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I read my horoscope this morning. I'm not huge believer or anything but sometimes.....

A serious case of self-doubt could catch you off guard if you set your hopes too high today. Confusion comes and goes as you swing between a heightened sense of enthusiasm and increased uncertainty. You may be swept up by the fear of making a bad decision, which prevents you from arriving at any conclusion. Paradoxically, you might be happily surprised when a minor setback brings sudden resolution. Confidence is like a muscle; the more you use it, the stronger it gets.
What up Umbra !-- It's like the blank rune !-- Pregnant and empty at the same time !-- The unknowable !

Green Santa bringing me some seed for more Black Rose crosses and He coming from another direction with something else nice too !-- It's good to be Keef !--
Im on the beach buried up to the neck in sand,,keeping an eye on you. Lol
Your dog tried to pee on me. :48:

You're a funny man Hopper! I almost pepper sprayed a couple of kids on the beach when I was jogging one morning; they had buried themselves in a way I didn't see them til I was on them & they jumped up & scared the bejesus out of me! It was close!
Beautiful GDP/BR Cane! Bet it smells wonderful! I've come to the conclusion that I like weed that smells & tastes pretty! I'm ruined! Just love the BPU. Disappointed in the Bubblicious, but if may get better with aging. She really struggled to overcome the great bug war of 2016 & I don't believe she reached her full potential.
Umbra, that horoscope was right on dude!
Kraven, hope you get lucky my man! And, I hope you're wrong about it coming back for us! Keep 'em dry! Be safe!
And, hello Rose, Nes, Dog, Giggy, Burnin1, Nick, OF, & anyone else I may have missed!
No pepper spray DD,,,the sand in my underwear is bad enough. Lol
I ain't liking those spaghetti models Kraven !-- 3 of them now show it moving into the Gulf after it spanks the east coast !-- It gets into the Gulf we both in big trouble !
one show it hitting Florida then circling around for the gulf.
Are U kidding Burnin1 ? -- It gets anywhere near me --We out !-- I got good home insurance and all that !-- So we jack rabbit outta here !-- I would worry about Kraven but I know he got this !-- It just won't take much to wipe this place clean !-- I knew that when I bought it !-- I'd probably rebuild maybe on another
lot !-- Maybe put in a garage with a big AC and 13 ft. Ceilings !-- Get me some doubled ended gravitas lights and burn some power !--
The o'l hippy called this morning so went up to see him and we went and got a trailer load of wood....now it's watch and wait.....may get lucky..... may not. It looks like its gonna make a loop and then come back at us Monday - Tuesday then into the gulf....not a good looking forecast, but very accurate.
Kraven, i just watched the news, they are calling it as bad as katrina in fla... Man, will you have to evacuate? This is very scary.

Rose this is a very dangerous weather situation, it has been since 1983 since i have seen one this bad....what i got a few weeks ago was a joke compared to whats coming down the pipe...I may be far enough west to just get a little wind / rain....wont know till it happens.

Be careful Kraven.

WH thanks, get your water wings.....it will be in the Gulf on Tuesday after it just wipes half my state off the friggin map.

I'm not a big religious believer but I'm saying a big prayer for you kravin

Thanks Bud, a prayer never hurts.

Kraven is and will always be a marine and he knows how to deal with storms like this !-- He done it before !-- It's the hard work that comes in the aftermath that beats U down !-- That's what I hope he doesn't have to face !--- I think this gonna be worse than Katrina and over a larger area !-- The east coast of Florida is toast !--I hope they got everyone out !

Yes sir Keef you have hit the nail on the head, we have seen our share of nasty storms, this one frightens me!

kraven stay safe, i hope you get nothing more then rain.

Giggy, thank you for your thoughts, we gonna hang in and see just what goes down in the next 24 hrs.....

Kraven thinking of you man..Be careful....

:48: I'll take a toke with ya. Thanks for the kind thoughts, gonna get dicey for the next 24-36 hrs...and then looks like it will be back to finish anything it didn't get on the first pass.....

one show it hitting Florida then circling around for the gulf.

Thanks YD you are very correct, I'll deal with this for the next 4-5 days it seems. I'm used to a 6 hr event.....this is gonna make me weary. For the first time in awhile, this one scares me!
Rightly so Soldier !-- Got to respect the weather !-- I been wiped out before !-- I'm getting better at rebuilding !-- Something happens to this place I may just take advantage of that Texas veterans land program !-- 10 acres or more at almost no interest rate or down payment! -- U think they'd know they was financing a pot farm ? -- I'm ready to expand !-- double then double again !-- build me a proper lab and throw down !-- The storm gets into the Gulf it could take the house but it ain't taking us !--I'm hard to kill !--
5 gallons of blackberry wine working and 5 gallons of fine blueberry wine and she wants daiquiris ? -- See want I have to live with ? -- For daiquiris young lady I'll be needing rum and for that I'll be needing that little 5 gallon still we talked about !-- and one of them slushy machine they use to make them frozen Almond Joy daiquiris I know U like !--
One day keef I'll start a thread on some corn sqeezin's the how's and the why's. I'll even share a good starting recipe. I prefer a minimum of at least a 20 gal still, you will only get 4 gals out, but they will be the best of the best cut. All regulated by temp so I could teach anyone to make it. I have been honing my craft for over 40 years, so I just go by touch and smell.
I like it Kraven !-- U know I'll probably have to make my own still !-- Not sure I want to take the risk of ordering one !-- When it's time maybe I go get me a sheet of copper !-- Cutting the skirt and making the cap fit perfect might be a pain but I got sheet metal experience !-- Been a long time but I could do it !--
This CO2 machine I want has a 90 minute run time but does most of the extraction in the first 15-30 minutes !-- I figure I run it a half hour then reload it --- I get the rest out with an alcohol wash and have RSO as a by product !-- That way I can have 2 runs an hour with the machine !
Dude the weather channel came on with a message saying this is a historic storm and the Florida has never been hit with such force. That they are not hyping the storm, that you need to take this very seriously.....the lost of life is expected for anyone who stays. Says this will make history and don't want Floridians to be part of it. Wow, this was the main hurricane dude and he was talking really serious. Never heard them talk like this, and I am a meteorologist myself. East side of the state gonne be wiped clean.....
5 gallons of blackberry wine working and 5 gallons of fine blueberry wine and she wants daiquiris ? -- See want I have to live with ? -- For daiquiris young lady I'll be needing rum and for that I'll be needing that little 5 gallon still we talked about !-- and one of them slushy machine they use to make them frozen Almond Joy daiquiris I know U like !--
There is a fb post about your personality described as an alcohol. I am RUM! lol. " You are authentic and original. You don't give into what people think or what people have to say. You say and do what you feel like." If I am RUM, I don't want be any run of the mill RUM. Anejo....!
I usually go to bed bout 11 or so but I might have to sit up and watch this storm awhile tonight !-- Keep my running shoes close !--
I always get a kick out of fb and some of the things that you can do there. Sounds about right Umbra....

Bundaberg Rum Master Distillers' Collection - Blenders Edition 2015

ABV: 40.00%
Category: Dark
Country: Australia
Producer: Bundaberg Distilling Company

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Polished oak notes, rich fruit cake and treacle aromas. Raisins, chocolate cake and cooked banana on the palate. Pleasing simplicity throughout.
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