Need advice to help me not have bud mold

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Not lost, just exploring
Aug 21, 2008
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This year I had a wonderful harvest outdoors in a chicken coop. The colas weren't ready before cool, foggy weather arrived. I lost over half a lb. of my biggest buds to bud rot. I want to grow again in the same spot next summer. Do I find a shorter season variety, add a fan to help with moisture or plan C, that I haven't thought of yet? I ended up stapling clear plastic over the open area because of rain, but it still dripped condensation and was too wet.
Try some mountain mist it grows well in a cold environment with heavy night time condensation. Good luck.
Thanks Hippy. How big do indica get outside? Yield compared to a more sativa based strain?
The few indicas I've known got to about 3 feet tall. About 4 months or so after I planted a clone outdoors, I was smoking it. My best indica gave me a bowl full or two every day for nearly a year. That was AK-48 and it was a really good smiley high that lasted a couple of hours and left clean.
more precisely, you need to find a strain well-suited to your growing climate/conditions

Like I said try the mountain mist


Mountain Mist Marijuana Seeds
SPECIAL: 5 FREE marijuana seeds with every order*

MOUNTAIN MIST £17 GBP ($25 USD) 10 Seeds
Mountain Mist is a dedicated outdoor strain bred for cooler climates or higher altitudes. It is very fast finishing making it good for limited growing seasons. Mountain Mist is a mix of a special Skunk and a Himalayan Indica. Not only can Mountain Mist withstand the cold, it's mold resistant and can withstand very heavy night time condensation. Mountain Mist is medium strength with an all round stone and skunky taste.
INDOOR / OUTDOOR Outdoors only TYPE Indica / Sativa mix PLANT HEIGHT Medium FLOWERING TIME 42 - 56 days HARVEST Early Sep Pay via credit card by clicking add to basket YIELD 420-550g m2

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A fan may help distribute mold spores.As was said in earlier posts,get a good strain that is resistant.Like mountain mist,hollands hope etc... The plastic deal will complicate things further as well,by way of creating moisture issues.GOOD LUCK!! Report back with your conclusion.
How do you guys feel about shipping seeds to the US? Any tips?
theres not really any secrets to ordering seeds. You just need to find the right seedbank. I have never ordered from the seedbank that has the Mountain Mist but lately I have read multiple bad things about them. Go to the Seed Bank Update sticky in the seed bank section and pick the right one.

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