plant trouble

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Active Member
Apr 20, 2008
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My plant is probably about a little over a month old right now and the leaves are starting to crisp up a bit. It looks like burn from too much feed, but I have certainly not fed it too much and after the last time i did we got rain here for like a week. The stem and new found female parts are healthy and in tact. Is it possible for a plant to live after losing what leaves it has, and will it grow new leaves if what is left is well kept? Also; what besides overfeeding a plant would have similar effects on it's leaves? - dry, yellow, crumbly. Is there any small pest that sucks moisture from the leaves? I know that is quite a few questions, but i've lost all my other plants in hurricane-like weather and was lucky enough to find that my only remaining plant was a female. I would greatly appreciate any kind of help.

Thank You,
Young Bud
Try flushing them out. stick em your sink and let water run through the soil for a good 5 minutes or so. You want to get any nutrients out of there (atleast so they look better) then you can let the soil dry out and feed em lightly. Try going with half strength. If the bottle says a tablespoon per gallon, give it a half tablespoon.

Theres really no need to ask if its gonna live or not. Its going to be fine. Unless ALL the leaves are gone. the leaves have to be able to get the sunlight in order to induce photosynthesis. flush em out.

Did you just recently put them outside from under a grow light? If soo, keep em in the shade for a while.
You could also have a nutrient lock up from a build up of salt. Either way, whether its too much nutrients or a lock up, you ought to flush it.

the small pest your talking about would be spider mites. You can check to see if you have them by obtaining a hand microscope of atleast 60x at radio shack if you have one in the area. You would actually start with tiny yellow dots everywhere on your leaves and and they wont be crumbly.

you can also try this web site...

You should also try reading up a little bit on the grow guide, if you havnt already. it helps a lot.

try this:

good luck and if you need anything else, just ask!
I just went and realized that i have thrips. I just saw a very small yellowish worm on my plant, and what leaves my plant does have are being drained completely. I need to act quickly, you have to understand this is only a 4 or 5 inch tall plant with only two leaves on it - or six leaves if you want to count them all seperately.
try some safers organic pestiside. dont use to much and it wont harm your plants. there are actually sooooo many home made pestisides its crazy. you can try letting tobacco sit in warm water overnight, and spray your plants with it. look up homemade pestisde's onlines if you dont like any of those.

and my favorite! but its kind of expensive, is a pyrithium bomb (spelling?). it will kill anything but its completely safe on ANY of your plants. the problem with it, is you will need 2 of them. you will need to bomb your plants again after 3 days incase there are and hatches egggs. i mean obviously you'll need to bring em inside for a few hours to do that.

i know there is also a pyrithium spray if you can get a hold of it as well and its safe on your plants.

good luck!

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