Organic Ferts?

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El petardo fumado
Feb 15, 2007
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This question is for you organic growers out there. So as you can see from my journal the girls are doing great. The Spanish Fly is COVERED in crystals and about 35 inches!! I am planning to fertilize on Friday and wanted to get some opinions on my fertilizer mix. This is what I got:
old strawberries, an old banana, a little pineapple juice and three tablespoons of cane sugar molasses....pureed and about three days old.....fermenting.
Organic-B Complex mix from Advanced Nutrients
Organic Iguana Juice from Advanced Nutrients
Bat Guano

I am thinking about mixing: four - five tablespoons of the fruit mix, one tablespoon of the Organic B, three tablespoons of Iguana Juice, three tablespoons of guano, and 5 liters of water and finally ph+ adjust.

Keep in mind I have guano mixed in the soil and the plants seem to be taking to it nicely, hence the added ferts. However, I am concerned about adding too many ferts. Do you think the mixture will be too potent?:eek: At this point I want to give them a good shot of ferts, but don´t want to overdo it. What do you think?
I like should be good to go on the guano after this. I dunno about Advanced Nutes, but I like them...I can tell by your measurements, you have thought this through...I don't see a problem with the mix.:aok:

High P guano, right?
yes it is a very high P guano and the iguana juice is a high K---> 4-3-6. Iguana Juice is made from fish base, krill extract, yucca extract, earthworm castings, volcanic ash, kelp meal, and alfalfa extract.

You think that I won´t have to add anymore guano after this?
Do you plan on trying to reuse your soil?

Here's why I ask. I am only on my third time recycling, but I am learning fast. From what I understand, guanos (dry form) and minerals are the slowest of all organic additives to break down. Some actually say they can take 9 months or more (3 flower cycles). I dunno if I believe they take that long, but I try not to go over one tablespoon of each per gallon (high P, high N)....the last thing I want is a buildup.

I think bone meal may break down faster...I have been bumping my P with that lately...although, it should be mixed in with final transplant I believe, not sure how it works as a topdressing.

Another killer way to make guano available faster is to make a 'thee'. Basically, I dump an entire pound of guano in a gallon of water jug. Drill a small hole in the lid, and put it in a warm dry place....somewhere you won't smell it, like under sink, garage, etc. Every so often, put your finger over the hole and give it a good shake...not necessary daily or weekly...just whenever you think about it. After 3 months minimum, (a year would be better) give it a good shake, and add about 3 tablespoons of the solution to your feeding....once, maybe twice in flower. This is a super potent P booster, so be careful. Usually the dry ferts and high N guano I add in veg, is plenty to get them done, so I only make a 'High P guano thee'. The instructions I gave you are on 'Sunleaves' brand website for how to use their guanos...maybe not word for word, but more or less. Check it out.;)

Another word of caution, I would not try this with bone meal or blood meal...I would think you could farm up some serious pathogens fermenting animal carcass.:eek:

You plants are looking excellent bro, in my opinion, it is very hard to burn with organics...but possible. I would take it easy on them the first go around and just take notes. Try small changes over your next several grows and improve...there is nothing more exciting, than making YOUR soilmix your very own.

MJ comes in all shapes and sizes from all over the VERY different soils...a little custom tailering to your strain and environment will surely be necessary.

Finish them up now carefully....make sure you wait till they are done before you 'smoke' them. :) heehee

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