Leaves are Dying Fast. Crusty Brown Spots

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@Rosie... that was 26 words. Go back and edit. LMAO j/k I will read up on it. My biggest problem in remaining stealth in my space is odor. And, it's never flowering odor. It always seems to be the dirt and soil. Especially after a change or transplant. Anything that smells a lot is going to be tough. Outside, the few months that it's habitable, is very busy with traffic. Even dumping my dirt when I transplant is an operation in itself. Lots of Park Rangers are trained to look for that stuff. Just tossing piles of pot-shaped rootballs in my back yard is going to bring a lot of attention.... fast. LOL Even a mulch bin outside would be very black against the white snow in the winter when I need dirt for a new crop. Sux to be in this state but for now, I need to deal with it.

I was actually thinking of going with a soiless method but it's a far away thought. LOL

Thanks. I will check it out and ask you if I have any questions. I am definitely an organic kind of guy so it's right in line with the things I believe in.

@umbra. The only thing I have with a shot of N is the Fox Farms Grow Big that I feed during veg (probably need to review that as well). 6-4-4

I just ordered a small quantity of Jack's Classic Blossom Booster 10-30-20. At least I'll have something to get me through until I decide what nute/program/whatever that I'm going to go with.

Either way, I just watered yesterday so it will be a day or 2 before I water again.

Thanks again for all the help.

The big question still begs to be answered..... why are the other plants in the room so nice and green and healthy on this exact same routine?
I have no idea what "going organic" means. LOL I buy Happy Frog.... that's organic isn't it? LOL OK, Rosie. I always listen to the women I love. 25 words or less..... what's 'going organic'?

Quit trying to scare me, umbra. You work in the medical field. When someone has a sore toe do you tell them, "Yep, gangreen's next. Probably going to loose that leg". ROTFLMAO

Especially bugs. I hate bugs. I can deal with other stuff but... I hate bugs. Don't scare me with bugs. LOL

So, flush or feed?

And, why only on the leaves that are exposed to the light? Why is the rest of the plant (the bottom and back side) still nice and green?

Fortunately, I only have about 3 weeks left until I start harvesting these CBD plants. I plan to take it in stages at 8, 9 and 10 weeks. If something doesn't change, I won't make it 10 weeks. Might not make 8.

OK, straight up question.... I have heard that giving plants nitrogen during the late flower cycle messes something up in the flowering routine. Something to do with enzymes.

Do you guys know if that's true?

Thanks again
My discussion for work would be more like, it's broken. They haven't made parts for over 20 years. If you haven't made your money with it by now, you never will. Replacement is $500,000 and I can have it for you by tomorrow. What do you want to do?
That's funny. Those are the exact words my doctor used to describe my body. LOL
Thank you THG, i am getting my feeling hurt here, Hackerman doesn't want any of my special CBD seeds and he won't take my advice. LOL.... Maybe he will listen to you.

LOL--apparently he needs to be b-slapped....and you are way to nice for that.

Hackerman, spraying your plants with organic teas can help ward off bugs. My outdoor plants get regular foliar sprays with organic teas and I have not had any bug problems at all.
@Rosie... that was 26 words. Go back and edit. LMAO j/k I will read up on it. My biggest problem in remaining stealth in my space is odor. And, it's never flowering odor. It always seems to be the dirt and soil. Especially after a change or transplant. Anything that smells a lot is going to be tough. Outside, the few months that it's habitable, is very busy with traffic. Even dumping my dirt when I transplant is an operation in itself. Lots of Park Rangers are trained to look for that stuff. Just tossing piles of pot-shaped rootballs in my back yard is going to bring a lot of attention.... fast. LOL Even a mulch bin outside would be very black against the white snow in the winter when I need dirt for a new crop. Sux to be in this state but for now, I need to deal with it.

I was actually thinking of going with a soiless method but it's a far away thought. LOL

Thanks. I will check it out and ask you if I have any questions. I am definitely an organic kind of guy so it's right in line with the things I believe in.

@umbra. The only thing I have with a shot of N is the Fox Farms Grow Big that I feed during veg (probably need to review that as well). 6-4-4

I just ordered a small quantity of Jack's Classic Blossom Booster 10-30-20. At least I'll have something to get me through until I decide what nute/program/whatever that I'm going to go with.

Either way, I just watered yesterday so it will be a day or 2 before I water again.

Thanks again for all the help.

The big question still begs to be answered..... why are the other plants in the room so nice and green and healthy on this exact same routine?

The other plants lucked out and got enough nutrients stored in the soil. I did organics for more 20 years. It's not so much the nutrients being used as it is the micro organisms that are either attracted by the nutes or by other less developed micro organisms. They feed on the other micro organisms.
Here: http://microbeorganics.com/
Hackerman, when you have time look at Duck's stuff. He is a master organic grower. You can usually find him in the bong hitters club. There are good books, such as true living organics, and many stickies in the organic section when you have time.
Thanks gang. Sorry I quit answering last night. Had a gig at 8. We just celebrated 9 years of playing the same night at the same club. LOL 9 years of Thursday hangovers. LOL

Anyway, thanks for the help. We'll see what happens.

unbra, I was reading somewhere (maybe I'm mistaken) that you are somehow associated with Med Tree breeders. Is that true? If so, maybe you could ask them what kind of eaters these continuum plants are. Heavy or light.

These plants are showing the signs of both under and over fed. In fact, until HG noticed what I was feeding, we all thought it was an over feed problem. Now, we are saying it's under fed.

If we are wrong and they are over fed, adding more nutes is going to kill them. And, if we are right and they need more food, if they don't get it, they'll die. I'm so confused.

