True Ignorance...

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Hi there Houseoftreasure,:)

your growroom layout is a long oblong (2' x 8') so one light will have a problem illuminating things evenly so I'd suggest 2 x 4oow high pressure sodium lamps (hps) which should do the job adequately or one larger light on a light rail,which is just a metal rail with a motor on it that moves up and down its length and this distributes the light.It sounds a bit hi tech but they are quite simple to install.

With 2 x400w lamps you'll need good ventilation,a supply and extract which is attached to a carbon filter as 10 plants will stink out the house!

Whatever you decide,you'll get all the help and feedback here to ensure you get a nice big crop of prima marijuana!:hubba:

Hope this helps:welcome:
All great information. Going to start clearing out the closet this week and getting it set up. Will be visiting a grow shop after payday. (I live in Oregon...not worried about being seen in a grow shop. Likely to meet my boss in there. :D)

Any recommendations on economy lighting?? Grolux is spendy, as are the HPS. I realize that they are best, but I'm a pothead on a budget, and one of my reasons for growing is to save money. Having difficulty finding appropriate bulbs for regular tubes/fixtures with appropriate spectrums.

We are going to the grow shop tomorrow, so I will get a lot of answers, and come back with a lot more questions. :D Thanks so much, everyone, for all of your help. I promise to pay it forward if I have ANY success whatsoever.
You're problem sounds like you have been using fluro tubes to grow and not keeping them close enough to the plant. Not a really effective lighting IMO.
If you're going to spend any money at all- spend it on lights. If you get a digital ballast HID you can use it for MH for veg and HPS for flower which will give you the best results. If you're real tight for cash- you can probably find a used fixture with a magnetic ballast which should be pretty cheap- you'll need an HPS conversion bulb that can be used in a fixture with a MH ballast.
I always use MiracleGro soil to germinate and have never had problems- indoor or outdoor.
I guess the biggest question is- how much do you plan to grow? You say you have 2' x 8' closet space- is that really the size of the closet or are you sectioning it off? If you were to grow 10 plants in that space you would have a tough time getting to the ones in the back, you would need 2 lights for effective coverage, but you could produce quite a bit of product.
I am a sporadic grower- I grow enough to last me a while and start my next grow when I see myself running low. So I think the first thing you should do is identify how much smoke you go through, how comfortable (safe) with growing are you, and figure from there what space you need and what lighting you need.
Either way- welcome aboard and good luck to you and your hubby.
BBFan said:
You're problem sounds like you have been using fluro tubes to grow and not keeping them close enough to the plant. Not a really effective lighting IMO.
If you're going to spend any money at all- spend it on lights. If you get a digital ballast HID you can use it for MH for veg and HPS for flower which will give you the best results. If you're real tight for cash- you can probably find a used fixture with a magnetic ballast which should be pretty cheap- you'll need an HPS conversion bulb that can be used in a fixture with a MH ballast.
I always use MiracleGro soil to germinate and have never had problems- indoor or outdoor.
I guess the biggest question is- how much do you plan to grow? You say you have 2' x 8' closet space- is that really the size of the closet or are you sectioning it off? If you were to grow 10 plants in that space you would have a tough time getting to the ones in the back, you would need 2 lights for effective coverage, but you could produce quite a bit of product.
I am a sporadic grower- I grow enough to last me a while and start my next grow when I see myself running low. So I think the first thing you should do is identify how much smoke you go through, how comfortable (safe) with growing are you, and figure from there what space you need and what lighting you need.
Either way- welcome aboard and good luck to you and your hubby.

We are looking at growing enough to give us about an once a week. we are told that 2 plants every two weeks should be close to enough. we are, with this info, planning on three every two weeks.

This space is 2' x 8'. there is a door to closet at either end, on opposite sides. (the closet splits two rooms and is open to both from a door at either end, one in each room.) By the math we have done, and the math, done by the kind folks here, the space is big enough... if only barely.

We again thank ALL who have contributed to our cause, and when we have some pictures to share, will post our grow journal. We came accross a single seed out of a "special" bag of unknown variety. It was exceptionaly... tastey/effective. It was the only seed out of a half ounce of beatiful red haired nuggets. (large nuggs but Not really big enough to be called buds) (we will be aquiring clones in the forsee-able future)

We as yet, have NO clue as to the sex of the seed... (big shock) It is also showing difficulty in germination, three days in saturated paper and only just this evening cracked to show begining germ. Not looking real promising, but we are hoping to get this specific one going... I am sure most of you can relate to that "special" batch. Laid me out, incapacitated, for over two hours of one "Precious*" hit.

