I am soooo freaked out!

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My love is doing much better and so am I! Thanks for all your support this has been crazy and educational to say the least!

we as you all can guess, I talked to my Attorney first thing Monday morning, and we see him tomorrow morning.

he is going to get the names of my visitors and send them very polite letters explaining they should not return to my property with out a court order other wise they will be arrested.

he is also going to look into the possibility this maybe connected to a off duty cop turning us in last summer at walmart cuz our truck smelled like MJ.

that was another stupid waste of our tax dollars and the local police serving and protecting me from my smelly truck. they found nothing and once again looked very foolish.

if he finds it is connected then this could get interesting.

either way I am not sitting down and taking it. I should not feel fearful in my own home from the police!

times are changing and I want the local police to get a clue. I am thinking of a form letter that I can send to these officials when they are up for reelection. Judges who are willing to sign these stupid warrants should not be re-elected, sheriffs who encourage their officers to look for MJ users should not be re-elected.

I'll keep you all posted! :eek:
JBonez said:
yeah, shoot em, that will work, when they return fire and kill you, there wont be any objection when they "find" evidence to support your homicidal tendencies.

attorney? hm.. you should know very well how police officers and detectives will stop at literally nothing, look what happened to the poor old woman in Atlanta, yeah, the legal system sure did work in here favor. wake up

you dont have to shoot, if you are not careful , they will shoot you and place a gun, who will tell on them?
a crew of 4 to 7 local police, they will be the wittness
Ilikebigbuds said:
Okay, I get home from the dentist yesterday, before I can even get out of the truck three cars pull in our drive behind us and five guys approach me and my husband, explaining they had an anonymous tip that we are growing mj here and would like to do a quick walk through of my house.

I asked if they had any paper, they said no, we shouldn’t need it if you are not doing anything wrong, I said that has nothing to do with it, they said well we are just doing our job, and I said then do it, bring me paper and you can walk through. They kept at my husband asking him and he said, what she said goes.

They said okay we will be back.

They all parked about a ¼ mile from my house, north, east and west.

My 3 sons arrived within an hour, we took at all down, it is all now gone, all of it.

One of my son’s threw 2 black trash bags in the back of his truck, all filled with clothes and left the house they all followed him and had a county fuzz pull him over and searched his truck and went through the bag of clothes and his truck and found nothing, while they where doing that we got the real stuff out and away.

So, now here I sit, wondering if they will return with their paper and tear my house apart.

How are they any different than the Nazi’s or the Catholics when they killed all the those who did not share there beliefs?

How can a random phone call cause all this?

my husband had a heart attack last night. we have been together for 25 years, I just can't lose him !!
I cant go to sleep i'm worried I will be woke to a gun in my face or worse my love will die.

this is a very sick world we live in.

sorry guys I just needed to vent. I am so freaked out and so very very sad right now.
My heart goes out to you
iam happy to read your husban is doing better. anyone stay at your house while you were gone careing for him?
one more post here, I so hope you stuffed the laundry bag with dirty clothes
I am so glad to hear your husband is doing well. It sounds like you were a quite calm and collected through this entire ordeal as evidenced by your very intellegent and effective action.

I am not an attorney. I am not trying to dispense legal advice. I don't even have a whole lot of experience dealing with leo, except at fund raisers and social events. But one thing I know for sure- those that I have interacted with usually display one common trait- EGO! Please be careful in your retaliation.

Just my thoughts- again, very impressed with your demeanor in handling this ugly situation. Keep us posted!
soo pleased to hear your love is doing well :yay:

i love your spunk and spirit ,,best of luck in your new grow :peace:
My love is doing much better and so am I! Thanks for all your support this has been crazy and educational to say the least!

we as you all can guess, I talked to my Attorney first thing Monday morning, and we see him tomorrow morning.

he is going to get the names of my visitors and send them very polite letters explaining they should not return to my property with out a court order other wise they will be arrested.

he is also going to look into the possibility this maybe connected to a off duty cop turning us in last summer at walmart cuz our truck smelled like MJ.

that was another stupid waste of our tax dollars and the local police serving and protecting me from my smelly truck. they found nothing and once again looked very foolish.

if he finds it is connected then this could get interesting.

either way I am not sitting down and taking it. I should not feel fearful in my own home from the police!

times are changing and I want the local police to get a clue. I am thinking of a form letter that I can send to these officials when they are up for reelection. Judges who are willing to sign these stupid warrants should not be re-elected, sheriffs who encourage their officers to look for MJ users should not be re-elected.

