Soil Discussion...

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PuffinNugs said:
im useing the Miracle Grow soil (stuff that feeds for 3 moths) from the local Lowes. im having great results with it so far, after i picked alot of the bark out of it though. the pH is staying good and having noticed really any nute burn. i started from seed.

i also sent in my reciept and proof of purchase on the bag and the mailed me my money back so it was free ;)

Hey PuffinNugs!

I ran a couple grows with MG soil and never had a problem. There used to be a long time member here, TheBrothersGrunt (and a very experienced grower), who was a huge fan of MG soil.

But, I don't know if it was a pheno thing, or perhaps a "hot" batch I got, but the last grow I started in it got burned really bad- I ended up trashing all plants except 2- and it took a while to nurse those 2 back to health.

I think also that some strains can handle it better than others- so maybe the strain you're running can take it. Just be careful.

Just my thoughts- have a great day!
BBFan said:
Hey PuffinNugs!

I ran a couple grows with MG soil and never had a problem. There used to be a long time member here, TheBrothersGrunt (and a very experienced grower), who was a huge fan of MG soil.

But, I don't know if it was a pheno thing, or perhaps a "hot" batch I got, but the last grow I started in it got burned really bad- I ended up trashing all plants except 2- and it took a while to nurse those 2 back to health.

I think also that some strains can handle it better than others- so maybe the strain you're running can take it. Just be careful.

Just my thoughts- have a great day!

Same her BBFan...I grew my original PakiRyder which actually was not a ryder in the MG Moisture control soil and it loved it...tried it with other strains and they were dead before 2 inches tall...I think it cld be a strain or even pheno's best to go with something that has little to no nutes in it and then control the nutrients yourself...
Puff the thing about those time release ferts is that they are stuck in there, and will keep releasing, so come the end of flowering when your wanting your plants to have used up all avaliable N, they will still be recieving it from the time release...I'm not saying you can't grow in it, only that you don't have the control that you would have if it didn't have the ferts already in it.
I know this time of the yr sucks for us...and it's too dang expensive to have a bag of soil shipped...I always tell myself I'm going to stock up on sstuff before winter hits, and then I never remember to.

I used to use the time release ferts on my MJ outdoors when I was guerilla growing because many of my plots were over 60 to 100 miles away. I would put some time release granules in the spring, and as long as it rained I didn't worry about visiting, by the time the veg ferts wore off it was time to lay down some flowering ferts...this worked good as long as we got rain, but a couple yrs there it seemed like all I did was travel to water plants, terrible drought yrs.
PuffinNugs said:
at the moment i have 4 differnt strains (5 plants), some are growing like crazy but thers 2 that are playing catch up.

i dont perfer to use the miracle grow, but its winter time and soil is very hard to find in the area. even finding a household fan is impossible :rolleyes: had to orderone on ebay the other night :/

once spring comes back around and the nursury and greenhouses open back up ill be able to get much more quality stuff than the discount stores. but till then i have to use what is available to me.

the soil being free is also a big plus ;)

I hear you PuffinNugs!

My closest grow shop is over an hour away. Some times you have to use what you can get.

Sounds like it's working ok for you anyway. Good luck with your grow.
i went down to this local Rock & Soil place yesterday and got some of their un-amended Top Soil. it has no nutes, just their base soil, some turkey manure and organic fertilizer. my only concern is that it will get "hot".....
chuckdee123 said:
i went down to this local Rock & Soil place yesterday and got some of their un-amended Top Soil. it has no nutes, just their base soil, some turkey manure and organic fertilizer. my only concern is that it will get "hot".....

I would be more concerned about that compacting on you chuckdee123.

Make sure you add either plenty of perlite or cut it 50% with peat moss.

Good luck with it.
hey all. we use the pro-mix from menards(big box store). it has mychorrizae, and a sea based marin called's already got perlite added. we add a bit more, along with worm **** bought at wally world, some dolomite lime...use both veg, and flower...

would use the ingredients in subs mix, but not even remotely anything around here of this's it gotta be this way in a mmj legal state)
found the pro-mix at a little mom & pop feed store. in a 2 traffic lite town.
best pit stop i ever made.

how much for a bag of pro mix? I really think with the FF I'm pretty much paying for the name, if I could buy the pro mix and all the amendments for cheaper I would...don't get me wrong, I like the FF, but money is money, and when it all comes down to it, any good organic soil if ammended right should be just as good IMO. I'm all about saving a few bucks wherever I can!

I sure see alot of guys growing with the pro-mix...and their gardens look as good or better than mine!
LF. i wanna say....$14/ bag. 2.8 cu ft. carry out.

I too was lured into the MG Organic Choice web. I had huge gnat issues, as well as other nute problems.

I have been using the Promix since and I will not turn back.. Found it local for $30 a bale (3.8 cuft). This is about $7 more than a bag of FF from my local (60 miles) hdyrdo shop.

Best Wishes
hmmm I'm only paying 16 bucks a bag for the ffof, so I probably can't mix up the pro mix for cheaper...I'll have to check what pro mix goes for in my area.

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