My 4 grow

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Grow Pretty Flowers
May 24, 2007
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Ok here they are and they are about 4 weeks old and there about 15 plants in that room. I know it will be Cramp in there but that ok though I got 2 more grow room to split them up when it time..

All the seeds were looking the same when I started and I am hopen that there alll female, But I don't get my hopes up, I figure I will be weeding about 8 or so males out here real soon.

I have 3) 42 watts 7) 14 watts daylight bulbs and 6) 26 watts and the lights are on for 14/10 and there on at night due to the coldness these days and the temp has been around 65 in there and water once a week and my ph has been 6.8 and I am using MG again but used and mixed with some older stuff and going to add a big bag organic soil to MG on the next run.

The last pix is the same age as the other pix and it stayed small (why) it because it been in outside in the cold and I figure that the roots are shivering and wanting some heat.. It will live but it will be slow intil the warmer weather comes.. Or maybe it needs steroids LOL:D

All bag seeds.

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looks great man. my plants are only 16 days and they arent nearly half that advanced. do they really shoot up week 3 and 4? im hoping so
hey man... i'm not trying to critisize but... all those cfl's are probably using alot of electricity... why not just get 1 bulb that is say 250 watts for veg... less of a fire hazard... just my 2 pennies... peace
The plants look pretty good to me. Do you have a plan for the three in the large pot? I have heard nothing but bad things about marijuana plants sharing containers. Keep us updated, I will would to see some more pictures in a week. Good luck...
Yookie Dookies Flyinghigh,
Hey that is some kind collection of lights you got going there, Hee-Hee I would be slippen in there for a tan dude. Did you ever add up the total Lumens ?
My brother in Law is an electrician, and he just saw your setup, and busted out laughing. He says your place is going to burn or your a master electrician.
Me personally, I hate electrical. Anything that you can't normally see, smell, hear, taste, scares the crap outa me. Luckily my ladies whole darn fam are all a bunch of electricians. I don't tell them about my concern over it, I just ask for a little help, and they get to feel like big heroes. Non of them could fix a leaky faucet though Ha-Ha.
Your babies are sure looking good Bro, I'm way behind, but hope to catch up.
smoke in peace
blunt said:
looks great man. my plants are only 16 days and they arent nearly half that advanced. do they really shoot up week 3 and 4? im hoping so

Yes they do !
As long as u don't watch them Grow so they won't be so shy LOL
I water and check on them in a week.
Beach'd Out Stoner said:
hey man... i'm not trying to critisize but... all those cfl's are probably using alot of electricity... why not just get 1 bulb that is say 250 watts for veg... less of a fire hazard... just my 2 pennies... peace

Thanks for the concern..

Really the light are not anymore costly then the HPS I don't think, as for light bill I won't know what the cost of those CFL's and my HPS running together this month intill the 20 of this month. But just with my CFL's in the past has only ran me about 25 bucks more each month or if I run my start room 24/7 for a month the bill jumped up to about 40 bucks.
LOL My light bill WILL always stay under 100 bucks dueing the winter.
Summer is going to be a challange with trying to keep the grow box Kooler and keep the bill under 150 in the bill.

I been doing wiring for Years and NEVER had a fire (Knock On Wood) and the wires are never getting hot anywahere and I always check them I do know I have to UP my circute breaker by 15 amps in the next few days so I can run my other Freezer with the lights..
I am planning on buying another 400 watt HPS for the room so I can use a conversion bulb I got..

Each one of those wires that r going into the wood have been circle cut out and r fine and Beside I am running 2 power surge's so I am fine..

I'll get some pix in the next few days of the top of the board with All those wire's.
Mr. Bubbles said:
The plants look pretty good to me. Do you have a plan for the three in the large pot? I have heard nothing but bad things about marijuana plants sharing containers. Keep us updated, I will would to see some more pictures in a week. Good luck...

LOL I don't have anymore room for Pots and I just couldn't KILL them..

The 3 in that pot I Let them grow and Be short or root fight for room !!

yea I'll show more pix in a week or 2..
KingKahuuna said:
Yookie Dookies Flyinghigh,
Hey that is some kind collection of lights you got going there, Hee-Hee I would be slippen in there for a tan dude. Did you ever add up the total Lumens ?
My brother in Law is an electrician, and he just saw your setup, and busted out laughing. He says your place is going to burn or your a master electrician.
Me personally, I hate electrical. Anything that you can't normally see, smell, hear, taste, scares the crap outa me. Luckily my ladies whole darn fam are all a bunch of electricians. I don't tell them about my concern over it, I just ask for a little help, and they get to feel like big heroes. Non of them could fix a leaky faucet though Ha-Ha.
Your babies are sure looking good Bro, I'm way behind, but hope to catch up.
smoke in peace

Thanks King
I have added up all the Lumen and it way up there..
Like I have just posted about the light set up I think there just fine and been running those since last year.
I get help from my local hardware store some times..

Besides Folks how many lights are you running through the house that are on the same Breaker ? I have counted just in the livingroom 1 tv,
1 secuirty tv, surround sound, computer, and then there the , chargers for the phones, 2 cell, fish tank ect and those r running all the time and these r when needed - Vaccum cleaner, 2 lamps,
I am more afraid of a fire in the house then in the grow room..
looking :aok: to me man them is some green ones for sure. gonna be huge here in a couple of months cant wait to see that :hubba:
Dubbaman said:
looking :aok: to me man them is some green ones for sure. gonna be huge here in a couple of months cant wait to see that :hubba:

Just came in from out there after a few day and to tell yea there going to BE a Jungle in there !!:D

I got 2 plants that have some Giant Leafs... for bag seeds
Getting close to finding out if there any males! :eek:
Get some more pix in the next few days.
Here I go and updated the pix of the Girls and 2 males I think, can't see the little balls yet, but with a magnifying glass I can see something like males parts but I am going to wait a few more days and see them with the Nake eye before I take a chain saw to them LOL

The 1 pix is showing the hieght of 18 inches with some BIG Fan Leafs..
2 pix is from the 1 pix and the stock is 1/2 inch thick and I can barelly put a 1/2 inch wreanch around it..

3 pis is the corner that has the 2 male there that I am waitting to cut it throat if I am right!!

All the plants r short and big stocks an growing great but alittle slow do to the Roots r Cold !! Needs to put sock on the buckets with Leg warmmers LOL..
I am going to order another 400 watt HPS system so I can put 2 Hps in there in the next grow and use a 400 watt MH for Veggie and then switch to 800 watt HPS..

What yea think?

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3 weeks into flowering and there lookin Good and I am going to add my 400 watts HPS this week end and get rid of the CFL"S for now and see what will happen..:hubba:

Those yellow leaves r from the light being to to close and the plant in the left corner that showing leaf curling under is from over watering..

I beieve they be ready around the middle of May and Just in time for my sister to arrive from back east... Party Time.. :48:

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