auto ak47s

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da dopeman
Mar 25, 2008
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i plan on doing auto aks outside this year and i want to fit to crops in in the summer so i was wanting to start them inside for around a month an put them outside after they show sex but i have never grown them outside b4 or any autoflower at that and hear not to transplant them so what would be the best way to start them inside and put them out with out the transplanting pro and any other tips to help with them would be great i am manly a indoor guy thanks
Hello Wes :)

Grow them inside in pots, keep them in pots when you put them outside.

Problem sorted ;)

They will need to be hardened off before they are put outside full time.

should i go 5 gallon or 3 i was just hoping in the earth they would have more room and to move them out side in big buckets might not be best i plan on just breeding two inside so i can have the seeds for the summer i was wanting to do enough outside this summer to keep me in smoke for the winter so i can take a break this winther
They are auto's, they only need 5-7lt (2 Gal)

If your growing them inside for a month, you will only have 4-5 weeks till harvest.

Is it worth putting them outside?

well shoukld i start them outside? i didnt think so or put them out earlier what do you think is best just for the amount i wanna put out i dont have the room to keep inside the auto aks are 80 days right i have from the last week of may till say the first week of oct what do you think would be best>?
Im doing something very similar to what you plan.

I have 3 ak auto's about a week old, I want to make seeds too.

I have them growing outside already in pots, the weather is poor and the light is poor too, that doesnt matter, im not after quality smoke, im after seeds.

So if they grow lanky and look like trash, I dont care.

Im fed up of paying £40 for 10 seeds when I know I can get a fem to give me 100 seeds for free ;)

i feel the same way just tryin to figure out how to putt them outdoors
Grow inside for 2-4 weeks, your call.

Then put them outside in pots for 2 hours a day for 2 days, then 4 hours a day for 4 days, then outside full time ;)

I don't know how many you are doing, but if it's like 20 plants, then maybe an 8 inch pot or 32 oz container until they sex - then harden off like said earlier. This summer I actually want to start off with at least 500 autos, start them in 20 oz container until they show then hike them to a several good locations, and even make a lot more seeds.
what do you mean by harden off and i plan on doing 120 then another 120 or something close in a few patches
Harden off simply means getting the plant used to being outside in nature.

2 x 120 :eek:

Thats a lot of pots :p

By the time your ready for the big grow, the weather will be good enough to grow them all directly outside.

lol yes it is alot of pots but i dont see away to avoide it alot of fox farm soil to i was worried about them not doing that good starting off and how do i get then used to outdoors like i side i dont do outdoor lol thanks
When you do your big grow just put the germinated seed into a pot and put it straight outside.
wish me the best

jusat have to worrie bout animals
Good luck :)

Growing outside has its risks, lots of them.

Especially 120 plants being seen from the air.

Spread them about into small clusters ;)

Deer Fence works good for keeping the deer away. It's a spray with coyote urine in it or something. It worked good for me, I sprayed it all around the area.
Just in case you were still drawing a blank. Try sporting goods stores, gun shops, better garden supply stores, google, ebay?
Hey wesley. I think an easy, low stress way to transplant from the pot to the ground is to cut the bottom of the pot off, tape it back on, then start them indoors. Once you are ready to plant them in the ground, just remove the tape and the bottom, dig a hole and cover the pot. The roots will find their way.

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