Are they read for pickin soon?

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Sep 23, 2008
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Hi yall! I can't see the browning or the clouding of the tri's yet but how many more weeks do you all think before I start the harvest? Thanks!




We need to know how many weeks so far to make an approximation.
yeah that^^^^

if you dont have a magnifier buy one ...Radio shack has a 60-100 for $12 American..good luck..she looks great
HippyInEngland said:
As TBG mentioned, 2-4 weeks, do you have any way of magnifiying the trich's?

Trich's are your friends, they and only they can tell you when its time, it would be a shame if you harvest too soon or too late.
Thanks for the info! I'll go and get some magnifiying glasses soon. What would happen if I harvest too late? would it be a different high?
4u2sm0ke said:
yeah that^^^^

if you dont have a magnifier buy one ...Radio shack has a 60-100 for $12 American..good luck..she looks great
Thanks I'll go get one soon. Thanks for the comment!
Looks like ya might have another 2 or 3 weeks to go maybe 4. Just keep an eye on the trichromes they will tell ya when shes done. ;)
Thanks! I guess I'll just have to sit back and wait... it's killing me! 4 more weeks I guess aint so bad but, the weather is changing and it's getting colder fast. should I be worried?
tommyintoyonaks said:
What would happen if I harvest too late? would it be a different high?

You might as well smoke an old sweaty sock, it will get you just as high as dead trich's.

This is what you have grown the plant for, its Trichomes, if you leave it too late the Trichomes turn black, black is very bad, they are dead Trichomes, totally worthless smoke.
Thanks.. now you are getting me worried... My first grow last year ended in a similar way. It looked like there were a mix of brown and clear trichomes, but the high was not so good.
You have at least 2 weeks :)

Plenty of time to get some form of magnification, 60-100 times magnification is used by many people here, from radio shack whatever that is, we dont have that shop here in the UK, not that I know of anyway.

I personally use my camera set to its macro.
I personally use my camera set to its macro.[/quote]

And some GREAT Pix u take there Hippy !! I can't wait to try mine Camera out when my Little babys grow up to show Nice Amber Trich..