Sunakard indoor grow #4

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well update time... kinda
so to start ill say iv been having some serious issues with card readers and getting these pics off my stupid cameras memory card... nothings working on my comp >_< gerrrr so its gonna be a little while before i can post pics...

so anywho down to the plants, last monday i FIMed the Sleetstack Skunk and let it recover for the week, on saturday i FIMed 2 of the new tops as they were quite large already and about 6 of the brances below the first FIM i did on monday, i also FIMed the top of my Northern Lights. today everything seems to be recovering quite well and bouncing back quickly.

the Budda Purple Kush and the Purple Freebie are still in my veg closet and are doing AWESOME!!! they are all about 4-5 inches tall and all have their 3rd set of leaves about 50% grown in and the 4th set is starting. one of the 5 Budda Purple Kush is kind of odd... iv done absoutly NOTHING to them aside from popping the seeds into rapid rooters and stuffin them in the soil and watering a bit every other day but this one little BPK infact the last to break soil, isnt growing with sets of 2 leaves, it looks to be sets of 3, well upon closer inspection is looks like a single leaf pointing off to lets say 12 o-clock, and a millimeter or 2 above the single leaf is a set of 2 pointing out to 4 and 8 o-clock, looks almost like a set of 3, but its a single every so slightly below a set of 2... and every set of leaves is like this... usualy ya get 2 single blade leaves, 2 3-bladed leaves, then 2 5 bladed leaves,.... every set is comming in 3s for me lol so currently on that lil gal iv got 3 single blades and 3 triple bladed leaves with the 3 set of 5 blades commin in now, looks so silly with sets of 3 instead of sets of 2 like all the others, ooh well looks ballin, hopefuly it does well.
i guess all in all without pics there aint much to report really, ooh i did add some blue and yellow sticky traps to my veg closet to help curb the remaining bug problem, all though its almost gone iv still seen 2 thrips in the past ooh 3 or 4 days, and 2 or 3 little gnats. no super worried but i added the sticky traps as i said to curb the problem until my paycheck comes in this week YAY!!! finally 4 weeks with no checks, nice to be getting work and checks again lol. then ill be able to get some Azamax and do a good soil drench on everything as well as a spray treatment which will hopefuly finaly put an end to this years damn war on bugs... been such a crazy year weather wise here in michigan, bug populations have been off the charts like crazy this year and unfortunatly i got hit with just about everything this year lol and im so done with them. well i feel confident that if yall can use an azamax treatment or 2 during your grows and it keeps them lil pests at bay well it should work for me.

anywho again sorry for no pics, yeah yeah i know useless... im gonna try and work on this problem this week and hopefuly find a solution, then ill be able to post pic updates, and boy ooh boy iv got alot to share lol
well still having issues with getting pics off my camera and onto my comp, anywho i got paid yesterday so im finally able to get a few necessary things, and one thing iv been wanting for a while XD.

so gonna be going to HTG today, yay a new one opened up right down the street from me, no more driving 30 something mile round trip... lol 4 mile round trip hahaha cant beat that XD, anywho so ill be getting some Azamax and doing both a soil drench and foliar treatment today, also getting some more soil and perilite to make up my mix for soon to be rooted clones.
and speaking of clones, iv had my eye on the 8-site Octo-Cloner for quite a while and in all honesty the DIY Bubble cloner i made after seeing massproducers DIY thread works great except it takes anywhere from 12-18 days for the smallest of roots to appear and well thats a little too long for me, so im gonna upgrade to a better cloner system. im also getting some cloning gel for the cut clone tips and hormone concentrate to add to the water in the system for the Octo-Cloner system. seen a few people use this Octo-Cloner and even the older model with a smaller spray head, but this one has a larger new spray head. anywho all the people iv seen using them say after 8 or 9 days tops youll have better root growth then with even 2 weeks+ in the bubble cloner system, instead of having a couple of nice but thin fish boned tap roots in the bubble cloner is nice but with this Octo-Cloner after only 8 days youll have like 20 tap roots growing off each clone lol. its on in the cloning section, its like 50 bucks, yall should check it out, i will defently post an update on the clones after being transfered into the new clone system. hopefuly i can get this stupid picture problem streightened out, its really starting to bum me out being unable to share pics wil all you awesome people whom have helped me learn so much in such a short amount of time... well till the next update,
still having issues with getting pics off my camera, cant seem to find a stupid card reader that works lol...
well anywho last night i moved my 6 autos into the flower space, for one its about 2 weeks since they broke soil and i needed room for my cloner bucket lol. so the autos got moved into 20/4 under my 600w HPS. i also moved my cloner bucket into my veg space, and so far the clones are lookin mighty good, got a few root bumps off the 4 sleetstack x skunk clones already and the NL clones are getting there. transplanted one of the Sleetstack x Skunk clones into a small pot and tossed it into my bedroom closet under my 2 135watt LED UFOs on 12/12, gonna check out what this SSxS is without having to flower the orginal. gonna veg the crap outta these 2 orginal plants grown from seed and their clones while the autos do thier thing in the flower space. so i should have some nice bushes ready to flower around new years.

