put them in the tent they got sick again!

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Next they really look over watered and like they are hungry. Is your soil draining well, the girls don't like wet feet. Give her a good feeding and then let her dry completely out before watering again, then its water two times, feed on the third watering....unless she is hungry, sometimes I water, feed, water, feed when they are in growth spurts. GL and green mojo brother.
Hey Kraven,

Shouldn't be from too much water, I fully saturate them every 4 days or when the pot is light. They have full wet/dry cycles. 1/2 dose fish emulsion on the 22nd, repotted on the 26th, plain water on the 30th, and here we are.
They look a little better today.. I adjusted the fan's inside the tent last night. I think it could be from low humidity and too much wind, just because they appear to look a little better since I backed the fans off.

They needed water when I took the pic, opted to give them another 1/2 dose fish emulsion
I am almost at a loss for words, I don't know what i'm doin wrong :(
I have never "wind burned" plants from fans. I really don't think that is it.

Your soil looks like it might be dense without good drainage properties. It doesn't appear to have any perlite in it? Haven't you been kind of winging it with your soil mixtures, kind of putting in this and that? How much is 1/2 dose of fish emulsion? What all is in your soil mixture?
I have never "wind burned" plants from fans. I really don't think that is it.

Your soil looks like it might be dense without good drainage properties. It doesn't appear to have any perlite in it? Haven't you been kind of winging it with your soil mixtures, kind of putting in this and that? How much is 1/2 dose of fish emulsion? What all is in your soil mixture?

I agree THG........ must be sitting in some wet soil to long........ add more perlite and add a little more....... 50/50 if you have to....... perlite is a marijuana growers best friend when to comes to growing in soil or soilless mix.......... right now I veg in 30 to 40 percent perlite and 60 to 70 coco coir.
I have never "wind burned" plants from fans. I really don't think that is it.

Your soil looks like it might be dense without good drainage properties. It doesn't appear to have any perlite in it? Haven't you been kind of winging it with your soil mixtures, kind of putting in this and that? How much is 1/2 dose of fish emulsion? What all is in your soil mixture?

Soil is pro mix with 25% ewc. That is all, no winging it. Half dose fish emulsion is 1/2 tsp per liter
Soil is pro mix with 25% ewc. That is all, no winging it. Half dose fish emulsion is 1/2 tsp per liter

I grew in promix for a couple of years......... always had to add more perlite.
they were fine under the fluorescents.. kinda doubt its from poor draining soil considering they were happy as can be the last 2 weeks
I have 4cubic feet of perlite so that's an easy fix. I was trying to keep it simple, this same thing happened last grow so this time I tried to kiss to try to narrow in on the problem
they were fine under the fluorescents.. kinda doubt its from poor draining soil considering they were happy as can be the last 2 weeks

droopy leaves and purple stems is a plant with so much moisture it can't get proper feeding........ imho
Have the roots filled up the pot yet? if not they'll do a lot better when they get a little bigger........ some strains are just more sensitive to moisture levels........ I think you've got one of those........ let it dry out some if those leaves loose the droop and start to display out and up for the light you'll know it's the moisture causing your issues...... I've got a California dream strain in flower now giving me to same droop as yours........ I take out her water line for a day or 2 and she looks good.
They've only been in these pots for 8 days, before the transplant the leaves were nice and perky pointing to the light like healthy babies.

They were under an old T12 fluorescent light for their first 2 weeks and they were doing great. But they had no fans, and not much light really.. I knew things might be a little wonky when I put them in the tent, maybe they are adapting? They basically got transplanted, then put into the tent. Have a look at the grow journal

Maybe a combination of transplant shock, being trimmed, lst'd, and a new tent? :O

This happened when the plants were drying out.. I just watered them last night. Maybe I let them get toooo dry

They've only been in these pots for 8 days, before the transplant the leaves were nice and perky pointing to the light like healthy babies.

that's the issue........ once the roots fill the pot they'll be fine........ to much wet soil and to few roots.