The Little Things in Life

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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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!!Good Day To You All!!

I read on the news this a.m. about a 115 year old woman in Los Angeles. She proclaimed in great years to be a regimen of crispy bacon, sweets,, watching the Price is Right and Jerry Springer. She has been in a nursing home for the last 10 years.......(bet she was put there when they put her smoke away ;) ), although she had just suffered a bout of dehydration...............IN A NURSING HOME?????

That's just plain scarry:confused:

So I (leaning heavy on the years), thought it would be a hoot to start this thread.

What do you do daily that you believe...... you will still enjoy in your later years? and how long do you expect to live?

I'll start.....I am like the oldest woman in the world.........I like to keep it simple. It's a real chore sometimes in life and I won't do only one event a day. Like today I have an appointment two hours away. I woke up, smoked a bowl over a cup of stout coffee with cream and sat and watched the sun rise.............then watched the birds come in. It takes my body hours and the drive is gonna be killer on my back when I return this evening. So this is a big outting for me. Phew....

I would like to be able to live to be 115 but that's scarry on my mind with all the crap the governments are always fighting about.

I do love the pork though. Love crispy bacon, love the "Q" in the summers with home made ice-cream.

But I also comsume approximately 8 times more veggies and fruit for the day.

Let's see if the site is still open when I'm 115. I will continue to keep my little garden in the mud-room too! ;) ............and in addition, I think my hired gardener will be young and tight :hubba:
Sit in my hammock with my wife, spark up a good bowl, watch my dogs play and listen to the stream that runs right by. I hope heaven is something like that. It just doesn't get any better for me.
I guess when I am an old patoot,

I would like to still be able to get to a good perch to see as much of the world as my eyes can drink in. Should I not be able to attain the heights any longer than my garden and hothouse will do.

At the end I wish to feel warm sunshine on my face, and a soft hand in mine, and I will accept my son beating on my chest to help me with that last inhale of some great smoke. Until that time is upon me I daily enjoy bowls and hoobers, company of friends, and family, but most of all my quite time on my own.

Although now that I think about it, I guess getting someone to laugh when they have been down is a total trip to peace for me also.

smoke in peace
If I'm smoking a joint and listening to the Beatles, I'm happy. That was true forty years ago, it's true now, and I expect that it will be true forty years from now. (Except for the fact that I don't expect to be around forty years from now. I'm thinking that 75 -- another twenty year, give or take -- is pretty much the optimum number for me.)
Sitting on my dock listening to the water lap the rocks, smoking a bowl and sipping on some homebrew.
unfortunatly for me the Queensland govt oz will undoubtably inherit my compulsory superanuation !! (which i evidently claim at 64) due to when and if i reach that age they will have raised the retirement age to 115 ... of course they will do this in order to claim back their stimulus package and outstanding national looook out heaven im coming through the gate broke !!
blancolighter said:
As long as there's some love in my life, I'll be set...



I would also like to think I'll still be drinking my 2 diet Dr Peppers every morning, as long as the artificial sweeteners don't kill me 1st. :p
I hope I will always be able to enjoy the wind in the trees, making my partner smile with a word or two, and still be able to reach out and touch him. Oh, yes, and hope the daughter will take me fishing so I can watch her catch her own fish. dayum, I am tearing up....
and I hope I give up my drivers licence gracefully.
I hope I will away know who I am? And enjoy the sun rize and setting with friends and loved ones. They always say"The last one out' turn out the lights, I want to be there to flip the switch" Then I will flick in on and off til the aliens show up, for my ride home.
I take my previous reply back. I would have to say my talking to my daughter is what I look forward to everyday and hope i can do it everyday when I get older

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