so like i said autos are moved to the flower space under 20/4. they all look super healthy except the one runt Budda Purple Kush... its an odd one but im really kinda excited to see how goofy the run turns out to be, as i said in a previous post the runt threw out 3 single blade leaves and started throwing 3 3-blade leaves but,, after the first 3 bladed leaf grew out the second leaf in the 3blade set turnd out to have 6 blades and right after the 6 blades grew in a bit and were longer then an inch they split, so now it has a 3blades leaf and a mutated 4/2 blade leaf, 2 of the blades of the leaf split from the other 4 blades, and i mean split, the petioal actually split about a 1/4 inch from the leaf blades. so wierd, so with this odd growth it seems to have made the plant grow all zig zag like, instead of a streight upwards growing main stalk this one is zig zaggin back and forth at each node, looks so friken wierd lol... stupid runts, something i expected from the freebie seed but ooh well i guess im happy with a silly little mutated plant, cant wait to see how much more retarted the plant will look in another month hahaha.
well i also did my Azamax soil drench and foliar spray on thursday on all 6 autos and the SSxS and NLxNL. everythings looking super healthy now, not a bug in sight and if there is its being all stupid and not eating, as it should after azamax lol, funny to watch a thrip whos is supposed to go towards the center of the leafs and start feeding, instead walks in circles then falls off the side of the leaf HAAHAHA!!! stupid bugs, thats what you get for messin with me... lol sorry im a little loopy, not enough sleep and too much BIU lol, well time to get workin on the stupid card reader issue AGAIN... hopefuly i can get another card reader this week, iv got a bunch of pics to post here,
well i started with the light a bit too far away just to insure it wasnt too close to start with the autos, they seem to have stretched a bit but it works out well as they have kind of evened up in size a bit, and it also gave me a good view of whats going on with the runt, which if i do say so myself is mind boggling lol, a true 1 in a million wacky pheno type, well maybe not 1 in a million but you get the idea lol, so 4 of the 5 budda purple kush look great and the freebie purple looks good too, but this runt is just funny lookin, it looks as if it sort of topped/Fimmed its self naturaly lol, well iv got a pic, drawn in pain as im still beating my head against a brick wall with this swappin off of camera card to comp issue, ordered a new card reader so hopefuly soon, but anywho again sorry for the crappy pain pic and the simplicity of the drawing but its to give an idea of what the runt is doing compaired to the others, the "plant" on the left is what the other 4 and the freebie are doing, as i would expect from any plant grown without training of any sort, but then on the right is the runt. not only did it throw out a 3set of single blade leaves it also shot out a staggered 3set of 3blade leaves, and this is where it gets kinda wierd, at the 3blade leaf set one is a regular 3 blade, and the other 2 are split, by split i mean it started growing as a single leaf, and at the leaf end of the petial it split into 2 petials, one threw a 4 bladed leaf and the other petial threw a 2 bladed leaf, as seen in the pic, the dark green is the leaf, and the light green are petials, and right after this strange 3 set the main stem seems to have split, one going up acting as the main stem and the other is branching out into 3 new growth tops,... its so hard to explain how goofy this runt looks but ill as i said hopefuly have a new working card reader soon and can show actual pics of this goofball.
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well still got issues with my camera and comp to transfer pics... which makes me a bit sad, what also makes me a bit sad is that yesterday while doing my daily check on the ladies, i noticed that the biggest budda purple kush plant with the biggest broadest fan leaves turned out to be a tad confused on its sexual orenitation... it was a full blown hermie, pistils up top and lower nodes were throwing nut sacks, so needless to say i culled that mofo and cried a little inside... lol... well from that experience alone im already sold 100% on REG Photo period plants from now on, the chance that a FEM seed will herm is just too much of a con for them to be beneficial, at least with Reg seeds you know its either a male or female and if it herms its most likely stress/room conditions not genetics, iv already delt with hermies on a bagseed run and getting one herm with good genetics makes me think twice about FEMs now. well the NL fem is doing well, still no signs of pre-flowers, im prayin it doesnt follow suit with the hermie budda purple kush, that would be horrid... other then the one hermie all the other Budda purple kush plants are really throwin them pistils out like mad now, all the calix's are purple except on the freebie purple auto, its throwin green calix's, for now hopefuly, id like to see it go purple but if it doesnt ooh well.
Yeah that is the one down side to buying fem seeds, there is a chance of the herm trait coming to life. It happens some with even the best breeders. I ordered some high dollar seeds last year, and I think they were from TH seeds. They were supposed to be so great according to High Times mag but mine threw nanners as soon as they had buds developed good. The smoke and yield was decent but nothing to shout about.