And, they sure look like they are over fed and nute burned. But, then again, over fed and under fed look the same. Odd this plant. Over water and under water can often look the same as well.

Would testing the brix tell us anything?

I keep going back to what I believe is probably the heritage of this strain.... road side hemp. Ditch weed. LOL Are weeds big eaters? Do dandy lions eat more than the flowers and grass around them.

The very first signs of this problem are the crusty spots. Not yellowing of the leaves. I'm not familiar with crusty spots (fortunately). Is that a nourishment sign.

I really need to nail this down before I flower the remaining clones or I'll end up with a flowering room full of dead plants.

I do have 3 of these. Maybe I'll feed some and starve another.

I'm so confused. LOL
Beside the refractometer for testing brix, I have a soil pH test kit. I never thought those things work and I don't know why I would care about the soil pH but, I do have it in case it would help. It's probably 10 years old.
I am doing some searching. Would the proper term for what I am calling 'crunchy spot' actually be 'necrosis'?

Everything I am seeing says Cal-Mag deficiency. I do give them 3ml per gal of Cal Mag every watering.

So, I am searching 'cannabis necrosis'.
Thanks gang. Sorry I quit answering last night. Had a gig at 8. We just celebrated 9 years of playing the same night at the same club. LOL 9 years of Thursday hangovers. LOL

Anyway, thanks for the help. We'll see what happens.

unbra, I was reading somewhere (maybe I'm mistaken) that you are somehow associated with Med Tree breeders. Is that true? If so, maybe you could ask them what kind of eaters these continuum plants are. Heavy or light.

These plants are showing the signs of both under and over fed. In fact, until HG noticed what I was feeding, we all thought it was an over feed problem. Now, we are saying it's under fed.

If we are wrong and they are over fed, adding more nutes is going to kill them. And, if we are right and they need more food, if they don't get it, they'll die. I'm so confused.

And, they sure look like they are over fed and nute burned. But, then again, over fed and under fed look the same. Odd this plant. Over water and under water can often look the same as well.

Would testing the brix tell us anything?

I keep going back to what I believe is probably the heritage of this strain.... road side hemp. Ditch weed. LOL Are weeds big eaters? Do dandy lions eat more than the flowers and grass around them.

The very first signs of this problem are the crusty spots. Not yellowing of the leaves. I'm not familiar with crusty spots (fortunately). Is that a nourishment sign.

I really need to nail this down before I flower the remaining clones or I'll end up with a flowering room full of dead plants.

I do have 3 of these. Maybe I'll feed some and starve another.

I'm so confused. LOL

Lol, I'm not associated with MedTree or any other breeder. I like their work same as I do a few other breeders. Brix reflectometer will measure sugar content in the sap of the plant. The trick is knowing what it is telling you, and what to do about it. I use mine for looking at the specific gravity when I brew beer, not growing plants.
There have been times when I was at the same point you are, not knowing if it was over or under fed. You have to start with the assumption you don't know where the plants are at nute wise. So I would start with a flush with ph'd water and then start a regular nute program. If you are going organic, then get what you need in and start. The problem with organics for many people is the lag it takes to start to see them recovering and improving.
Under or over fed? I think you need to look at what they have been fed to determine that. If you had been on a regular nutrient schedule with say GH Flora Series or similar, I think you could look at them being overfed. However, as you have fed them almost nothing, I am not seeing how this could possibly be overfeeding--except maybe an overdose of P as the Cha-Ching, Open Sesame, and Beastie Bloom have high doses of P. Otherwise, I don't know where your plants are getting any N, K or other nutrients it needs.

If you go organic, foliar feeding can help with the immediate needs of the plants (and as I already mentioned, organic foliar sprays can deter bugs). I really encourage you to look into organics. Rosebud mentioned "True Living Organics" by the Rev. This is a book worth owning. Some of the organic growing books get too technical for me, but this one is very readable. Rosebud and Duck sold me on organics--don't see me growing any other way now.
I have looked a a couple zillion images and it all comes back to 2 things....

Cal-Mag deficiency. Which is probably not it since that's the only nute that they have received in the actual recommended dose. Although canna doesn't take in Cal-Mag well at high pH and I am usually closer to 7 than 6. They like 6.2 - 6.3.

The other thing is... potassium deficiency. And, like HG says, duh, do we really need to scratch our heads on this one. Red stems were another symptom and that's also a P def. The only thing that doesn't say P deficiency is that it is supposed to start at the bottom and these plants all have the problem starting at the top.

All the bottoms of these plants are very healthy. No spots. No yellowing. Whatever this problem is, it is very very bad on every leaf that is exposed to direct light and almost non-existent on leaves that are shaded.

Does that say anything?

I grew with Miracle Grow for 4 decades and never had a problem. LMAO

I'm right in the middle of flowering and there's no way I can switch to organics now. You've seen how crowded I am. There's no changing things in this room once you get started. LOL I'm looking at it for next grow. I'm still even looking at some kind of soiless. Both ends of the stick, I guess. LOL

Thanks again for all the help and suggestions.
yes the crunchy parts are necrosis. And you already know that the cal/mag deficiency is due to too high of a ph, not the lack of ca/mag. The most immediate thing you can do is get your ph right.
And, I do that how? Just start pHing to 6.2-6.3 with the next watering?

Or, should I flush with 6.2 water?

Thanks. I owe you guys a drink when I get out there. ;)
I would just start watering with ph'd water and give it 20% runoff. So not a complete flush but enough to give the ph'd water a chance to make a difference.
HG says feed. So I am going use just pH water one while I pH feed the other. I'll try to find something high in K.