Nurse Larry Group Grow.

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First two have yet to pop their heads up. I always sow straight into dirt, but just decided to put the other 3 seeds into a wet paper towel. See if I can get these babies going. Hoping these werent damaged in transit
Here is the Nurse Larry I taking down. It is right at 9 weeks. I have had to revise my belief that the "fem" Blue Thai that was all male did not drop pollen. I am running into some seeds. Hate seeds. She is not real pretty, but the buds are nice and tight.

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It will look good in the jars THG. Are you going to try out any of those seeds?
THG ,I missed the from fem seed part.
Short bus, i have never seen that tall stretchy pheno. She looks all Larry to me. No medicine woman in

THG, that is not looking like your plants normally do.... Poor kid...and seeded? Crap.

Mr1 I think what she met is the fem seed she planted was a he and he spilled pollen.
It will look good in the jars THG. Are you going to try out any of those seeds?

Yeah, Rosebud is right. I had a Dinafem Blue Thai "fem" that was all boy--not a single white hair anywhere. I had it in the back and didn't pay much attention to was a "fem" after all by a reputable company. I think that those seeds are going into the trash. Fortunately, the clone I have vegging and the seed plants are looking nice and healthy. I will be trying to get the plants in hydro in flowering as soon as I can to get the hydro done with--it will be hot by the time they are done.
Yes, it is starting to warm up here to (Manitoba, Canada)
Nice rose!!!!

How was that soil to dig in? Pain in the butt i bet.
Hey Drft.... I should have shown you the pile of rocks mr rb got out of that hole. But she doesn't even look like she knows she was transplanted.... I have high hopes...pun intended. Thanks for stopping in Drft. how are your girls...i need to go check.
No updates yet. They are growing. Just got them outdoors today. Need to upload pics tomorrow.
Looks good Rose! Glad to see you're giving the great outdoors another shot :fly:
Really weird this little one was stunted for some reason. Popped its head out of soil on the eighth, grew its first real set of leaves and just stopped. It has stayed green and alive, so I just gave it a chance to recover. Got home today to the first sign of new growth. Second set of leaves

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Got home to two of the new beans popped up. Stoked. These are getting a late start to go outside. The others will be going out on the first full time. These two are going to stay under the T5's for a while.
what up, Rosey my girls are at 43 days in,lookin awesome and the smell is getting pretty dank like I kike long have you been runnin under 12/12,I usually go to 60plus days till my trichs are 5050 amber cloudy,Im figuring 3 more weeks and they be ready:headbang2:hope everyone plants are green and healthy.....peace