Hey that one plant on the left looks to be a bit stretched and sparse looking. You might need to put more light on it :hubba: :D
hahaha are you talking about the paint pictures? those are just to show what the runt of the autos is doing, shes doing some really wierd things, i really wish i could get my pics to transfer to my comp, id really love to show this natural FIM, lol i did absoutly NOTHING to the autos other then plant them and water them and this runt comes out and at the 2nd set of leaves its main stem split and has 2 tops now, 1 with 2 growth tips and the other has 3 growth tips, looks so darn silly. all the others are filled in nicely all bushy like, well as bushy as a MJ plant gets without training. hopefuly soon i can get these pics uploaded.
Sorry about the hermies... I hate that! mojo for the rest of the grow.
thanks rose, nice to see some people finaly commin around and leavin a message of some sort lol, this was a lonely thread up till the other day XD, anywho yeah it sucks havin a hermie especially after buying quality genetics, no real biggie i knew there was a chance with fem seeds, awe well it is what it is, im just hoping my Northern Lights fem is a full fem and no dirty lil nut sacks. also still got no clue on the Sleetstack X Skunk reg that i got bushin out now, been about a month and a half in veg so its a nice little bush with tons of growth tips everywhere, just tieing it down trying to keep things somewhat even. and the Budda Purple Kush and the Freebie are lookin good, starting to bulk up them calix's and they are purpling quite nicely, only calix's at the moment but no doubt another few weeks and ill have purpling leaves and such. next time though im defentally ordering REG seeds, thinkin of getting my all time fav BC Buds "God Bud", it was the first plant i grew from a bag seed none the less and its got one heavenly taste and smell to it, and well im also leaning towards some Larry OG, Satori, and Headband... my buddy grows Headband and its some seriously sugar coated bud, was thinkin of working like 2 or 3 Headband plants into my perpetual harvest after the autos are done and saving 1 for smoke and using all of the other 2 minus stems/fan leaves for bubble hash. iv been having to clean my grinder screen every day cuz there are so many trichs, most sugar leaves dont appear green at all just a hazy orange from all the trichs lol so why not a dedicated hash plant XP. well gonna borrow a card reader today from a coworker and HOPEFULY this one will work and i can get some updated pics up
Whats up Sunakard? Lets gets some more pics in here!:icon_smile:
haha id love to, im having some technical issues, the card reader i have is old and isnt working anymore, the one my friend has just took a crap and im trying to get a new one but with bills and crap its a little harder to get a good one then i thought lol, gotta love those awesome bills >_< i have been taking quite a lot of pics and will defently be posting some as soon as i get a new card reader. everythings lookin good, having some issues with cloning the SSxS and NLxNL without rapid rooter plugs but i should be able to get some next weekend and get these clones up and running already. the autos on the other hand are doing awesome, all the budding is purple, not quite a royal purple but not quite a lavander either, somewhere right in the middle lol, and the runt of the budda purple kush seems it could possibly be the strongest of the 4 budda purple kush as it has 5 tops plus all the side branching.
ok so i got a card reader that works woot woot !!! so iv got some pics to resize and post up here.

