Pre Flower Question?(w/pic)

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ahahhaahh now until you see some caid of real signs

MALE 1.jpg
look like a female to me. i would let it go awhile longer and see from there good luck
yeah its early to tell, but if i was a betting man i would bet male. :(
once you go into 12/12 lighting you could be able to tell in as early as 2 days.
FYI if you interupt the night with one hour of light you increase the chances of getting a female! Thank you Hightimes
hahahahah no !!!!!!!
12/12 is 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darknes that is 24 unles you livei dont know were and you got 25 hours day :)

and what iv read if you interupt a darnes time you will get hermies ??
start to flower man f that when you know for 100% that that is male then dump that sucka
Wait has it been flowering for 5 weeks or is that its total growth cycle?
My buddy and I are doing a joint growing system. She grows some I grow some and then we smoke it and brag about how much better ours is from the other.:D She sprayed some stuff on her plants and it yellowed them. Probably because she over nuted them. Anyways just watch the plant and youll know soon enough if you've given it too many nutes. If you did just flush with fresh clean water and don't feed it with nutes for a few days at least.
Good Luck
Hehe I said JOINT growing system Get it?
cronicchic420 said:
FYI if you interupt the night with one hour of light you increase the chances of getting a female! Thank you Hightimes

That advise goes strictly against everything I've heard/experienced in my 20+ yrs of cultivation.
Light "poisoning" encourages hermophrodites, not females...
Dont know bout you all but I'm an avid reader of HT and never saw that one. Hmmmm maybe I missed it.:afroweed:

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