Adjusting PH

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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2009
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Hi everyone,
Is it Ok to use white vinegar to lower PH and baking soda to raise PH in the nute solutions? I'm just trying to keep it organic.

Thanks for your input, T-rex
T-rex said:
Hi everyone,
Is it Ok to use white vinegar to lower PH and baking soda to raise PH in the nute solutions? I'm just trying to keep it organic.

Thanks for your input, T-rex

Hi yas REX....
Yeah i have used distiled white vin b4... what ya using for nutes rex??? as far as the baking soda goes not sure hehe:cool: .. i use to use up till a fellow friend told me to use the micro hardwater .. keeps my ph at 5.7-5.9 ... 9 times out of 10 though when i check it its 5.8... b4 that i used grow tec ph up n down... dont help for the "organic" part.. hehe..

take care rex..
hey rex. checked into the baking soda.. using so will increase your Ca and Mg levals..This is a problem.

Ca and Mg(magnesium) are molecules that will bond.

If you have too much Ca it will "lock out" the Mg,
and your plant will become Mg deficient ...
Mg is essential for THC production.

You must stay away from baking soda (Calcium Carbonate).

Only use a Potassium molecules for adjusting the pH up.
Better buffers for growing are:
•Potassium Carbonate
•Potassium Hydroxide
•Potassium Sillicate
(These will not bond with Mg.)

Lefty, I'm using the House and Garden nutes.
Thanks for your help,
Not a problem REX..
i just came across some "natrual" ups and downs.. called earth juice natural. check it out that may be just what your lookin for bro.

Hi T-Rex,

A lot of people have used white distilled vinegar and other household items for ph adjustment but I prefer to use an over the counter, organic ph adjuster that I have a little more predictable adjustent with. I use adjusters that are made by Earth Juice: Natural Up and Natural Down. I use the powder form and I'm guessing one bottle of each is going to last me for several years.

Have a good one...:cool:

DOS, what's up

Where are those available, at hydro stores?

Hey DOS I'm gonna try to pick some of that up this weekend if I can find it, whats the price tag if you remember?
Most hydro stores probally carry it.. if they carry AN nutes.. where you get your shet from.. ??

Our pal LH is all over it... About $12 and you can get it online of course and hydro stores if you want to save on the shipping... Earth Juice is a major brand of indoor gardening organic nutes so any indoor grow/hydro store that carries EJ either carry it or can order some in for you.

happy growing!:cool:
Seriously, I don't recommend using baking soda or vinegar.
Vinegar is acetic acid, chemically it is a weak acid.
(Not many hydronium ions go into solution)
This means you have free acetic acid in solution, that's not able to alter the pH any further - to use grower's jargon, it 'lacks buffering capacity'. Bad. Acetates can be formed under such conditions and acetates are poisonous to life.
Use the correct commercial preparation, it will avoid costly errors like "argh all my plants have died"

My argument against sodium carbonate (baking soda) is that (1) you are putting sodium into solution and MJ * hates * sodium. Upsets the Na-K balance. (2) the reaction will tend to liberate CO2 which is not the gas your roots like.