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Rose we've almost made it thru lent -- Can't wait to indulge in a big plate of that Kosher Bacon ! I grow weed if U come to my house to sell something or save my soul -- U at the wrong place ! I can not be swayed by guilt which pretty much takes the wind out they sails ! When RWS and I met - there was a group of good pentacostal elders who came to me and told me to stay away from her so they could bring her back into the womb of Jesus !-- Then they ask if I wanted them to pray for me !-- My reponse was if U come around here again or harrass RWS in anyway -- U better start praying for yourself ! I'm immune to your guilt try it if U dare !-- They never approached me again !-- I wrapped my dirty wings around her and dared the religious community to approach her in any way or try they guilt sheet on her in anyway ! To make my point --Ole Keefe went to church one Sunday morning !- Begging them to lay some hands on me !!-- End up drawing back a nub !
Told 'em I was Catholic. They figured I was too far gone to bother with.:)

Don't ever tell 'em you're an atheist. They'll make it their life's mission to convert you.

This isn't talking religion, is it? Ain't tryin' to sway anyone's beliefs. To each his own. What ever it takes to get you through life, and happy if possible.

Oh by the way my Bro just brought me some Dank called Cherry Pie. Very nice. Yummy
going down to 20*F tonight & supposed to snow a bit. This midwest weather is screwey.
Sure do miss the Arizona sunshine
Think it was about 6 months ago give or take when my 4 legged best friend was diagnosed with very aggressive lymphoma. Started him on CCNU every 3 weeks. Without the vets knowlege I've also been giving him 2 doses a day of RSO.
He gets a blood test every 3 weeks too. This is the GOOD part. I know we have pet lovers here so dig this! EVERY blood test after starting him on RSO has been in the NORMAL range. Not normal for cancer, but no sign of the lymphoma at all.
We aren't out of the woods yet, but I'm thinking with prayer, chemo and RSO it's looking good. There was a thread on vet uses on that other site. Isn't it just Amazing how money can sway poloticians even though the truth could have helped hundreds, thousands or even millions of people in the past? ooops, sorry, that may have been construed as political. sorry.
We're so lucky the reserch is being done now & we are allowed to use it medicinally if we jump through enough hoops. not that any of us here needed permission hehe, but it says a lot on Who is at the helm now. BABY BOOMERS RULE! lmsao!!!!!
geez, you "old farts" are sensitive to the rules. lol

relax! I'm sure Rose will give ya a few warnings before a slap on the wrist.
After that, the beatings may begin but I doubt they will be too sever.

2 cats, 1: dog, gecko, hamster, bunny and 20 some birds. ALL indoor...
I'm going to need to grow a plant just for them :guitar:


20F and a dusting of snow across the yard as I type
tomorrow wont be over freezing
crazy winter!
and THIS is exactly why I love posting in this thread

its more about helping and putting a big-ol' smile on each others faces rather than proving who knows more or does things better.
Heck, if any of you are honestly "in the know" on a subject you share the knowledge to any who ask/listen.

LONG LIVE Curmudgeonland !!!

Joe, I've only got one indoor bird plus one old dog, two cats, and a mess of fish. I've had Rodan since '76. The wife hates her (it's mutual), the kid hates her (ditto), but she loves me! Thought it was a male for many years until "he" laid a few eggs.

She's probably got forty more years. I don't.:)
You betcha Joe, if we can't get a smile here, well it just ain't right. hehe
I've learned quite a lot from this small group of misfits.
Hopefully I can contribute a bit back.


Hot Dang Joe! You got CRITTERS! I had a few mutt dogs in Az. 3 cats & a 5' Iguana & no kidding, they all tolerated each other. I too prefer critters to most humans.
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Joe, I've only got one indoor bird plus one old dog, two cats, and a mess of fish. I've had Rodan since '76. The wife hates her (it's mutual), the kid hates her (ditto), but she loves me! Thought it was a male for many years until "he" laid a few eggs.

She's probably got forty more years. I don't.:)

So Hippie, this may be obvious & I'm missing it but is Rodan a fish or a goose?
Good Morning OFC, got three days straight of work ahead of me so just coffee and more coffee as I head out to the W word. hope all have a good weekend, I'll check in tonight when I get home :)
Good morning Curmudgeonlanders. I see that the OFC is up bright and early. Got my coffee and my vape, gotta catch up on the "wake and bake". Better do something, cause Mother Nature pulled a fast one on us here. IT`S 10 DEGREES BELOW ZERO, thought it was spring.
Morning O.F.C. !-- been up about an hour and I'm lit up !-- join me if U dare !
reading through some of the post i saw where someone posted about not getting as high. well i was just thinking about that this morning. living in a state that will put you in jail for a seed i don't have the advantage of trying the different strains. i have grow bag seed all my time of growing and have only tried some breeder strains. i have tried bubble gum and grew c99, northern lights, train wreck, and sour diesel and their not what i looking for yet. don't get me wrong i get a buzz from them but i remember a sativa buzz being a soaring almost trippy high, and a indica being finding how deep the shag carpet was and forgetting what you was doing high. i don't find this in these strains that i have tried, maybe i just haven't found what i'm looking for yet but i can tell you, i guess i just get high and not stoned anymore.
What up Giggy. Morning my friend. Thats one of thr reason i like Ingesting everyday cause it works better for me. I also have been smoking along time. Started at 16,,and i am almost 60. I love a good Bowl,,but i get more out of eating it for some reason.
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