Looking to make online and real life friends, lets kick it

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Nov 27, 2011
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Thanks for taking time to read this :D
This summer I want to travel the US by thumb bumming (hitch hiking) just because I haven't really been around all that much. Not really too concerned about 'tourist attractions' I more so just want to experience different people and different atmospheres. I make friends with anyone whose willing to be friends but I tend to become good friends (more often) with people who ingest MJ.

What my plan is: I want to meet some people to want to be friends and let me kick it/crash at their place for a few days or a week or whatever. I am currently in AZ but it doesn't matter where I am going. Ill go to Washington, New York, or Florida and everywhere in between.

Im not a free loader: I don't expect people to just give, give, and give to me. I am more than willing to help those in need, and those who help me. So IDK if your remodeling or building a garage or something and want extra hands, ask me to come over. I'll work my fat off and then we can kick it. (this is just an example) Ill help with anything. Then again if you are down to letting a traveler sleep under your roof its greatly appreciated.

More about me: I can be crazy fun:woohoo: or super chill :chillpill: depending on the energy around me. I like to have fun and joke around. I am sarcastic in my humor and don't like to deal with ** drama. Not saying people don't have their problems just... well I think you know what I mean. I have a couple hobbies. I work on computers, play guitar, meditate, and yoyo from time to time. I work hard and play easy. I watch a lot of documentaries and have a lot of subject interests just ask me. Oh! and I'm all about peace and love. Free hugs foreva.

So yeah if your interested in helping me out or just want to be online buds PM me or post under this thread? still not sure how the whole forum this works.

Peace and Love - Amor Malakain (Kain)

PS please no organ cultivators, drama addicts, or sheep.
A bit of caution is advised, the craigslist murders comes to mind right off!
true that... I dont know if I can help in a murder. Kinda goes against everything I stand for. Anyway I thought those guys were caught?
:rofl: :rofl: Yeah, they may have been, but the world is full of nutjobs just like them.
Anyone can come in here, make a user name and say SURE Amor, I need a few odd jobs done, can you dig a 6' deep hole?
Im just going to bite my tongue on this one and say good luck on your adventures.
Hey I admire your sense of adventure...

but you do seem a BIT kookie...LOL
Good luck but you won't be using this forum to do this....read the rules bro. No one in their right mind is going to give their home address to a stranger looking to crash at their place and do odd jobs. I mean come on....sounds like a really bad horror movie premise. I don't say this to be mean but you missed out on the time and place to do this. This might hve been a good idea in the early to late 60's but in today's day and age it just ain't gonna happen.....at least without you winding up buried in someones backyard or crawl space.
:goodposting: I didnt even look at your link Chef but I see you and I are thinking the same thing.
maineharvest said:
:goodposting: I didnt even look at your link Chef but I see you and I are thinking the same thing.

This time and recession and im gonna invite a stranger to come into my home and eat food i can barely afford and smoke this guy up......3 strikes already! The jack k days are long gone! Should get a job!!!!!!! Ans save up and do the weed spots of the world.....the dam, jamaica...etc.etc.
@4u2sm0ke | I wasnt trying to spam? I only made two threads one to introduce myself and say Hi and one to meet people for my travels. Again I mean no disrespect to the forums or the rules.

@maineharvest | thanks :D hopefully skills and personality will carry me through but hey luck is always welcome. I love adventures and haven't had nearly enough.

@engneer | arnt we all a lil kookie? :p Im a really nice guy just want to do things different for a change you know like following your heart as they say?

@Hamster Lewis | well I am not a stranger? I wasnt planning on starting till march or may which gives plenty time to get to know me and heck maybe I am not in my 'right mind' because ive let 'strangers' crash we me on multiple occasions.

@the chef | Actually I quit my 14$/hr job because it didn't make me happy and they only people I was helping was some corporation not to mention all the chemicals I was sucking in on a daily basis. Truth is I do have a life and I have been really happy since I started doing things for myself rather than listening to everyone else's ideas for me. This is another thing that I want to do. Also I am not asking to be smoked up. I don't really care if I smoke or not I just say I tend to get along with pot smokers already and I plan on eating rice for the majority of the summer. All I wanted was to experience different parts of the US and to have local people to do that with.

@Time4Plan-B | finally some good news in this thread :) .... so what happens now? PM me?
Just an FYI most people on this site grow marijuana and dont even let their best friends sleep over!
You would have done much better with a suttle approach. Jump on the site stay quiet get to know some folks, and chime in when you can.
Just a thought, whats your age bro?
Better luck next time, but glad you had some good news from Time4 Lmao...
I wish I could have done that when I was younger, but life got in the way, plus it was a totally different world then.
I get cold sweats just thinking about meeting ppl over the internet. And I'm as strange as they come.