first things first, mind you im growing in a mix of Happy Frog and Roots Organic with added peralite feeding the GH "GO" line, (organic nutes). so please direct your attention to the 2 pics below, one is of the Sleetstack X Skunk and the 2nd is Northen Lights x Northern Lights, and it appears to me that they both got hit a little hard with nutes last time i fed them. im guessing this is Nute Burn since it seems to only be on the upper leaves just below the new growth tips, iv been giving just water now untill they get over this little overfeeding. so correct me if im wrong but this is Nute Burn... yes?
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ill post another update on my lunch break today, got a bunch of pics to share of the Budda Purple Kush and Purple Freebie... plus i think ill do another post of just the "runt" of the litter, well looks more like the champ now, lots of tops as it seems to have naturaly FIMed itself lol... so pull up a chair and ill have these pics uploaded within the day.
here are the Budda Purple Kush and the Purple Freebie.

Budda Purple Kush
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Purple Freebie



during morning inspection i found one of the Budda Purple Kush plants hermied, i dont have a pic of that monstrosity sorry... lower 1/3 threw sacks top 2/3 pistils... awe well RIP in my trash can... here are the survivors. also seem to have not taken a pic of the Budda Purple Kush in the bottom left position in my flower space but its doing just as well as the others, you can see a corner of it in a few of the pics.

Budda Purple Kush
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Purple Freebie
and just 4 days later from the last pics in the previous post...

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:holysheep: :eek: :holysheep: :eek: :holysheep:

got a handful more of pics to sort through and resize of the "runt" or "naturaly FIMed" plant thats goin all wonkey on me. ill try and have the runts showcase up by tonight.
ok so heres the Budda Purple Kush "Runt" more indepth, to show the wonkey-ness of this little auto. it started off with a set of 3 single bladed leaves instead of a set of 2, after this point is where things got really wonkey, the "Runt" seems to have FIMed itself naturaly, whether it was caused by a wacky pheno, if it was a runt to start, or if it had problems poking its tender little head outta the soil/seed shell. who knows?!?! i sure dont but either way this one is looking the best out of all the autos, because it seems to have 4 tops naturaly. well here we go, its too hard to explain whats going on so take a look...
Budda Purple Kush "Runt"
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check out all those even tops. mind you i havnt done a lick of training at all, this is all natural.
In that first pair of pics, I am inclined to believe that to be more of a severe case of magnesium deficiency than nute burn. While its not impossible to burn plants with organic soil, its not real likely unless you dump in a lot of pre-chelated amendments. You probably needed to add some good lime to the soil to get more mag, and help balance the PH good.

Its hard to tell under the HPS light but they look to have recovered and seem to be doing well enough but if you haven't added any lime to the soil, I would recommend that you do get some and add to it.