I'll keep you all posted! :eek:
Hey man so man looking at past posts and BB, Tcbud, UK girl, Hick,Turkey,Ozzy, hippieinengland, smoking mom, Rosebud, dirtysouth, Mutt, Drifting etc they were all on here when I first joined on here in 06 name seems familiar I mostly only put outdoor grows on the site when I started still illegal here and there outdoor well that's easy to get away with pics etc but I never posted on the indoor rooms I did back then before me and my old partner in crime decided to quit his girl got busted in a near by town so scraped the rooms and stuck to the outdoor that I quit for a while after that to was afraid that my name might have got dropped and prison isn't in my to do list I think I remember the name tho lots of the guys I knew when I joined are gone and doing well hopefully we're you in here when we had the chat room still??

Okay, I get home from the dentist yesterday, before I can even get out of the truck three cars pull in our drive behind us and five guys approach me and my husband, explaining they had an anonymous tip that we are growing mj here and would like to do a quick walk through of my house.

I asked if they had any paper, they said no, we shouldnt need it if you are not doing anything wrong, I said that has nothing to do with it, they said well we are just doing our job, and I said then do it, bring me paper and you can walk through. They kept at my husband asking him and he said, what she said goes.

They said okay we will be back.

They all parked about a ¼ mile from my house, north, east and west.

My 3 sons arrived within an hour, we took at all down, it is all now gone, all of it.

One of my sons threw 2 black trash bags in the back of his truck, all filled with clothes and left the house they all followed him and had a county fuzz pull him over and searched his truck and went through the bag of clothes and his truck and found nothing, while they where doing that we got the real stuff out and away.

So, now here I sit, wondering if they will return with their paper and tear my house apart.

How are they any different than the Nazis or the Catholics when they killed all the those who did not share there beliefs?

How can a random phone call cause all this?

my husband had a heart attack last night. we have been together for 25 years, I just can't lose him !!
I cant go to sleep i'm worried I will be woke to a gun in my face or worse my love will die.

this is a very sick world we live in.

sorry guys I just needed to vent. I am so freaked out and so very very sad right now.
Oh that's horrible. They would've already had the warrant if any judge was going to sign it. They're just going on some tip they recieved. Good going with the diversion. I hope your luck turns soon. Fucked up because you know damn well they have better things to do that they should be doing.
What state do you live in Texas? Geeeeez

I’m sorry.
I just noticed this happened in 2009!!!?
We've all done it. I'm grinning like a jackass eating briars right now 'cause Hopper said the same thing to me when I replied to an old post.
Damn I forgot about this! They did finally get my ass ( a few years later) cost me 10,000.00 , my home, and 18 mo probation. They tried to make me out as some ma barker crime lord. Dumb asses. I'm resilient. I've moved on. I cursed them all. Last I heard most those involved at screwing me over are no longer employed, retired, divorced or dead. The people who bought my house after I cut a deal with the bank ( paid my attorney fees) did not last long there. Humm, I wonder why? It's changed owners several times now.
Ok. Shit. Put this in the rear view mirror also. But I love how much love and kindness I received from the peeps here!
Damn I forgot about this! They did finally get my ass ( a few years later) cost me 10,000.00 , my home, and 18 mo probation. They tried to make me out as some ma barker crime lord. Dumb asses. I'm resilient. I've moved on. I cursed them all. Last I heard most those involved at screwing me over are no longer employed, retired, divorced or dead. The people who bought my house after I cut a deal with the bank ( paid my attorney fees) did not last long there. Humm, I wonder why? It's changed owners several times now.
Ok. Shit. Put this in the rear view mirror also. But I love how much love and kindness I received from the peeps here!
A good forum pic for you Mate