OMG!!what did i do!!!!!!!

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my bad i misread that part...Sorry about that, but what I am saying is that each nute toxicity has very clear and distinct traits. It is hard to overfeed most marconutrients except for Nitrogen, that is why that WILL be the first thing to show up. N hardly ever locks things out, especially that quick.

Nitrogen Toxicity:
Leaves are often dark green and in the early stages abundant with foliage. If excess is severe, leaves will dry and begin to fall off. Root system will remain under developed or deteriorate after time. Fruit and flower set will be inhibited or deformed.
With breakdown of vascular tissue restricting water uptake. Stress resistance is drastically diminished.

Phosphorus (P) Toxicity:
This condition is rare and usually buffered by pH limitations. Excess phosphorus can interfere with the availability and stability of copper and zinc.

Potassium (K) Toxicity:
Usually not absorbed excessively by plants. Excess potassium can aggravate the uptake of magnesium, manganese, zinc and iron and effect the availability of calcium.
Go back and read the last two posts on page two bro ;)I agree with what you said above also.
I just talked to the Miami CSI squad. They said after a thorough investigation it was indeed the vinegar. I know a lot of you guys/gals want to be truelly organic but there are ways to lower ph other then vinegar. Trying using distilled water, which in my local grocery has a pH of about 5.7-5.9. I would rather flush my plant with distilled and then start over using fresh nutrient rich water again rather then use vinegar which can be different per the manufacturer.
thats what it is when you added 1tsp of vinager to 1 gallon of water that made you water to acidity... thus that is your problem... if the plant was fine before you watered it with 1tsp of vinager per gallon of water... plane and simple.......
i use it all the time to lower ph and have never had a problem, but it just takes a drop are two to lower the ph, not 1 tsp. that was probally enough for 50 gallons..... i am talking about distilled white vinegar!!!!!!! you can also use lemon juice......
I would honestly say that using Any organic matter to fix a Ph problem is probably not the best and definiately not the most efficient. As I stated all organic matter will be decomposed starting as soon as it hits your medium. It is the cycle of life. While Vinegar is not the worst substance as in decomposition, mother of vinegar can form even in store bought vinager bottles while even unopened. Vinager is made by bacteria and fungi.

I would recommend buying some PH up and Down from a hydro or garden shop, for the simple fact that these will not be broken down by microbes as the vinager will because this cantains all inorganic chemicals, or the end product of decomposition.

Plus ph up and down are really very cheap and they last a long time
gettinggray1964 said:
thats what it is when you added 1tsp of vinager to 1 gallon of water that made you water to acidity... thus that is your problem... if the plant was fine before you watered it with 1tsp of vinager per gallon of water... plane and simple.......

It wasnt fine when he/she added the vinager..his/her ph was should read the whole thread...then read up on the person GJ a bit...get to know the whole story not just the last few posts..and by the way...white Vinager only comes Distilled..
well i was just trying to let annscrib know that that was way to much vinager. but i bet it aint to high now....and yes annscrib said she had a few orange spots before, thats right, but atleast the plant was still alive!!!!! so 4u2smOke whats the whole story???? and yes white vinager only comes disstilled.. just stateing what is on the bottle. there are many ways of growing MJ. hell ithought you were going to tell me something i didnt know.... so you just posting to help me?? i aint the one with the problem. fix annscrib plants aint nothing wrong with mine thank you very much!!!!!!! OMG !!! WHAT DID I DO!!!!! annscrib put to much vinager in water, thats what i answerd to.... thats what killed the plant not the orange spots or the 8.0 ph.......

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