Its a shame that little purple kush is an auto. It would be interesting to take a cutting and clone it to see what happens with it. :)
ooh the first 2 pics arnt the autos, they are Sleetstack X Skunk and Northern Lights x Northern Lights. and the reason i believe this is due to nute burn is because after feeding them the next day they looked like that, since then iv given 2 waterings of just water and today i gave everything, the skeetstack, northern light and the 4 budda purple kush and purple freebie, a good soaking with some of HTGs root tea powder mix with some Foxfarm Big Bloom (the organic nute of the foxfarm trio) im fairly certin that it was due to too strong of a dose of nutes, since the "burn" showed up as i said iv done nothing but water and a tea today and all the new growth since the "burn" is lush and green like normal. none of the autos are showing much of anything aside from a slight cal/mg spots on some of the lower leaves but its cleared up in the past week, no spot progression. btw although i do use "organic soil" its not a Super Soil by any stretch, simply Happy Frog and Roots Organic and some added peralite, 2cu ft Happy Frog, 1.5 cu ft Roots Organic and 8 dry quarts peralite. well thats the basic mix ratios, if i need lots ill double everything, and i feed with the General Hydroponics "General Organics "Bio" line" and im fairly sure i went a tad heavy on those 2. all good though they are still gonna sit their happy little butts in my veg closet for another month and a half at least. gotta get the next grow started early since im aiming for a perpetual harvest every 2-3 weeks, at least 1 or 2 plants but thats gonna be starting to snowball closer to the new year. till then its these little autos.

and yes hush i agree it is a true shame that they are autos but hey thats life, i too would absoutly LOVE to be able to clone the "runt" since it grew so wierd and with its natural fim like apperance, would be nice to keep a wonkey pheno lol, my friend has a wierd pheno he just wont let go, not nearly as cool as melvins buckeye purple/green phenos, hes grows lots of chocolope and one particular pheno grows super lanky yet compact, if that makes sence, it doesnt quite bush up just lots of long side branches with sparce nodes untill the brances get about 6-10 inches long then it starts to tighten up, little growth under the canopy naturaly basically. unlike the other phenos that stay squat and tight nodes, but this one just lanks out then goes bonkers with super tight nodes and stupidly fat buds, with more of a cheesy musty smell then the typical chocolate sweet smell. its the largest producing pheno that hes got of chocolope yet its the biggest pain to train properly even with a scrog, it just does what it wants lol.
awe well, hopefuly tomorrow assuming im not super swamped ill get some updated pics of the autos, they are defently living up to their reputation of being a super violent flowering plant, just a few days and went from a few pistils to nickle size buds all over XD and the petiols and sugar leaves are starting to turn a deep royal purple. i so cant wait till they are in full flower, gonna look amazing. id love to get my hands on a photo period purple pheno of something delicious...
well today seems like a good day to get some updated pics, 9 days later and they are looking insane, defently a violent flowering plant, the progress in just over a week is crazy, and the purple is comming out more and more as each day goes by, leaf veins, petials, sugar leaves, upper stems and buds are all purpled up and getting richer and richer every day, its awesome!!! well back to work for me for a few hours then ill snap some pics and post em.
Quick thought I've had whilst reading both pages... You say you swear off FEM's for regs. Here's my personal experience really quick. I've run 2 runs of FEM's and 1 run of REG's. Absolutely no herming from the FEM's (9 of them, 2 different runs) and a few plants through mid bloom nanners in my REG run (9 of them 1 run)

So personally... I'm biased to FEM over REG.. hands down even to me. :confused2:

Everything is looking decent by the way. I had the link ready to post in this thread for a card reader, but I see you got that sorted. Cheers :aok:
im defently leaning towards reg seeds, at least that way i know its either male or female and a low chance of herms with strains from well known reputable breeders, the whole fact that most FEM seeds are the result of "self-ing" a female plant with chemicals, and right there the chance for the hermie trait goes up a ton since you literally hermied part of the orginal female plant inorder to get seeds... that just doesnt sit well with me, plus it seems iv had bad luck with FEM seeds, as have many of my friends who also grow... i see the benefit of fem seeds thats for sure, but after growing reg seeds (non-bag seeds) and never having a herm issue, im a little reluctant to swap to fems after having a few hermie on me. i also dont like that on a few seed bank sites like attitude or sea of seeds when you get fem seeds you also tend to get a few autos as well and even though my autos are going great the whole no cloning part kinda annoys me, get such an awesome plant/pheno and yah cant keep it via cloning or re-vegging. makes it hard to keep a good strain and makes a perpetual grow more difficult. lol well anywho yeah i got some pics and i got a bit of cropping to do but i should have a update post up by around 2pm or so im hoping...

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