Want Buds!!

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20+ Years of Experience
Nov 16, 2009
Reaction score
Hello everyone! I am new to the growing world. I have been smoking for more than 20 years. I thought it would save me some money if I could just get some of my own to grow. I could use some advice from some of you experienced growers. I am using an indoor grow and sho nursery for naw. It has 20 watt wide spectrum fluorescent bulbs. I have two of the plants in half two liter bottles for now and another two in a five gallon bucket. They have grown to about 6-8 inches. I have had them under 24 hours of light and last night started 12/12. Am I doing things correctly? I am uploading some pictures. Any help would be appreciated!!:)
:welcome: :48:

First off you are gonna need more light a 20 watt bulb is good for a 4"x4" area. most 6-8" plant are not sexually mature and not ready to switch to 12/12.

Take a few hours to read thru the "Resources" this will give you a better understand of the plant needs.

wellcome to the site..Hope your stay is a pleasant one..hope to see ya around the boards..untill then take care and be safe:48:
yeah, you should really read around and learn some stuff...
Hi mate, fairplay I can tell your eager to get going, the ticket to a succesful crop is patience. Firstly as mentioned above get a better light, there are some great posts on require lighting here, personally I would go 4 plants room 1m x 1m with a 400w bulb. Depending on the strain would depend the height you flower them but they need to mature a bit before 12/12, I like 24h for maybe 5-6 weeks then slowly reduce 23/1 22/2 21/3 all the way to 12/12. By the time they get to 12/12 they will be fully mature and give you optimum yield.

What are you growing?
There is no reason to slowly change the light from 24/7 to 12/12--it just slows the start of flowering. When they are ready (sexually mature) just flip them from 24/7 to 12/12.
Ay up goddess, you are right this does slow it down if you start the process when you would usually go straight into flower but a steady buildup about 10 days before you would go into flower the plant will apreciate it more, makes it a little more like actual conditions.

either way though, i used to just flip it over and had great results but this is just a bit kinder to the plant. Dunno why im bothered about being kind to a plant im about to cut up and burn but hey ho!
SkunkDoctor said:
Ay up goddess, you are right this does slow it down if you start the process when you would usually go straight into flower but a steady buildup about 10 days before you would go into flower the plant will apreciate it more, makes it a little more like actual conditions.

either way though, i used to just flip it over and had great results but this is just a bit kinder to the plant. Dunno why im bothered about being kind to a plant im about to cut up and burn but hey ho!

Well that would be fine if we were trying to imitate actual conditions, but we are not and there is no point to it--why would you believe that it is "kinder to the plant"?. We are growing inside and we manipulate our conditions for optimum growth. A gradual light change has absolutely no benefits and some downsides--this will slow vegging, slow flowering, and encourage stretching.
Welcome to MP. There are great resources here. It's okay to experiment and make mistakes. Your harvests will improve with experience. I've noticed that some folks do very well with their first grow because of the inter-active online forum and some folks, like me, improve progressively. Like any gardening project, take your time to learn as much as you can and allow yourself to make tweaks and changes. Unlike any gardening project, stay safe and tell nobody about your new secret hobby...unless you live in a MMJ state and have a stay-out-of-jail card (presuming your from the U.S.).
You will 'grow' from the nutrient rich media here, fountainous knowlege and luminous enlightenment. (Now THAT'S a corny corollary).

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