Peanut butter?

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Jun 14, 2007
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So I got impatient n clipped a bottom bud... Dried it, smoked it..

Ok so here's the thing my plant smells like peanutbutter..and sour diesel... N tastes like an expresso lol but damn good.

But peanut butter?!?!

Anyway... Mornin' yall'

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Thanks... She just keeps growing, need to start checking trichs.. But from what I can tell.. I might be ready after halloween... Kinda worried about the cold spells, it's been in the 60's at night n back in upper 80's during the days.. So far do good but wondering if moving her might be a good idea if the cold front doesn't move off
It would probably help her finish sooner if you moved her in.
Lol I still gotta figure out where in the hell imma dry her.. Thinkin prolly my closet in my room... But then I gotta figure out how to keep my bad *** kittens out.. I'd do it in our shed but then I gotta worry about spiders crawlin up in there.. Oh hell no. But yeah if she gets to cold everyone in the house is just gonna have to suck up the smell.. Cos she so not freezing to death
Can you tell me what strain that is? Is it an auto?

Have no idea just some good bag seed.. I saved.
Considering taking a clipping and growing it indoors all winter n putting it back out in February....
I wonder what kind of monster she'd be... Lol