will my plat ever budd???

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Jul 27, 2009
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i put my plant outside memorial day weekend and its august im not getting any budds yet??? can anyone help me with some advice
Can we get some more info? Strain? What part of the world you are in? A pic or two wld be great...How old is the plant? Did it at least show as a female?
im not sure what strain it is it was givin to me by a friend already sexed inside the plant went into shock because it was on a 12 12 light cycle....i didint realize this but it was getting atleast 16 hours of light...the plant finally came out of it and is looking good again so i know it was a female
Bout this time of year all plants are going into flower.

Since yours has been in the flower mode (12/12) then put outside and getting 16 hours (tried to revedge prolly), now is trying to flower again. It is a confused girl, she will prolly bud soon. It is a slow process going from vedge to flower to vedge again then back to flower now.....Sounds like she is comming out of it (the stress).

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