Police Stop, Handcuff Every Adult at Intersection in Search for Bank Robber

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Jun 2, 2011
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Police in Aurora, Colo., searching for suspected bank robbers stopped every car at an intersection, handcuffed all the adults and searched the cars, one of which they believed was carrying the suspect.
Police said they had received what they called a “reliable” tip that the culprit in an armed robbery at a Wells Fargo bank committed earlier was stopped at the red light.
“We didn’t have a description, didn’t know race or gender or anything, so a split-second decision was made to stop all the cars at that intersection, and search for the armed robber,” Aurora police Officer Frank Fania told ABC News.
Officers barricaded the area, halting 19 cars.
“Cops came in from every direction and just threw their car in front of my car,” Sonya Romero, one of the drivers who was handcuffed, told ABC News affiliate KMGH-TV in Denver.
From there, the police went from car to car, removing the passengers and handcuffing the adults.
“Most of the adults were handcuffed, then were told what was going on and were asked for permission to search the car,” Fania said. “They all granted permission, and once nothing was found in their cars, they were un-handcuffed.”
The search lasted between an hour and a half and two hours, and it wasn’t until the final car was searched that police apprehended the suspect.
“Once officers got to his car, they found evidence that he was who they were looking for,” Fania said. “When they searched the car, they found two loaded firearms.”
The actions of the police have been met with some criticism, but Fania said this was a unique situation that required an unusual response.
“It’s hard to say what normal is in a situation like this when you haven’t dealt with a situation like this,” Fania said. “The result of the whole ordeal is that it paid off. We have arrested and charged a suspect.”
The other people who had been held at the intersection were allowed to leave once the suspect was apprehended.
hmmmm...sounds like..." Guilty untill proven Inoscent".....I would contacting my Attorney..
Sometimes The end results justify the means, and it appears the tip the police recieved was right. I don't agree with the storm trooper attitude, but a person who will rob a bank, needs to be caught, even if it means a few people get handcuffed and searched until the culprit is apprehended. Don't get me wrong, I very seldom agree with police tactics, and would never talk to one for any reason, except to inform them that they should talk to my lawyer first, but anyone who will rob a bank, will kill innocent people to get away with it and that can not be allowed. JMHO
Say they found 2 grams in your glove box??? what then? illeagal search and seizure??? but u gave permission for them to search, setting a bad precident here.
Menimeth said:
Sometimes The end results justify the means, and it appears the tip the police recieved was right. I don't agree with the storm trooper attitude, but a person who will rob a bank, needs to be caught, even if it means a few people get handcuffed and searched until the culprit is apprehended. Don't get me wrong, I very seldom agree with police tactics, and would never talk to one for any reason, except to inform them that they should talk to my lawyer first, but anyone who will rob a bank, will kill innocent people to get away with it and that can not be allowed. JMHO

What if you were on your way to the hospital fro what may be the last visit with a dying loved one and were detained for an hour and a half...and missed saying good-bye? These people were all detained fro over an hour...
I guess I would have to decide which I thought was more Important, me seeing my loved one for the last time, or other people maybe getting killed by a bank robber who could have been caught, but was not.
Slippery slope. Justifying that nonsense because it worked is why we are seeing tougher police enforcement these days. They would have never searched my car with permission. I would have sat there for a freaking week making them wait. I miss the rights we used to have because people are okay with giving up their rights if a bad guy is occasionally caught.
They didn't even know what they were looking for...no skin color, no general description...just a hunch. Allowing this really starts a slippery slope.

TKR beat me to it, :yeahthat:
They wouldn't have searched me or my car with my permission. Give the cops an inch next time they take a mile. This is/was a total infringement on ones rights.

remember....... never give permission for search for any reason and never talk to police.
I think you are pretty well screwed once you got in line.

If you had a loved one dying, you still are not going get through the line.

If you do not let them search your car and you are carry drugs they will just bring a dog in. The dog will show indicators and they will search your car anyways. ...Here where I live they can pull you over and if you show indicators they can search your car.

Maybe they were looking for some sacks of money with guns. IDK So maybe that is what they were looking for.

