each one. i had the plant in a pie tin and if you bumped it you could hear them fall. when i cut it i took it outside and shook it and it looked like sleet falling.

dog nice little pup, that is a cool name.

hello miss rose hope you have been mending well.

Giggy was that the NDG13 H/P I sent you?.....that sounds horrible, I would like to know more please.
Giggy was that the NDG13 H/P I sent you?.....that sounds horrible, I would like to know more please.

no problem bro. yes it was the nd88g13/hp i popped three and had them under 24/7 light cycle. i'll have to look back at the dates but i think around week 5 or 6 he showed and didn't stop. basically he auto flowered and hermed to a female. looking back i should have let it finish some of the seeds to see what they would have done if anything. i should still have a couple pics i'll see if i can find them. i have seen a lot of herms over the years but never a male to female. maybe another reason we don't see many is we kill the male most of the time. is it just me or do we have more herms and less mold resistant strains then 10 to 15 years ago? the last 4 to 5 outdoor grows had more bud rot then i ever had. i remember growing for years and hardly ever seeing rot.
Morning O.F.C. !--- Who was that mask man ? -Kraven ?----Giggy too ?---

Puppies? -- I draw the line at 4 !--Little dogs !--- I got a nice privacy fence !--- So we had to spend some money !---D.D. said it was an investment to keep me out of jail !--- I don't like the neighbor !-- I got to find my pipe !-- D.D. probably hid it !--I don't care I keep a back up !-- Electrician be back Monday to finish !-- I think he meant Tuesday! --- I'm a little beat up from he pharming yesterday !-- I need more coffee !--Ugh !
Good morning Giggy, Kraven, Keef, Old Fogey, so nice to see you all this morning.

Giggy, those moths that lay an egg in the plant and a worm crawls out and ruins the bud by eating and pooping? i need to figure that out this year stat. That is so maddening. I am growing an old panama red this year, will be fun to see how different the old genetics are. She sure looks like old mexican pot. ha.
morning keef, glad yall getting it done yall both been wanting it for awhile.

krav i forgot temps where on the lower side but never bad cause them cfl's make some heat the lights are 2700k 55w cfl (4=220w) for the veg box, i don't know if the light spectrum had anything to do with it or not. none of the girls have had any problems so far. like i said i'll have to look at the dates but they where all still in solo cups.
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