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  1. Klicks

    Word of the Week

    It's for Purplehaze that I start this thread. When chatting in the (Coffee Room??? I was pretty stoned:p ), the talk was on people mixing tobacco and mj together. Some of my friends have and do, but they in their undeveloped brains could only call it a j-cig or c-j. Purplehaze said...
  2. Klicks

    The Little Things in Life

    !!Good Day To You All!! I read on the news this a.m. about a 115 year old woman in Los Angeles. She proclaimed in great years to be a regimen of crispy bacon, sweets,, watching the Price is Right and Jerry Springer. She has been in a nursing home for the last 10 years.......(bet she was put...
  3. Klicks

    I broke her neck!!!!!!!

    Help me,.........please..........somebody help me. I was transplanting my baby girl and I bent her neck. Is there any help in saving her, she was just starting to look so sweeet!! Anyone ever have this happen??? I'm desperate to save her life!!!:eek:
  4. Klicks

    Wheres all the Munchers!!

    I was with some friends the other night and we had an all-nighter. I'm talking about nine to ten hours of staying basted. I was the only one who didn't get the munchies. Everyone was hitting the snack table, refridgerator, cupboards. There were chips and cookies all over the place, yet I was...
  5. Klicks

    If you grow it......They will come

    I'm sure some of you have had this problem. Last week I jus finished drying some bud. A friend came over and checked it out with me. Couple of days later, this friend returns with an old acquaitance that I hadn't seen for a couple of years. We had a pretty nice chat and some exceptionally...
  6. Klicks

    Winter Blues

    I just love watching the deer, snow falling, covering my car with two feet of snow that I alone have to scrap off so I can slip across Ol' Man Winters' slopes. I've been away for awhile due to the Winters' blizzards across Michigan. I so looked forward to Christmas in 2008, cept on December...
  7. Klicks


    Hi All, This is my first visit, so I hope I do this correct. I suffer from debilitating pain from arthritis, nerve damage and the list goes on. I also am a former oxycontin addict and other prescription pain killers. Not that I abused these medications, I became addicted from long term use...