We are definitively seeking CHEAPER lighting than Gro-Lux. It appears that this would be our IDEAL lighting. The MH HID>> what the H E double hockeysticks ever the rest of what you were saying... is, we don't understand. Would love to, but see a grow shop visit in our future to get better trained for that. We were going today... but the day got away from us... cough cough hack cough cough. Now we are out, so tomorrow looks more likely. LOL.

*see our post for "The Precious" in BHC (we hope to get to that tonight)
HID= High Intensity Discharge- see below
MH= Metal Halide (Blue spectrum, high kelvin, good for veg)
HPS= High Pressure Sodium (Red spectrum, low kelvin, good for flower)

Obviously you are looking at a perpetual grow and will need to look at some more advanced growing techniques to produce the amount of product you're looking for. 12 well cared for plants could produce enough, but maybe you should look at splitting the closet- 1/2 for veg growth, 1/2 for flower.
Sounds like your seed is doing fine and is ready for dirt. You should keep an eye on that plant as based on the conditions you acquired it, it could very well be a hermie.
Good luck with your grow shop visit!

I also think that splitting the closet into seperate veg and flowering spaces would be to your advantage--maybe a 2 x3 for vegging and a 2 x 5 for flowering. You could use fluoros to veg and a 400W HPS to flower.
Houseoftreasure: I like you and as such am going to drop some wisdom on your face hehe.

Here's some things I learned the hard way.

1. Buy yourself good PH and PPM testing equipment BEFORE you have a pH induced nutrient lockout (this will happen trust me unless you go organic but thats another can of worms so to say).

2. Do not waste time and money on mediocre gear it will cost you more in the end. The three things you must spend money on are, lighting, ventilation, testing equipment. I know its expensive, just make due till you can afford it.

3. More space for the roots equals more goodness. If you must grow in dirt (ex dirt guy seduced to the dark side of hydro here) start in small pots and increase as you would with a house plant except this will happen much more quickly. Pot creates more mass than (almost?) any fibrous plant on the planet in the shortest period of time.

4. When watering you need to understand wet dry cycles and capillary action. All this means is that you need to give the soil time to dry as it does capillary action will draw much needed O2 into the root zone, without oxygen the plants will drown so to say. When watering, wait till the plant is dry (finger check method works great) then water until you achieve 10 percent runoff out the bottom of the pot. This will help avoid salt and mineral buildups which could result in a nutrient lockout. (Or water from the bottom up search the forums for the method but I suggest the one above)

5. TEST YOUR RUNOFF (this is why you need good ph and ppm gear)

6. Flourescents will do for veg but switch to an HPS for flower, the extra weight it adds in your harvest will pay for the cost of the light in the first grow.

7. Ventilation is paramount, fresh air in hot air out, keep your temps around 20-25 degrees Celsius. Do not vent into your attic either. Spend the time and do it right.

8. Protect your floor (it will get dirty and wet and gross)

9. Plan ahead. Plan what you are going to do when its time to harvest, what your next cycle will be, which plants grow well together etc etc etc.

10. KISS: Keep It Simple Stupid. I wouldn't suggest attempting a perpetual grow scheme until you get a successful harvest or two under your belt. Its a giant pain in the *** as every set of plants requires different nutrients, they will all be at different heights and competing for light, and it can be very overwhelming. Veg and flower the whole space, buy some mason jars and store it. It gets better as it ages anyways :D

Good luck on your grow, thank you for at least attempting some research before asking questions. See you around.
OK... So THG, just regular old flouro's in a sectioned off portion of closet will suffice for veg... This so far has been accepted accross all my sources as plausible to probable.

The HPS... this is SERIOUSLY hurting our ability to pay rent, since the only set up I have found is in the Gro_Lux variety. I vary carefully read your cooltubes (and scrog, which by the way rocked, and will be attempted in the future {with modification to construction materials}), but have not yet found a suitable HPS bulb/ set up for. Would it be possible for you to let me know where and how to purchase what you did? I am handy enough, so building would be easy enough... it's just I would need more info on WHAT and HOW to build such a light. Like... what the hell is a balast? (this coming from an electrician's journeyman's card receiver) I can only assume Your cool tube was HPS? (you never stated in the thread what was used in the tube...)

