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Nov 29, 2006
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ok so here is a question.
not only do i grow but i also have several 150 gal. aquariums set up.
i currently have an empty one and was thinking if i put something rugged like carp in there could i use the tank as my resivoir and just use the ecosystem that the carp create as nutrients? i could control it with diffrent fish foods, and it would be digested and dispersed. i could actualy use the grow medium as my tank filter. so what do you guys think?
That's a great idea! I do work with similar things and I was thinking about using some sludge for a fertilizer. I think it would be a great experiment to see if you could regulate the food your plants were getting. Go for it!:aok:
Well I know when done 100% properly the ecosystem you create will run itself... altho it would probably mess up a lil when u harvest.

I've never seen it done w/ MJ but i've seen a lot of it with flowers and that sort of thing.
well then i think i will after my current crop is harvested
nice... if you could, please start a grow diary and let me know when you start!:smoke1:
It sounds plausable. I think you should go for it. Who knows, you may be on to something.... Good luck.

yeah i figure if i only feed live food i could do something like worms one week and guppies the next and alternate threw veg and as i go into flower start on goldfish and african siclids. i plan on staying away from the flake and pellet food cause there could be all kinds of chemicals in there.
the only real question about the setup that i can come up with is how many plants a 150 gal. aquarium would be able to accomodate.
thanks for the link. it basically confirmed everything that i was thinking.
well just did some research and i dont think it is possible to maintain a marijuana plant in an aquaponics system.
after reading from a few diffrent websites i have found that this system works but only on leafy veg's it produces abundant amounts of nitrogen from the fish waste but has no phosphorus wich will inhibit stem growth, and adding phosphorus could potentially be fatal to the fish.
of coarse these studies where based on tilapia so i will do more research to find if there are fish who ither produce or are tolerent of phospherous.
well here is a rough drawing of what im thinking about constructing.
after doing some reading i think i will go with walleye in the tank due to their environmental tolerances with phosphorous.
well appaerntly i cant upload a pic i drew on my paint program
well most fish can handle ph ranges from 4.5 to 8 without ill effects.
didnt research that its just general knowledge for aquariums
Put some Oscars in your tank. They can live through just about anything. :joint:
yeah oscars or jack dempseys.
i have a few of both. also have amezonian red bellied pirana
I wonder if a foliar feed would effect the fish...could be plan B?

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