Sure it was an intrusion, was it right no. But I would think they must have had a really good tip and would have risked the repercussions in this spilt-second decision if it would not have worked out.jmho
pcduck said:
I think you are pretty well screwed once you got in line.

If you had a loved one dying, you still are not going get through the line.

If you do not let them search your car and you are carry drugs they will just bring a dog in. The dog will show indicators and they will search your car anyways. ...Here where I live they can pull you over and if you show indicators they can search your car.

Maybe they were looking for some sacks of money with guns. IDK So maybe that is what they were looking for.

Sure it was an intrusion, was it right no. But I would think they must have had a really good tip and would have risked the repercussions in this spilt-second decision if it would not have worked out.jmho

That is what I was saying, once you are there, unless you have something to hide, not allowing the police to search your ride will only result in you being detained longer, and even more of your rights being trampled on. I don't agree with it, but I do understand it, and stick by my origenal statement.
dman1234 said:
but what if ya had something to hide?????

then your screwed LOL...
either goin to jail with whatever it is you are trying to hide..
run but chances are they would think YOU are the rober...

i agree with alot that has been said up n above...
what bothers me is what do you tell your kids...
do you tell them cops are bad.. do you tell them not to talk to cops...

ive noticed in my age that alot of "kids" n teenagers have "zero" to little respect for the law..
and even violence has become an issue from them towards the cops..
i dont agree with this..

i think if you have nothing to hide.. then there should be no reason to "hide"/not talk to the cops..

Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Original text of the Constitution

The Bill of Rights in the National Archives.
The Fourth Amendment (Amendment IV) to the United States Constitution is the part of the Bill of Rights which guards against unreasonable searches and seizures, along with requiring any warrant to be judicially sanctioned and supported by probable cause. It was adopted as a response to the abuse of the writ of assistance, which is a type of general search warrant, in the American Revolution. Search and seizure (including arrest) should be limited in scope according to specific information supplied to the issuing court, usually by a law enforcement officer, who has sworn by it. The Fourth Amendment applies to the states by way of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

The authorities can do it but IF YOU HAVE A GOOD LAWYER, anything found should not stand.

pcduck said:
I think you are pretty well screwed once you got in line.

If you do not let them search your car and you are carry drugs they will just bring a dog in. The dog will show indicators and they will search your car anyways. ...Here where I live they can pull you over and if you show indicators they can search your car.

Sure it was an intrusion, was it right no. But I would think they must have had a really good tip and would have risked the repercussions in this spilt-second decision if it would not have worked out.jmho

Duck, one of the only times I've ever disagreed with you. IMHO, you can NEVER consent to a search of your body or property. Once you say it's ok one time, your rights are pretty much gone. I say NEVER consent, NO MATTER WHAT.

Amateur Grower said:
Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Original text of the Constitution

The Bill of Rights in the National Archives.
The Fourth Amendment (Amendment IV) to the United States Constitution is the part of the Bill of Rights which guards against unreasonable searches and seizures, along with requiring any warrant to be judicially sanctioned and supported by probable cause. It was adopted as a response to the abuse of the writ of assistance, which is a type of general search warrant, in the American Revolution. Search and seizure (including arrest) should be limited in scope according to specific information supplied to the issuing court, usually by a law enforcement officer, who has sworn by it. The Fourth Amendment applies to the states by way of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

The authorities can do it but IF YOU HAVE A GOOD LAWYER, anything found should not stand.


Imagine if the robber(s) skate due to illegal search.
i think if you have nothing to hide.. then there should be no reason to "hide"/not talk to the cops..

If only this were the truth....think about all the innocent people serving time, waiting on death row or already executed.

ive noticed in my age that alot of "kids" n teenagers have "zero" to little respect for the law..
and even violence has become an issue from them towards the cops..
i dont agree with this..

This is a toughie, but you need to realize the reputation the police have comes from their actions....and the actions reported in the news. It all boils down to perception and you rarely see anything good said about the police, only see news of brutality, bad cops or whatever. That's the fault of the police as well as the news, imho But I don't agree with it either.
Roddy said:
Imagine if the robber(s) skate due to illegal search.

It would be bad Roddy......... and millions of us would be on the cops side if they weren't after our weed to make felons of us just like the bank robbers.
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