Question about watering and nutes

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May 20, 2008
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What are some early signs of over watering and over fertilizing? Also what would be some early signs of under watering and under fertilizing?

When i turn my grow lights on everyday my girls leaves look very strong and point towards the grow light but by the time i turn the grow lights off the leaves seem a little droopy and point towards the dirt. I just watered my girls last night, I gave them enough water so that just a little water runs out the bottom. My grow room temps never get above 85 degrees F. is this normal or is something wrong?
Yes, that's completely normal. Shortly after turning your lights on, the leaves will recognize the light source and reach towards it to receive as much light energy as possible. During night periods, the leaves will droop down and cover up the stems/bud much more.
IllusionalFate said:
Yes, that's completely normal. Shortly after turning your lights on, the leaves will recognize the light source and reach towards it to receive as much light energy as possible. During night periods, the leaves will droop down and cover up the stems/bud much more.

Bingo.....Good luck with the plants BTW.
That's normal and I wouldn't worry about it. With overwatering, the plants will be extremely droopy and weak looking. Underwatering causes severe wilting. Overnuting will cause burnt leaves. Undernuting will cause yellowing of the leaves and a sickly looking plant. These are pretty general so don't take them to heart. Hope this helps. Take care and be safe.

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