Outdoor auto flower?

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middieman440 said:
to store the pollen put it in an old film roll canister the black ones good for about 2-3 months or more...using the male auto pollen wont make all auto-flowering plants if any.....but if the male auto is a good strain like say auto ak-47 the plants will still have some of those genetics...if you find an auto flowering strain out of these, both male and female cross them together to get the traits back,you might have to keep crossing to make it stable......and save some of the auto pollen you have now and cross with another auto female......

as for mine i will take new pics soon supposed to be very cloudy here in new england for a week or something. so when the sun comes back out i will take a few... the branch that snapped is still green and healthy fed it some 10-15-10 ferts and put ductape around it.hoping for the best.and i also transplanted a small g13 labs skunk #1 into a 2 gallon containor untill it gets 2 ft tall.then repot...still waiting for my barneys blue cheese to strengthen up been going for over a month and still very tiny but i herd they start slow and small.... well im tired cant think anymore

y wouldnt they all be autos?? its already stable. i mean i understant if i use a auto male to polinate a non auto, you would have to keep doing to for traits to cross over. but with auto female n auto male, wouldnt it already be auto no mater what????

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