Rosebud's journey journal

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hey again,what up,hope you had a good weekend and everything is growing....looked to see if you posted any new pics, been gigging pretty much full time lately thank god....the band Im in has a female vocalist and we do a little bit of everything from the 70s 80s 90s ....from Janis to Tina alittle new country,some old and new rock...we kinda cover it all,I have a great group of talented musicians that like to have fun:cool: my AI and Cali hash are coming along 2nd week @ 12/12 cant wait for some dif buds....just poppin in to say HIGH:cool:
Hey mr, I am high, so there ya go. I wish i could come hear ya all. Are you on utube? Sounds like you do the stuff I love.
I will get a picture this week of the girls. Of 9 clones only one has rooted. Weird. I think it was too cold in there. Next time i will put heated pad under. I know the other 8 will jump forth with white roots any minute.
Thanks for stopping in!

Do you have pic's of your girls?
Hi guys, today is my birthday and Mr Rosebud built a cover for the bathtub for me!!!! how cool is this? Not exactly the easiest to water, I will have to learn like all of you to not just slob it around like i could do in the tub.

Take a look. These plants are getting huge. Veg long did I??? medicine man and WW are 35 inches. DSCF0619.JPG

Thanks for looking!

Very nice rosebud. all is looking really good.
Happy Birthday!! sorry this is all I could get you --> green mojo :D
Have a happy, way high birthday Rosebud. Your grow looks great BTW.
Thank you Jerico

Moses, A person can never have too much green mojo, thank you.

Hey SSFan, thank you for stopping by and the wishes.

Lama, Good to see you again. Thanks for the wishes.

Thanks Nova, it is looking pretty good huh.
Rosebud said:
Thank you Jerico

Moses, A person can never have too much green mojo, thank you.

Hey SSFan, thank you for stopping by and the wishes.

Lama, Good to see you again. Thanks for the wishes.

Thanks Nova, it is looking pretty good huh.

It must be tough keeping up with all your fans :D

It is a dreary day in the northwest. Don't know what i would do if i couldn't stand in the 1000 watts and look at beauty before my very eyes.
This is for your eyes, not the same as being here, but it will have to do.DSCF0621.JPG



They are in order Train Wreck, Medicine Man (woman) and WW.
I am feeding very lightly this time as I burnt the last grow. Let me know if you see anything wrong. or right. ha. The pictures are not the real color as the lights make them look like that, i know you knew that.
hope the weather gets better!
your girls are lookin great :aok:
Thank you Moses. I am really being affected by this greyness. I need sun. I should sit in the grow room all day. not much room for people in there. The robins came back for the summer today, that means spring is almost here. Now if the juncos are gone I will know for sure winter is over.
you would get a great tan :D
Just listen to the birds and imagine 75 degree weather :aok:
Happy Be-lated Birthday Rose!

Nice cover for the bath tub. I had the husband here make me a rectangle of 2x4's around where I put my plants when inside. Then I put an old shower curtain over it. I spill or leakage from pots and it doesnt matter. I like reusing stuff so the shower curtain fits the bill, anything plastic would do.


Thank you TC. The wood he used was a little warped and he put drain holes in it so far the water ran into the holes. Good idea for the shower curtain, i have an extra one. Thanks. Have you got your seeds started yet?
They look so much different from your last run. Tightening up that space was the key, excellent job. Such tight veg on this group. I directed someone from another forum who was wondering how they could use their bathroom as a grow room to your thread.

Keep up the good work. You're rocking it!
alot of nutes have ph buffers built in.

24 hours before you plan to feed mix your nutes with tap water. Then when you're ready to feed, test the ph, use ph up or down as necessary. You may find the buffers in the nutes will be enough to get it right.
Melvan2 said:
alot of nutes have ph buffers built in.

24 hours before you plan to feed mix your nutes with tap water. Then when you're ready to feed, test the ph, use ph up or down as necessary. You may find the buffers in the nutes will be enough to get it right.

Not sure how this happened. I was posting in another thread, I hit something on the keyboard, and the post appeared here. Either that or I AM REALLY STONED!

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