It has been designated my job to build all the appropriate required materials... so I NEED to know what I am doing. As stated in an earlier post by the Mrs., we are going to a grow shop today, and I will ask MANY questions there. But having all the input I can get before and after will help me emmensly, to NOT botch her attempts as I did mine. Keeping in mind, I kill everything I touch, (except her so far)

BBFan, Thanx for the breakdown in the nomenclatures... that made it ALOT easier.

We do have an un temp regulated garage with loft, we can utilize also. (No I dont know the specs of space up there... but its... prob in the area of... 8' x 12' - ish? The summers here can kill plants as quick as the winters. Think Willamette Valley OR. Ideal area... but still there are growing seasons. NOT perpetual. (thanx BBFan) We were told of a two week seeding cycle on a eight week flower cycle of three plants at a time, per cycle would be enough, With spare...

As are most in these darkend times of oncoming depression, we are on a budget. No problems doing the labor to save costs, if I can understand the what is needed.

THG, by what you are suggesting for dividing the existing space, does 400w HPS put out 50,000 lumens? (the math of 2'x5'=10'square@5000 lumens per square foot) Also understanding the requirments for air circ and cooling, how much cubic feet per minute would be recommended to ventilate such a space? (guessing the veg space to not require as much, since the heat won't be as high.{uhhh... he said high.. huhuh huh} but for simplicity, will probably replicate) *edit*It appears from looking back on posts... I may have this backwards, except that it looked like the HPS still was cooking plants?*/edit*

And thanx again to all who have sent us mail and replied to out cries for help! I love it here. This is a great site!

Tater... Thankz... Didn't let me thank you the normal clicky thing way so any way here goes.

Your post has all the major components of what to know to make it happen. The details left out. But this is the info one must understand to avoid catastrophic failures. I do appreciate the tips... No, We are not attempting a perpetual grow yet. We are currently doing a bag bean at a time till we get a few plants to grow to... harvest time, if not an actual harvest. We are doing this on the slow and learn method. We are prob gonna continue with a little help from some of our local OMMP members for product sources, though OUR friends are NOT the growers and know little to less about it. Though, since it IS their harvest, they have said that sharing cuttings/clones and seeds would be feasable.

Oh, THG, do they make HPS bulbs to fit standard sockets? What mods may be required to retro fit? At a guess... I'm betting one of those bastard things I asked you about earlier?

Thanx again

You'll need at least a 400watt hps light, this will require a ballast (to provide the proper current to run the lamp) a mogul, (thats what an hps "socket is called), and a hood to reflect the light. I got plans in my sig to make your own hood, plus plans to make a CFL hood, but if cost is an issue use what you have lying around. You cannot skimp on your light though or you will be kicking yourself later. Ebay is a good source for cheap meters and what not. Good luck and remember, the more you know the better you'll grow.
For all and yours...thanks so much for all of your good advice and help. Storm has been very busy gathering resources and information for me to do this while I was sleeping. (If only he had done this BEFORE his failed attempts. ;)

Tater--ty for explaining to me about the lights. That does help to understand more fully. The grow shop is going to be much more helpful now that we know what questions to ask and what to look for.

Here's to happy smoking!!

Never give up! Never surrender!

hehe, good luck here's some green mojo for ya, hope they are all ladies.
So, I just popped in because I wanted to throw out a great big-old thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone that has been helping us. I've read a ton of crap on here, and no matter how many times we newbies ask the same old question over and over again, I have not one time seen a one of you lose patience. I realize we could just thoroughly explore and take the time to look around, but I have yet to read one impatient word. Instead, you just answer the questions, refer us to the resources, then ask us more questions. Our understanding of what we are doing is so much huger than it was three days ago, and it's so majorly because of all of you.

Our hats off to you!

I have not one time seen a one of you lose patience.

As long as I believe that a person is actually attempting to find the answers on their own and do some research before asking questions I love to help. Its the lazy who sit there with their hand out waiting for the silver spoon that drive me insane. Stick around I'm sure you'll see a little drama pop up here and there. And on behalf of the MP community, you're welcome, good luck, keep it secret keep it green.

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