1st Grow White Widow

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Jun 21, 2009
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Hey guys im posting to figure out weather im doing everything right or not, this is my first grow so I dont know what to expect.The plant is about 3 feet tall and just started its 12 hour cycle a week ago.Prior to the 12 hour cycle I kept the lights running for 24 hours without breaks.The box is about 6 1/2 feet tall with four 30w cool white fluoresents and a blue spectrum 150w heat lamp on the top mimicing the sun.The seed broke through the soil April 4th, so its been 79 day, If someone could help me out and let me know if everything is doing well that would be awesome.



I would take out the heat lamp and replace it with the biggest CFL you can find, then get that light about 3 inches above the top of the plant, this will help your top bud a lot...

What are you feeding that plant? It looks nice and healthy, just a bit of stretching for the light... If this is your first grow then your on the right track, you will have it down in no time..
"What are you feeding that plant? It looks nice and healthy, just a bit of stretching for the light... If this is your first grow then your on the right track, you will have it down in no time.."

Thanks MindzEye I figured that it was stretching for the light seeing as its not as bushy as I thought it would be. When the plant was in its vegetative stage I was feeding it Plant-Prod all purpose fertilizer mixed with bottled water, for now im not to sure what to use im just giving it straight bottled water I thought that if I used fertilizer now it would decrease the amount of thc produced?.When its time to turn the light back on i will take a couple more pics just so you can see how it looks now as its budding more, looks awesome but seems to me that im not gonna get much bud off this plant because of the lack of bushiness and what not.
No giving nutes now is very important, plants consume more nutrients when they are flowering than when vegging.. However the nutrients need to be different ratios... Your plant does not need very much (N) or nitrogen, it needs a lot of (P) and moderate amount of (K).. Some bat guanos are good for this, but there are a lot of hydroponics bloom nutrients available...

Just quit feeding 2 weeks before harvest and flush the container.....
Alright so that means im gonna have to go out and get something then, do you have any recommendations for the ratio and product like 10-30-10 and should i get like miracle grow?
NO MIRACLE GROW!!!! If you want somthing that you can get at a local nursury use somthing like this

I used that stuff for my first few grows and it works well, I use this now though

Change the x's in http to t's we cant post direct links...
Nowak said:
"What are you feeding that plant? It looks nice and healthy, just a bit of stretching for the light... If this is your first grow then your on the right track, you will have it down in no time.."

Thanks MindzEye I figured that it was stretching for the light seeing as its not as bushy as I thought it would be. When the plant was in its vegetative stage I was feeding it Plant-Prod all purpose fertilizer mixed with bottled water, for now im not to sure what to use im just giving it straight bottled water I thought that if I used fertilizer now it would decrease the amount of thc produced?.When its time to turn the light back on i will take a couple more pics just so you can see how it looks now as its budding more, looks awesome but seems to me that im not gonna get much bud off this plant because of the lack of bushiness and what not.

Im growing WW, too. I notice it's just not a bushy plant, by nature.
However, your light is really not adequate to produce big fat heavy buds. That's just the way it is.

You can find any number of fertes/nutes made for blooming and YES, you do need to be using something. If you're doing organic, worm castings, bat ****, bone meal are all high in phos.

Although the site where I bought my seeds said to flower WW for 8 weeks, another guy who grows WW said to flower for 10 weeks to get the sugary-frosting WW is known for. The ninth and tenth week, no more than five hours of light a day and no nutes--just water.

Good luck and let us know how it comes out.

Heres two Of my WW plants they are 2 week old clones, they are looking bushy to me, but mine are veged under 400w metal halide, Im not sure of the origins of this type of white widow, I obtained mine from a Marijuana clinic as a clone...


Thanks for the tips lasschance I had no idea how long the budding process is for this plant either.Atleast now I know that im gonna have to go out and grab a blooming fert and im guessing that im gonna have to go with higher wattage cfl bulbs then because I hear for hps and mh bulbs and ballasts its like upwards of $400 and I dont have that coin to spend unless I really needed it.Also on the go I have the same strain of WW that I started about 2 weeks ago, I just transplanted it outside yesterday to see the difference between the outdoor and indoor versions and which is better.Im using the same vegetative fert for the outdoor plant right now.MindzEye thats exactly how mine looked when it was smaller but after I transferred it to the box its currently in it stretched because the light was so high and I had no way of lowering it, those look like some nice lookin plants!.I will provide updated pics of both the outdoor and indoor plants later on tonight.

If you can keep you plant happy out in a spot with lots of sunlight Mother Nature's gonna school you on growing White Widow! I've got a WW in a planter that I just put out and I'm so excited cuz I rarely do outdoor grows. The sun and it's amazing coverage and penetration is something else... and the UV radiation gives it another kick...

If you get a better main light source and keep it close your indoor buds will be decent for personal smoke but you'll be amazed at how the outdoor WW will goo up and bulk up much more. You should look into a 2 foot long, 4 tube T5 fixture. There's a model called the Sunblaze that sells for around $150. This isn't going to give you big buds but what buds you do get will have much better development and thc than using a CFL. One of these or even a small HID light will be a much better source than the CFL you have going now.

WW is typically about an 8-10 week strain and usually closer to 10 weeks before it really puts on the thc and exhibits that 'white' look we're all after... Some growers have found that if they finish with a long darkness cycle before harvest it can help this along.

Good Luck!:cool:
im gonna be start to grow four white widow fem in a few days from seed and nowak your plant seems to be doing pretty good. next time you might want to get more lights for a better yield but for the first time real good. during flowering as mindzeye said giving nutes is important during bloom but be careful because ive heard ww is nute sensitive so don't use to often or only when deficiency starts im sure the soil will have nutes in it tho.

p.s. mindzeye plants lookin incredible ecspecially for 2 weeks
Where do you think I can find 4 tube F5, just from a nursery or something? lol.I need to do something with the lighting though it only cost me like $30 for the fixture and everything together...so im guessing it would be a good idea. I have more pics for you guys to.





Local hydro stores or ebay. I found one on ebay as cheap as one I found locally, including shipping. If you can afford it and have the room, check out the 8 tube 4 foot t5. Awesome lights, usually around 250 with bulbs. You can turn on 4 or all 8 at once.
I bought my top of the line Lumatek switchable MH/HPS air cooled 400w system for $239 it will outshine t5's any day it can be found here
Well I'm at work right now, I'm a landscaper go figure lol.But when I'm done work I'm gonna see what I can find and keep yah posted to see if its right.
Nowak said:
Well I'm at work right now, I'm a landscaper go figure lol.

You should blend in 1 MJ plant in each of your customers gardens, ha, :hubba:
Each time you servive that address you can tend them, lol.
MindzEye said:
I bought my top of the line Lumatek switchable MH/HPS air cooled 400w system for $239 it will outshine t5's any day it can be found here

Mindzeye, great price. i paid $239 for a non-switchable system with air cooled hood, just 400 watt HPS. i used HTGSupply.com

go with a HID light sooner than later.

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