WHAAAZZUUP! Looking for Suggestions

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Jan 19, 2008
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WHat's up guys?! I can't believe there is forum like this AND that there are this many members! I love it!

I'm new and I was hoping I can get some advice from the grow pros here. I tried to grow back in the day when I was younger, read a couple books, tried it, didn't follow thru. But, I wanted to basically take a stab at something smaller just for personal purposes.

Any particular Books, Equipment, Locations, Advice, etc on just getting started on something small, maybe 2-4 plants to see how I do???

Any help will be appreciated....Good to be on the Forum!! Later
Thanks...I'll check it out...hope to have a successful grow journal one of these days!
Hey mang with a little basic reading and some help from members here i don't see any reason why you won't or can't have a successful grow. ;) If you come across something you don't understand while reading just ask a question. We have more than enough members on here that are willing to help. :aok:
Welcome to the site, first off it would be really cool to get an idea of your goals your smoking habbits and the space available and potentially available for growing.

The first thing you've got to do now is figure out what style of growing is going to be right for you to get the best results first time.

I've been around a few sites now and this site seems to be one of the few that is dedicated to growing. The others may well be marked up as such but the others are more about drama trolls and flamers. Here your going to get decent advice because I know for a fact there are some top quality growers right here.

how much time will you be able to give to the plants?
what is your budet?
:welcome: to MP man see you around :stoned:
Hey Everyone....wow I didn't even know I had that many replies!! I wasn't getting the notifications.

But, so far since going thru the threads in the forum, I think it's GREAT! I've been smoking for a long time, but only attempted to grow ONCE a LONG time ago....and, didn't follow thru with it.

I always wanted to just ALWAYS have the best chron and NOT have to track someone down all the time to get it. It was crazy, cause just the other day I was thinking, maybe I should try to do a little setup and just grow enough for my personal. And, last night I stumbled onto this site.

I stumbled upon it after doing a search for Plug & Play Hydroponic sets. I saw this AS SEEN ON TV hydroP set and I was like, hey that might be worth a TRY. And, in the google search I saw this site.

Since last night doing research and reading some posts, I learned SO MUCH in just a 2 day period! I always wanted a setup that I could run consistently for a long period of time, but I didn't even know about all of the techniques, strains, fellow weed head SUPPORT, products, etc that are available NOW!

I hope to learn a lot and ultimately, I want to try and have a PERFECT grow/batch SOON!

I was actually REALLY thinking about getting something from this company....


If anyone has purchased from these guys, PLEASE let me know if it's good enough for a beginner...THX! ;)
the widowmaker said:
Welcome to the site, first off it would be really cool to get an idea of your goals your smoking habbits and the space available and potentially available for growing.

The first thing you've got to do now is figure out what style of growing is going to be right for you to get the best results first time.

I've been around a few sites now and this site seems to be one of the few that is dedicated to growing. The others may well be marked up as such but the others are more about drama trolls and flamers. Here your going to get decent advice because I know for a fact there are some top quality growers right here.

how much time will you be able to give to the plants?
what is your budet?

Hey...I smoke mostly towards the end of the day. I am WAY to busy with clients and certain transactions, that if I was BLOWED thruout the day, I wouldn't get any work done. But, once I'm done close to early evening, it's on like donkey kong!

I have some room inside, but I would rather have a decked out shed/outhouse type of setup. Away from main house and private.

I'm willing to try the process in any way that has produced succesful results for others. I work for myself so I have time here and there thruout the day and I am mobile for business most of the time.

I won't have a problem tending to a smaller setup. I have some money to play with so I'm not trippin about getting what I need to do it.

Any suggestions will be awesome!
well... seeing that you are going to give it a go for the first time, I would suggest a soil grow. (I KNOW the hydro guys r gunna pipe up, but since this is your first grow, I recommend a soil medium)

Don't be all gung-ho about setting up a "detatched" grow - unless you are committed to setting up a space where you could actually "live in"...temperatures r critical for a succesful operation.

Peruse the grow journals and get an idea for how you are going to set yourself up. It's not hard - a closet will do, but u need these essential conditions...

light, heat, and ventilation.

like I said, check out the grow journals, and you can figure out the information you need to produce some killer crops.

hey man... people grow in soup cans, for heaven's sakes... ;)
(TBG if I remember correctly?... prob not correct, as I'm always stoned...)

good luck, bro... peops here to help if you got any questions not already answered in the forum....

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